8 research outputs found

    Review of A* (A Star) Navigation Mesh Pathfinding as the Alternative of Artificial Intelligent for Ghosts Agent on the Pacman Game

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    Shortest pathfinding problem has become a populer issue in Game’s Artificial Intelligent (AI). This paper discussed the effective way to optimize the shortest pathfinding problem, namely Navigation Mesh (NavMesh). This method is very interesting because it has a large area of implementation, especially in games world. In this paper, NavMesh was implemented by using A* (A star) algorithm and examined in Unity 3D game engine. A* was an effective algorithm in shortest pathfinding problem because its optimization was made with effective tracing using segmentation line. Pac-Man game was chosen as the example of the shortest pathfinding by using NavMesh in Unity 3D. A* algorithm was implemented on the enemies of Pac-Man (three ghosts),  which path was designed by using NavMesh concept. Thus, the movement of ghosts in catching Pac-Man was the result of this review of the effectiveness of this concept. In further research, this method could be implemented on several optimization programmes, such as Geographic Information System (GIS), robotics, and statistics

    Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Jarak Jauh Untuk Laboratorium Video Broadcasting Berbasis Virtual Reality Kolaboratif

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    The current covid-19 pandemic demands us that distance learning must be operated and defined as well as possible for a while. No choice to attend the real classroom. A quite complicated problem is how to present practicum learning and laboratory work (especially for vocational education) in online media?. So, this application here to answer by presenting an interactive virtual laboratory which can be implemented with collaborative practitioners remotely. With Virtual Reality (VR) technology which is synchronized on the internet, the interaction between the supervisor and the practitioners (students who are practicing) are presented with avatar characters who are gathered in a virtual world. Beside they able to communicate with each other using voice, their avatars will also be presented in the virtual room of broadcasting laboratory as a team that capable to do practical work together. Furthermore, their avatars can shake hands, communicate with gestures, and all things look likes happens in the real- broadcasting laboratory. TKhe broadcasting laboratory practicum activities here include virtual cameramen, video switching controllers, and manager or producer who organize these video-broadcasting activities, all of those activities will be presented with collaborative-remote virtual activities. By using the VR plugin on Steam, several multiplayer library packages on the Unity game engine, as well as character creation built with good inverse-kinematics rigging. Each player / user 3D Avatar character can be presented realistically and naturally.Keywords: virtual broadcasting laboratory, distance learning, virtual reality, online practicum.ABSTRAKMasa pandemi covid 19 saat ini menuntut kita agar pembelajaran jarak jauh bisa dilakukuan dengan interaktif dan sebaik mungkin. Permasalahan yang cukup rumit adalah bagaimana menghadirkan pembelajaran praktikum dan kerja-kerja laboratorium (terutama untuk pendidikan vokasi) dalam media daring. Maka perangkat ini hadir untuk menjawabnya dengan menghadirkan laboratorium virtual interaktif yang bisa dilakukan dengan kolaborasi praktikan dalam jarak jauh. Dengan teknologi Virtual Reality (VR) yang disinkronisasi dalam jaringan internet, interaksi antara pembimbing dengan para praktikan (para siswa/mahasiswa yang sedang melakukan praktek) disini dihadirkan dalam bentuk karakter avatar yang sedang berkumpul dalam dunia virtual. Masing-masing mereka selain dapat saling berkomunikasi menggunakan suara, avatar mereka juga akan dihadirkan dalam ruang lab broadcasting virtual sebagai satu tim yang mampu melakukan kerja praktek secara bersama. Bahkan avatar mereka bisa saling bersalaman, berkomunikasi dengan gerak gestur, dan segala hal seperti layaknya kejadian yang terjadi di laboratorium broadcasting dalam dunia nyata. Kegiatan praktikum laboratorium broadcasting disini meliputi pengarah kamera virtual, pengatur switching video, dan menejer atau produser yang mengatur jalannya kegiatan broadcasting tersebut, yang semuanya akan dihadirkan dalam bentuk aktivitas virtual secara kolaboratif-jarak jauh. Dengan menggunakan plugin VR pada Steam, beberapa paket library multiplayer pada game engine Unity, serta pembuatan karakter yang dibangun dengan penulangan (rigging) kinematika terbalik yang baik. Karakter 3D Avatar masing-masing pemain/pengguna mampu dihadirkan dengan realistis dan lebih natural.Kata kunci :  laboratorium broadcasting virtual, pembelajaran jarak jauh, virtual reality, praktikum daring

    Performance Analysis of Specification Computer and Mobile with Implementation Tawaf Virtual Reality using A* Algorithm and RVO System

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    High-Performance Computer (HPC) is computer systems that are built to be able to solve computational loads. HPC can provide a high-performance technology and short the computing processes timing. This technology was often used in large-scale industries and several activities that require high-level computing, such as rendering virtual reality technology. In this research, we provide Tawaf’s Virtual Reality with 1000 of Pilgrims and realistic surroundings of Masjidil-Haram as the interactive and immersive simulation technology by imitating them with 3D models. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to calculate and to understand the processing time of its Virtual Reality with the implementation of tawaf activities using various platforms; such as computer and Android smartphone. The results showed that the outer-line or outer rotation of Kaa’bah mostly consumes minimum times although he must pass the longer distance than the closer one.  It happened because the agent with the closer area to Kaabah is facing the crowded peoples. It means an obstacle has the more impact than the distances in this case


