6,504 research outputs found

    Alkoxyallene‐Based LANCA Three‐Component Synthesis of 1,2‐Diketones, Quinoxalines, and Unique Isoindenone Dimers and a Computational Study of the Isoindenone Dimerization

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    A series of ÎČ‐alkoxy‐ÎČ‐ketoenamides was prepared by the well‐established LANCA three‐component reaction of lithiated 1‐(2‐trimethylsilylethoxy)‐substituted allenes, nitriles, and α,ÎČ‐unsaturated carboxylic acids. The α‐tert‐butyl‐substituted compounds were smoothly converted into the expected 1,2‐diketones by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid. A subsequent condensation of the 1,2‐diketones with o‐phenylenediamine provided the desired highly substituted quinoxalines in good overall yield. Surprisingly, the α‐phenyl‐substituted ÎČ‐alkoxy‐ÎČ‐ketoenamides investigated afford not only the expected 1,2‐diketones, but also pentacyclic compounds with an anti‐tricyclo[,5]deca‐3,7‐diene‐9,10‐dione core. These interesting products are very likely the result of an isoindenone dimerization which was mechanistically studied with the support of DFT calculations. Under the strongly acidic reaction conditions, a stepwise reaction is likely leading to a protonated isoindenone as reactive intermediate. It may first form a van der Waals complex with a neutral isoindenone before the two regio‐ and diastereoselective ring forming steps occur. Interestingly, two neutral or two protonated isoindenones are also predicted to dimerize giving the observed pentacyclic product

    Nonlinear ac susceptibility studies of high-TcT_c rings: Influence of the structuring method and determination of the flux creep exponent

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    We have studied the influence of the patterning procedure on the critical current density of high-TcT_c YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−ή_{7-\delta} thin rings using the nonlinear ac susceptibility method. At no applied dc magnetic field we have found that laser ablation degrades strongly the critical current density whereas ion beam etching has only a weak influence on it. From the measurements at different frequencies and dc magnetic fields we analyzed the influence of flux creep and obtained the field dependence of the flux creep exponent. Our data reconfirm the recently observed scaling relation for the nonlinear susceptibility response of type-II superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Into the Desert: The Horn Expedition of 1894

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    On line-Real Time Systems for Customer Service Operations

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    Religious Expression in American Literature

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    BekÀmpfung der Blutlaus durch Freilassung von Blutlauszehrwespen aus Massenzucht

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    Ziel des Projektes war die Erarbeitung eines Verfahrens zur Regulierung der Blutlaus (Eriosoma lanigerum), eines wirtschaftlich bedeutenden SchĂ€dlings im ökologischen Obstbau, gegen den es momentan keinerlei wirksame BekĂ€mpfungsmöglichkeiten gibt. Hierzu wurde versucht, aus der Erfahrung vorangegangener Versuchsergebnisse ein Verfahren zur BekĂ€mpfung der Blutlaus durch den Einsatz von Blutlauszehrwespen (Aphelinus mali) aus einer NĂŒtzlingszucht zu entwickeln und zur Praxisreife zu bringen. Die Zehrwespe ist ein natĂŒrlich vorkommender Gegenspieler, dem es aufgrund mangelnder Synchronisation zwischen SchĂ€dling und NĂŒtzling nicht rechtzeitig gelingt, den Schaden durch die Blutlaus zu verhindern. 2004 konnten mit dem Einsatz von parasitierten Blutlausmumien keine zufrieden stellenden Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Die Produktion der Mumien war fĂŒr den NĂŒtzlingsproduzenten mit erheblichen Schwierigkeiten verbunden. Die wĂŒnschenswerte Lagerung der Mumien fĂŒhrte zu hoher MortalitĂ€t und Verzögerungen im Schlupfverlauf. Die Versuche mit adulten Zehrwespen 2005 zeigten im Gegensatz zu den Versuchen mit Mumien im Vorjahr auswertbare Ergebnisse. Allerdings reichten auch hier die erzielten Wirkungsgrade nicht fĂŒr eine vollstĂ€ndige BekĂ€mpfung und damit der Vermeidung von SchĂ€den an den BĂ€umen aus. Die Parasitierungsleistung von A. mali wird im Wesentlichen von zwei Faktoren beeinflusst: der Temperatur und der vorhandenen Lichtmenge. Unter normalen Witterungsbedingungen macht daher der zeitige Einsatztermin im FrĂŒhjahr keinen Sinn, da A. mali in der Regel keine geeigneten Vermehrungsbedingungen vorfindet. Zudem ist A. mali der Blutlaus in Bezug auf die Vermehrungsrate unterlegen. Ein Kombinationsverfahren mit einer Ölspritzung und nachfolgender Freilassung von Zehrwespen unter klimatisch gĂŒnstigeren Bedingungen wurde 2006 durchgefĂŒhrt und brachte mit Wirkungsgraden von etwa 60 % Ă€hnliche Ergebnisse wie 2005. Die Blutlauszehrwespe A. mali ist in der Lage, den Befall durch die Blutlaus zu reduzieren, jedoch nicht zu regulieren und SchĂ€den an den BĂ€umen vollstĂ€ndig zu verhindern

    Life in the lee: Local distributions and orientations of honeycomb worms along the California coast

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    In the rocky intertidal, invertebrates living in dense, intraspecific groups may be particularly important community members because they provide structural habitat for other species. Despite the prevalence of conspecific aggregates, there is scant knowledge of the proximate and ultimate causes of their distributions. Phragmatopoma californica is a gregarious, suspension-feeding tubeworm that forms extensive reefs ( honeycombs ) along the California coast. Local distributions and sizes of worm aggregations, tube orientations and worm mass were quantified to identify patterns and generate hypotheses regarding potential structuring processes. Field surveys were conducted at five intertidal boulder fields in northern and southern California, spanning much of this species\u27 range. Observational data were obtained at four ecologically meaningful spatial scales. The most striking patterns occurred at the smallest (\u3c1 m, individual rock), pervading throughout the largest (50–500 km, among beaches), scales. Aggregations were significantly more abundant and larger on back (shoreward) than front (seaward) faces of boulders. Worm tube orientations also showed a significant directional bias that differed between opposing rock surfaces. In contrast, worm mass was not significantly different between the two faces, perhaps due to relatively uniform growth conditions on the scale of a rock or because worms had reached a terminal size. We hypothesize that within-rock aggregation distributions are associated with the local boulder-induced flow regime. The recirculation zone that forms in the lee of a flow obstacle (rock) would preferentially retain larvae, and thus, enhance the flux of settlers to the back surface. Potentially a region of relatively low wave disturbance and high fertilization rate, life in the lee may be yet another adaptation for survival in the hostile rocky intertidal
