21 research outputs found

    Ophthalmic Disorders in Adults with Down Syndrome

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    A myriad of ophthalmic disorders is associated with the phenotype of Down syndrome including strabismus, cataracts, and refractive errors potentially resulting in significant visual impairment. Ophthalmic sequelae have been extensively studied in children and adolescents with Down syndrome but less often in older adults. In-depth review of medical records of older adults with Down syndrome indicated that ophthalmic disorders were common. Cataracts were the most frequent ophthalmic disorder reported, followed by refractive errors, strabismus, and presbyopia. Severity of intellectual disability was unrelated to the presence of ophthalmic disorders. Also, ophthalmic disorders were associated with lower vision-dependent functional and cognitive abilities, although not to the extent that was expected. The high prevalence of ophthalmic disorders highlights the need for periodic evaluations and individualized treatment plans for adults with Down syndrome, in general, but especially when concerns are identified

    Polymorphisms in HSD17B1: Early Onset and Increased Risk of Alzheimer's Disease in Women with Down Syndrome

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    Background/Aims. Genetic variants that affect estrogen activity may influence the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In women with Down syndrome, we examined the relation of polymorphisms in hydroxysteroid-17beta-dehydrogenase (HSD17B1) to age at onset and risk of AD. HSD17B1 encodes the enzyme 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD1), which catalyzes the conversion of estrone to estradiol. Methods. Two hundred and thirty-eight women with DS, nondemented at baseline, 31–78 years of age, were followed at 14–18-month intervals for 4.5 years. Women were genotyped for 5 haplotype-tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the HSD17B1 gene region, and their association with incident AD was examined. Results. Age at onset was earlier, and risk of AD was elevated from two- to threefold among women homozygous for the minor allele at 3 SNPs in intron 4 (rs676387), exon 6 (rs605059), and exon 4 in COASY (rs598126). Carriers of the haplotype TCC, based on the risk alleles for these three SNPs, had an almost twofold increased risk of developing AD (hazard ratio = 1.8, 95% CI, 1.1–3.1). Conclusion. These findings support experimental and clinical studies of the neuroprotective role of estrogen

    Altered DNA Methylation in Leukocytes with Trisomy 21

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    The primary abnormality in Down syndrome (DS), trisomy 21, is well known; but how this chromosomal gain produces the complex DS phenotype, including immune system defects, is not well understood. We profiled DNA methylation in total peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) and T-lymphocytes from adults with DS and normal controls and found gene-specific abnormalities of CpG methylation in DS, with many of the differentially methylated genes having known or predicted roles in lymphocyte development and function. Validation of the microarray data by bisulfite sequencing and methylation-sensitive Pyrosequencing (MS-Pyroseq) confirmed strong differences in methylation (p<0.0001) for each of 8 genes tested: TMEM131, TCF7, CD3Z/CD247, SH3BP2, EIF4E, PLD6, SUMO3, and CPT1B, in DS versus control PBL. In addition, we validated differential methylation of NOD2/CARD15 by bisulfite sequencing in DS versus control T-cells. The differentially methylated genes were found on various autosomes, with no enrichment on chromosome 21. Differences in methylation were generally stable in a given individual, remained significant after adjusting for age, and were not due to altered cell counts. Some but not all of the differentially methylated genes showed different mean mRNA expression in DS versus control PBL; and the altered expression of 5 of these genes, TMEM131, TCF7, CD3Z, NOD2, and NPDC1, was recapitulated by exposing normal lymphocytes to the demethylating drug 5-aza-2′deoxycytidine (5aza-dC) plus mitogens. We conclude that altered gene-specific DNA methylation is a recurrent and functionally relevant downstream response to trisomy 21 in human cells

    Cell type-specific over-expression of chromosome 21 genes in fibroblasts and fetal hearts with trisomy 21

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    BACKGROUND: Down syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy 21 (+21), but the aberrations in gene expression resulting from this chromosomal aneuploidy are not yet completely understood. METHODS: We used oligonucleotide microarrays to survey mRNA expression in early- and late-passage control and +21 fibroblasts and mid-gestation fetal hearts. We supplemented this analysis with northern blotting, western blotting, real-time RT-PCR, and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: We found chromosome 21 genes consistently over-represented among the genes over-expressed in the +21 samples. However, these sets of over-expressed genes differed across the three cell/tissue types. The chromosome 21 gene MX1 was strongly over-expressed (mean 16-fold) in senescent +21 fibroblasts, a result verified by northern and western blotting. MX1 is an interferon target gene, and its mRNA was induced by interferons present in +21 fibroblast conditioned medium, suggesting an autocrine loop for its over-expression. By immunohistochemistry the p78(MX1 )protein was induced in lesional tissue of alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder associated with DS. We found strong over-expression of the purine biosynthesis gene GART (mean 3-fold) in fetal hearts with +21 and verified this result by northern blotting and real-time RT-PCR. CONCLUSION: Different subsets of chromosome 21 genes are over-expressed in different cell types with +21, and for some genes this over-expression is non-linear (>1.5X). Hyperactive interferon signaling is a candidate pathway for cell senescence and autoimmune disorders in DS, and abnormal purine metabolism should be investigated for a potential role in cardiac defects

    Leptin signaling and circuits in puberty and fertility

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    The Association between Sex and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in Adults with Down Syndrome

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    Background: Sex differences in the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in adults with Down Syndrome (DS) have not been extensively investigated, and existing studies have found conflicting results. This study examined the effect of sex on the risk of AD in adults with DS, adjusted for covariates. Methods: Adults with DS were assessed longitudinally for the development of AD. Competing risk survival analyses were used to determine the effect of sex alone and after adjustment for APOE-ε4 status, ethnicity, and level of intellectual disability (ID). Results: Sex differences were significant only in adults over 60 years of age, where men with DS were 6.32 (95% CI: 2.11–18.96, p &lt; 0.001) times more likely to develop AD compared with age-matched women with DS. Conclusions: There is an age-associated effect of sex on the risk of AD, with men over 60 years old having six times the risk of AD compared with age-matched women, independent of APOE-ε4 status, ethnicity, and level of ID

    Prodromal Alzheimer's disease can affect activities of daily living for adults with Down syndrome

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION Alzheimer's disease (AD) affecting adults with Down syndrome (DS‐AD), like late‐onset AD (LOAD) in the neurotypical population, has preclinical, prodromal, and more advanced stages. Only tasks placing high demands on cognition are expected to be affected during the prodromal stage, with activities of daily living (ADLs) typically being spared. However, cognitive demands of ADLs could be high for adults with DS and may be affected during prodromal DS‐AD. METHODS Cognitively stable cases that subsequently developed prodromal DS‐AD were identified within a set of archived data from a previous longitudinal study. Measures of ADLs and multiple cognitive domains were examined over time. RESULTS Clear declines in ADLs accompanied cognitive declines with prodromal DS‐AD while stability in all measures was verified during preclinical DS‐AD. DISCUSSION Operationally defining prodromal DS‐AD is essential to disease staging in this high‐risk population and for informing treatment options and timing as new disease‐modifying drugs become available. Highlights Cognitive and functional stability were demonstrated prior to the onset of prodromal DS‐AD. ADL declines accompanied cognitive declines as adults with DS transitioned to prodromal AD. Declines in ADLs should be a defining feature of prodromal AD for adults with DS. Better characterization of prodromal DS‐AD can improve AD diagnosis and disease staging. Improvements in DS‐AD diagnosis and staging could also inform the timing of interventions