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    Sistem Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (SIBI) yang merupakan bahasa baku untuk para penyandang tunarungu/wicara di Indonesia belum banyak dikenali dan dipahami oleh masyarakat umum, sehingga masih terjadi jarak yang renggang antara orang normal dan kaum penyandang divabel tersebut dalam hal interaksi sehari-hari di masyarakat. Terkadang memang belajar SIBI tidak menarik bagi orang normal karena dianggap hal tersebut tidak dibutuhkan, sementara para penyandang tunarungu/wicara sangat butuh bahasa ini karena tidak ada pilihan lain dalam berinteraksi. Game ini menyajikan solusi pendidikan SIBI yang menyenangkan khususnya bagi orang normal yang akan memahami Bahasa SIBI sambil bermain game ataupun bagi para penyandang tunarungu/wicara sendiri yang ingin bermain dan belajar dengan bahasa isyaratnya. Game disajikan dengan nuansa AR (augmented reality) agar lingkungan permainan terasa nyata dan menyatu dengan sekitar pemain. Sedangkan interaksi bahasa isyarat tangan user akan dimediasi melalui perangkat sensor leap motion. Perangkat leapmotion didesain agar mampu membaca setiap gestur gerakan bahasa isyarat SIBI dalam beberapa frame yang diperagakan oleh pemain. Sistem terlebih dahulu akan menyimpan semua jawaban game dalam datasheet gestur Bahasa SIBI, sehingga saat pemain memberikan jawaban dengan bahasa isyarat tangan, leap motion akan merekam dan mencocokkannya dengan datasheet yang telah disimpan sebelumny

    Semi Automatic Retargeting for Facial Expressions of 3D Characters with Fuzzy logicBased on Blendshape Interpolation

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    To produce a 3D virtual character's face expression of human’s natural face expressions, facial motion capture is the technique considered to be the most effective one, especially in terms of production speed. However, there are still some results showing that the expression is not so expressive, especially on the side of the 3D character which has a different facial features than the real models regarding to the application of it. In this research, the correction of the basic expressions of faces in the process of facial motion retargeting was done by using blendshape interpolation method that was based on fuzzy logic. Blendshape interpolation method is the method used to combine multiple shapes into one blend with the concept of interpolation. In this research, the process of blendshape meets the concept of linear interpolation which the movement of a point of vertexon blendshape used straight lines . Blendshape method will be run as a proofreader on the results of retargeting process. Theweighting of blendshape will be assigned automatically from the results of the calculation of fuzzy logic, which refers to the input of the marker position of the facial motion retargeting. This weight is then used to provide improvements to create more expressive expressions. This process will be easier and faster to do than doing customize one by one at the vertex point manually. To avoid the appearance of irregular motion (haphazard movement), it is necessary to give the limitation of the weight (weight constraint) with range of [0,1]. Keywords : Blendshape, retargeting, fuzzy logic, facial motion capture

    Semi Automatic Retargeting for Facial Expressions of 3D Characters with Fuzzy logicBased on Blendshape Interpolation

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    To produce a 3D virtual character's face expression of human’s natural face expressions, facial motion capture is the technique considered to be the most effective one, especially in terms of production speed. However, there are still some results showing that the expression is not so expressive, especially on the side of the 3D character which has a different facial features than the real models regarding to the application of it. In this research, the correction of the basic expressions of faces in the process of facial motion retargeting was done by using blendshape interpolation method that was based on fuzzy logic. Blendshape interpolation method is the method used to combine multiple shapes into one blend with the concept of interpolation. In this research, the process of blendshape meets the concept of linear interpolation which the movement of a point of vertexon blendshape used straight lines . Blendshape method will be run as a proofreader on the results of retargeting process. Theweighting of blendshape will be assigned automatically from the results of the calculation of fuzzy logic, which refers to the input of the marker position of the facial motion retargeting. This weight is then used to provide improvements to create more expressive expressions. This process will be easier and faster to do than doing customize one by one at the vertex point manually. To avoid the appearance of irregular motion (haphazard movement), it is necessary to give the limitation of the weight (weight constraint) with range of [0,1].Keywords : Blendshape, retargeting, fuzzy logic, facial motion capture

    Surabaya Heroes Monument Topographic Data Acquisition Using Quad-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

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    The acquisition of 2D images of the Heroes Monument of Surabaya is a challenging task for the image-based modelling due its historical architecture complexity and structural delicacy. An effective approach of 2D acquisition is using multiple circular orbital with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Therefore, a quadcopter non fixed wing equipped with Global Positioning Satellite (GPS), mounted camera, and flight planning using circular orbits are the main key to take the 2D images steadily. Moreover, a field survey of preparation and observation area surroundings object is conducted to plan the part of the object that need to acquire with some details. UAV requires a plain sight to take off and frees from any obstacle which is able to interrupt UAV navigation. Thus, there are 4 phases to acquire 2D images, on every phase, they need one circle to finish and move them to other phases. While UAV loitering circle the object, the pilot manually took the 2D image. As a result, along with 80%, the overlapping of 2D images and more than 150 images have been collected, they are possible to be modeled into 3