15 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Integrated analysis of hematopoietic differentiation outcomes and molecular characterization reveals unbiased differentiation capacity and minor transcriptional memory in HPC/HSC-iPSCs

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    The expression of SSEA-1 in ESCs and iPSCs after 8 days of co-culture with OP9 stromal cells. In the first column, ESCs and iPSCs that were cultured on feeder cells for 8 days were isolated by SSC (side scatter) and SSEA-1. In the second column, ESCs or iPSCs that were co-cultured with OP9 stromal cells for 8 days were isolated by SSC and SSEA-1. APC adipose progenitor cell, MEF mouse embryonic fibroblast, HPC/HSC hematopoietic progenitor and stem cell, iPSC induced pluripotent stem cell, SSC side scatter. (TIF 2617 kb

    <i>De novo</i> leaf and root transcriptome analysis to identify putative genes involved in triterpenoid saponins biosynthesis in <i>Hedera helix</i> L.

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    <div><p><i>Hedera helix</i> L. is an important traditional medicinal plant in Europe. The main active components are triterpenoid saponins, but none of the potential enzymes involved in triterpenoid saponins biosynthesis have been discovered and annotated. Here is reported the first study of global transcriptome analyses using the Illumina HiSeq<sup>™</sup> 2500 platform for <i>H</i>. <i>helix</i>. In total, over 24 million clean reads were produced and 96,333 unigenes were assembled, with an average length of 1385 nt; more than 79,085 unigenes had at least one significant match to an existing gene model. Differentially Expressed Gene analysis identified 6,222 and 7,012 unigenes which were expressed either higher or lower in leaf samples when compared with roots. After functional annotation and classification, two pathways and 410 unigenes related to triterpenoid saponins biosynthesis were discovered. The accuracy of these <i>de novo</i> sequences was validated by RT-qPCR analysis and a RACE clone. These data will enrich our knowledge of triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis and provide a theoretical foundation for molecular research on <i>H</i>. <i>helix</i>.</p></div

    COG function classification of <i>H</i>. <i>helix</i> transcriptome.

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    <p>A total of 33,205 unigenes showed significant homology (E-value ≤1.0E-5) to genes in one of the 25 categories (A-W, Y and Z) in the NCBI COGs database.</p

    RT-qPCR validation of selected unigenes involved in triterpene saponin biosynthesis.

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    <p>Columns indicate relative expression obtained by RT-qPCR (left y-axis); lines indicating the expression level were calculated by FPKM method (right y-axis). All data are presented as mean value of three repeats.</p

    Gene similarity of unigenes against the Nr database.

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    <p>(A) E-value distribution of top BLAST hits for each unigene (E-value of 1.0E-5). (B) Similarity distribution of best BLAST hits for each unigene. (C) Distribution of BLAST results by species shown as percentage of total homologous sequences (E-value ≤1.0E-5). All plant proteins in the NCBI Nr database were used for homology search and the best hit of each sequence was used for analysis.</p