1,254 research outputs found

    Electron-Phonon Interaction in Embedded Semiconductor Nanostructures

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    The modification of acoustic phonons in semiconductor nanostructures embedded in a host crystal is investigated including corrections due to strain within continuum elasticity theory. Effective elastic constants are calculated employing {\em ab initio} density functional theory. For a spherical InAs quantum dot embedded in GaAs barrier material, the electron-phonon coupling is calculated. Its strength is shown to be suppressed compared to the assumption of bulk phonons

    Correction of vertical dispersion and betatron coupling for the CLIC damping ring

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    The sensitivity of the CLIC damping ring to various kinds of alignment errors has been studied. Without any correction, fairly small vertical misalignments of the quadrupoles and, in particular, the sextupoles, introduce unacceptable distortions of the closed orbit as well as intolerable spurious vertical dispersion and coupling due to the strong focusing optics of the damping ring. A sophisticated beam-based correction scheme has been developed to bring the design target emittances and the dynamic aperture back to the ideal value. The correction using dipolar correctors and several skew quadrupole correctors allows a minimization of the closed-orbit distortion, the cross-talk between vertical and horizontal closed orbits, the residual vertical dispersion and the betatron coupling

    Simulations of Coherent Beam-Beam Modes at the LHC

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    The transverse coherent oscillations of the two colliding LHC proton beams are studied via multi-particle tracking, using the beam-beam force of a Gaussian distribution with variable barycenters and rms sizes. In addition to head-on collisions, our simulation optionally includes the effect of long-range collisions and an external impedance. Simulation results are the coherent and incoherent oscillation frequencies, the emittance growth of either beam, and evidence for the existence or absence of Landau damping. We find that with equal beam sizes and equal tunes Landau damping acts on the coherent modes for current ratios smaller than 60%. For equal current ratio, Landau damping of the coherent dipole oscillations is lost. However it can be restored by separating the tunes, provided the external impedance is sufficiently small

    Simulations of coherent beam-beam modes at the Large Hadron Collider

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    The transverse coherent motion of two colliding proton beams at the Large Hadron Collider is studied by multiparticle tracking. We use the beam-beam force for a Gaussian beam distribution with variable barycenters and rms beam sizes, and optionally include the effect of long-range collisions and external impedance. The simulation yields the coherent and incoherent oscillation frequencies, the emittance growth of either beam, and evidence for the existence or lack of Landau damping. For head-on collisions of beams with equal sizes, we find that the pi -mode frequency lies outside of the continuum frequency spread, if the ratio of the beam-beam parameters exceeds 0.6, in accordance with predictions. For smaller ratios of the beam- beam parameters, or if, for equal beam-beam parameters, the beam sizes are widely different, the pi mode is Landau damped. When long- range collisions are also included, undamped coherent modes do still exist outside the continuum, both with and without alternating crossing planes at two interaction points. However, separating the tunes of the two beams restores the Landau damping, provided the external impedance is sufficiently small. (19 refs)

    Coherent Beam-Beam Oscillations at the LHC

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    The transverse coherent motion of the two colliding LHC beams is studied by multi-particle tracking, where the beam-beam force is calculated assuming a Gaussian beam distribution with variable barycentres and rms beam sizes. The simulation yields the coherent and incoherent oscillation frequencies, the emittance growth of either beam, and evidence for the existence or lack of Landau damping. The transverse beam sizes change with the fractional part of the tune as expected from the dynamic beta effect. For head-on collisions, we find that the pi-mode frequency lies outside of the continuum frequency spread if the ratio of the beam-beam parameters exceeds 0.6, in accordance with predictions [1]. For smaller ratios, the pi-mode is Landau damped. When long range interactions are also included, undamped coherent modes do still exist outside the continuum, both with and without alternating crossing planes at two interaction points. However, the simulation shows that separating the tunes of the two beams can restore the Landau damping

    X-ray induced persistent photoconductivity in Si-doped Al0.35_{0.35}Ga0.65_{0.65}As

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    We demonstrate that X-ray irradiation can be used to induce an insulator-metal transition in Si-doped Al0.35_{0.35}Ga0.65_{0.65}As, a semiconductor with {\it DX} centers. The excitation mechanism of the {\it DX} centers into their shallow donor state was revealed by studying the photoconductance along with fluorescence. The photoconductance as a function of incident X-ray energy exhibits an edge both at the Ga and As K-edge, implying that core-hole excitation of Ga and As are efficient primary steps for the excitation of {\it DX} centers. A high quantum yield (≫1\gg 1) suggests that the excitation is indirect and nonlocal, due to secondary electrons, holes, and fluorescence photons.Comment: 3 pages of text, 6 figures. An error in Fig.5 was detected, so we corrected i

    Damping rings for CLIC

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    The Compact Linear Colider (CLIC) is designed to operate at 3 TeV centre-of-mass energy with a total luminosity of 10^35 cm^-2 s^-1. The overall system design leads to extremely demanding requirements on the bunch trains injected into the main libac at frequency of 100 Hz. In particular, the emittances of the intense bunches have to be about an order of magnitude smaller than presently achieved. We describe our approach to finding a damping ring design capable of meeting these requirements. Besides lattice design, emittance and damping rate considerations, a number of scattering and instability effects have to be incorporated into the optimisation of parameters. Among these, intra-bem scattering and the electron cloud effect are two of the most significant

    Equilibrium Beam Distribution and Halo in the LHC

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    The equilibrium LHC beam distribution at large amplitudes is a crucial input to the collimation and machine protection design, as well as to background studies. Its estimation requires a knowledge of the diffusion rates at which beam particles are transported to large transverse or longitudinal amplitudes. Important known mechanisms of particle diffusion include Touschek scattering, synchrotron radiation, intrabeam scattering (IBS) the nonlinear motion due to the long-range (LR) beam-beam (BB) collisions at top energy, persistent-current field errors during injection and at the start of acceleration, and Coulomb scattering off the residual gas. We summarize the expected contributions from different sources, introduce a diffusion model, and illustrate the evolution of the beam distribution at 7 TeV

    Luminosity Tuning at the Interaction Point

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    Minimisation of the emittance in a linear collider is not enough to achieve optimal performance. For optimisation of the luminosity, tuning of collision parameters such as angle, offset, waist, etc. is needed, and a fast and reliable tuning signal is required. In this paper tuning knobs are presented, and their optimisation using beamstrahlung as a tuning signal is studied
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