44 research outputs found

    An overview & analysis of sequence-to-sequence emotional voice conversion

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    Emotional voice conversion (EVC) focuses on converting a speech utterance from a source to a target emotion; it can thus be a key enabling technology for human-computer interaction applications and beyond. However, EVC remains an unsolved research problem with several challenges. In particular, as speech rate and rhythm are two key factors of emotional conversion, models have to generate output sequences of differing length. Sequence-to-sequence modelling is recently emerging as a competitive paradigm for models that can overcome those challenges. In an attempt to stimulate further research in this promising new direction, recent sequence-to-sequence EVC papers were systematically investigated and reviewed from six perspectives: their motivation, training strategies, model architectures, datasets, model inputs, and evaluation methods. This information is organised to provide the research community with an easily digestible overview of the current state-of-the-art. Finally, we discuss existing challenges of sequence-to-sequence EVC

    Frustration recognition from speech during game interaction using wide residual networks

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    ABSTRACT Background Although frustration is a common emotional reaction during playing games, an excessive level of frustration can harm users’ experiences, discouraging them from undertaking further game interactions. The automatic detection of players’ frustration enables the development of adaptive systems, which through a real-time difficulty adjustment, would adapt the game to the user’s specific needs; thus, maximising players experience and guaranteeing the game success. To this end, we present our speech-based approach for the automatic detection of frustration during game interactions, a specific task still under-explored in research. Method The experiments were performed on the Multimodal Game Frustration Database (MGFD), an audiovisual dataset—collected within the Wizard-of-Oz framework—specially tailored to investigate verbal and facial expressions of frustration during game interactions. We explored the performance of a variety of acoustic feature sets, including Mel-Spectrograms and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), as well as the low dimensional knowledge-based acoustic feature set eGeMAPS. Due to the always increasing improvements achieved by the use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in speech recognition tasks, unlike the MGFD baseline—based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier—in the present work we take into consideration typically used CNNs, including ResNets, VGG, and AlexNet. Furthermore, given the still open debate on the shallow vs deep networks suitability, we also examine the performance of two of the latest deep CNNs, i. e., WideResNets and EfficientNet. Results Our best result, achieved with WideResNets and Mel-Spectrogram features, increases the system performance from 58.8 % Unweighted Average Recall (UAR) to 93.1 % UAR for speech-based automatic frustration recognition

    An Overview of Affective Speech Synthesis and Conversion in the Deep Learning Era

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    Speech is the fundamental mode of human communication, and its synthesis has long been a core priority in human-computer interaction research. In recent years, machines have managed to master the art of generating speech that is understandable by humans. But the linguistic content of an utterance encompasses only a part of its meaning. Affect, or expressivity, has the capacity to turn speech into a medium capable of conveying intimate thoughts, feelings, and emotions -- aspects that are essential for engaging and naturalistic interpersonal communication. While the goal of imparting expressivity to synthesised utterances has so far remained elusive, following recent advances in text-to-speech synthesis, a paradigm shift is well under way in the fields of affective speech synthesis and conversion as well. Deep learning, as the technology which underlies most of the recent advances in artificial intelligence, is spearheading these efforts. In the present overview, we outline ongoing trends and summarise state-of-the-art approaches in an attempt to provide a comprehensive overview of this exciting field.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of IEE

    An Early Study on Intelligent Analysis of Speech under COVID-19: Severity, Sleep Quality, Fatigue, and Anxiety

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    The COVID-19 outbreak was announced as a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation in March 2020 and has affected a growing number of people in the past few weeks. In this context, advanced artificial intelligence techniques are brought to the fore in responding to fight against and reduce the impact of this global health crisis. In this study, we focus on developing some potential use-cases of intelligent speech analysis for COVID-19 diagnosed patients. In particular, by analysing speech recordings from these patients, we construct audio-only-based models to automatically categorise the health state of patients from four aspects, including the severity of illness, sleep quality, fatigue, and anxiety. For this purpose, two established acoustic feature sets and support vector machines are utilised. Our experiments show that an average accuracy of .69 obtained estimating the severity of illness, which is derived from the number of days in hospitalisation. We hope that this study can foster an extremely fast, low-cost, and convenient way to automatically detect the COVID-19 disease

    Identification of Atg5-dependent transcriptional changes and increases in mitochondrial mass in Atg5-deficient T lymphocytes

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    Autophagy is implicated in many functions of mammalian cells such as organelle recycling, survival and differentiation, and is essential for the maintenance of T and B lymphocytes. Here, we demonstrate that autophagy is a constitutive process during T cell development. Deletion of the essential autophagy genes Atg5 or Atg7 in T cells resulted in decreased thymocyte and peripheral T cell numbers, and Atg5-deficient T cells had a decrease in cell survival. We employed functional-genetic and integrative computational analyses to elucidate specific functions of the autophagic process in developing T-lineage lymphocytes. Our whole-genome transcriptional profiling identified a set of 699 genes differentially expressed in Atg5-deficient and Atg5-sufficient thymocytes (Atg5-dependent gene set). Strikingly, the Atg5-dependent gene set was dramatically enriched in genes encoding proteins associated with the mitochondrion. In support of a role for autophagy in mitochondrial maintenance in T lineage cells, the deletion of Atg5 led to increased mitochondrial mass in peripheral T cells. We also observed a correlation between mitochondrial mass and Annexin-V staining in peripheral T cells. We propose that autophagy is critical for mitochondrial maintenance and T cell survival. We speculate that, similar to its role in yeast or mammalian liver cells, autophagy is required in T cells for the removal of damaged or aging mitochondria and that this contributes to the cell death of autophagy-deficient T cells