17 research outputs found

    Ciliary Genes Are Down-Regulated in Bronchial Tissue of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Patients

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare, genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by recurrent respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, bronchiectasis and male infertility. The pulmonary phenotype in PCD is caused by the impaired motility of cilia in the respiratory epithelium, due to ultrastructural defects of these organelles. We hypothesized that defects of multi-protein ciliary complexes should be reflected by gene expression changes in the respiratory epithelium. We have previously found that large group of genes functionally related to cilia share highly correlated expression pattern in PCD bronchial tissue. Here we performed an explorative analysis of differential gene expression in the bronchial tissue from six PCD patients and nine non-PCD controls, using Illumina HumanRef-12 Whole Genome BeadChips. We observed 1323 genes with at least 2-fold difference in the mean expression level between the two groups (t-test p-value <0.05). Annotation analysis showed that the genes down-regulated in PCD biopsies (602) were significantly enriched for terms related to cilia, whereas the up-regulated genes (721) were significantly enriched for terms related to cell cycle and mitosis. We assembled a list of human genes predicted to encode ciliary proteins, components of outer dynein arms, inner dynein arms, radial spokes, and intraflagellar transport proteins. A significant down-regulation of the expression of genes from all the four groups was observed in PCD, compared to non-PCD biopsies. Our data suggest that a coordinated down-regulation of the ciliome genes plays an important role in the molecular pathomechanism of PCD

    Mutations in Radial Spoke Head Genes and Ultrastructural Cilia Defects in East-European Cohort of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Patients

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare (1/20,000), multisystem disease with a complex phenotype caused by the impaired motility of cilia/flagella, usually related to ultrastructural defects of these organelles. Mutations in genes encoding radial spoke head (RSPH) proteins, elements of the ciliary ultrastructure, have been recently described. However, the relative involvement of RSPH genes in PCD pathogenesis remained unknown, due to a small number of PCD families examined for mutations in these genes. The purpose of this study was to estimate the involvement of RSPH4A and RSPH9 in PCD pathogenesis among East Europeans (West Slavs), and to shed more light on ultrastructural ciliary defects caused by mutations in these genes. The coding sequences of RSPH4A and RSPH9 were screened in PCD patients from 184 families, using single strand conformational polymorphism analysis and sequencing. Two previously described (Q109X; R490X) and two new RSPH4A mutations (W356X; IVS3_2–5del), in/around exons 1 and 3, were identified; no mutations were found in RSPH9. We estimate that mutations in RSPH4A, but not in RSPH9, are responsible for 2–3% of cases in the East European PCD population (4% in PCD families without situs inversus; 11% in families preselected for microtubular defects). Analysis of the SNP-haplotype background provided insight into the ancestry of repetitively found mutations (Q109X; R490X; IVS3_2–5del), but further studies involving other PCD cohorts are required to elucidate whether these mutations are specific for Slavic people or spread among other European populations. Ultrastructural defects associated with the mutations were analyzed in the transmission electron microscope images; almost half of the ciliary cross-sections examined in patients with RSPH4A mutations had the microtubule transposition phenotype (9+0 and 8+1 pattern). While microtubule transposition was a prevalent ultrastructural defect in cilia from patients with RSPH4A mutations, similar defects were also observed in PCD patients with mutations in other genes

    Perspectives for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a ciliopathy caused by genetically determined impairment of motile cilia&ndash;organelles present on the surface of many types of cells [...

    Advances in therapeutic use of a drug-stimulated translational readthrough of premature termination codons

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    Abstract Premature termination codons (PTCs) in the coding regions of mRNA lead to the incorrect termination of translation and generation of non-functional, truncated proteins. Translational readthrough of PTCs induced by pharmaceutical compounds is a promising way of restoring functional protein expression and reducing disease symptoms, without affecting the genome or transcriptome of the patient. While in some cases proven effective, the clinical use of readthrough-inducing compounds is still associated with many risks and difficulties. This review focuses on problems directly associated with compounds used to stimulate PTC readthrough, such as their interactions with the cell and organism, their toxicity and bioavailability (cell permeability; tissue deposition etc.). Various strategies designed to overcome these problems are presented

    Properties of non-aminoglycoside compounds used to stimulate translational readthrough of ptc mutations in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare disease with autosomal recessive inheritance, caused mostly by bi-allelic gene mutations that impair motile cilia structure and function. Currently, there are no causal treatments for PCD. In many disease models, translational readthrough of premature termination codons (PTC-readthrough) induced by aminoglycosides has been proposed as an effective way of restoring functional protein expression and reducing disease symptoms. However, variable outcomes of pre-clinical trials and toxicity associated with long-term use of aminoglycosides prompt the search for other compounds that might overcome these problems. Because a high proportion of PCD-causing variants are nonsense mutations, readthrough therapies are an attractive option. We tested a group of chemical compounds with known PTC-readthrough potential (ataluren, azithromycin, tylosin, amlexanox, and the experimental compound TC007), collectively referred to as non-aminoglycosides (NAGs). We investigated their PTC-readthrough efficiency in six PTC mutations found in Polish PCD patients, in the context of cell and cilia health, and in comparison to the previously tested aminoglycosides. The NAGs did not compromise the viability of the primary nasal respiratory epithelial cells, and the ciliary beat frequency was retained, similar to what was observed for gentamicin. In HEK293 cells transfected with six PTC-containing inserts, the tested compounds stimulated PTC-readthrough but with lower efficiency than aminoglycosides. The study allowed us to select compounds with minimal negative impact on cell viability and function but still the potential to induce PTC-readthrough.</p

    Phylogenetic and Familial Estimates of Mitochondrial Substitution Rates: Study of Control Region Mutations in Deep-Rooting Pedigrees

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    We studied mutations in the mtDNA control region (CR) using deep-rooting French-Canadian pedigrees. In 508 maternal transmissions, we observed four substitutions (0.0079 per generation per 673 bp, 95% CI 0.0023–0.186). Combined with other familial studies, our results add up to 18 substitutions in 1,729 transmissions (0.0104), confirming earlier findings of much greater mutation rates in families than those based on phylogenetic comparisons. Only 12 of these mutations occurred at independent sites, whereas three positions mutated twice each, suggesting that pedigree studies preferentially reveal a fraction of highly mutable sites. Fitting the data through use of a nonuniform rate model predicts the presence of 40 (95% CI 27–54) such fast sites in the whole CR, characterized by the mutation rate of 274 per site per million generations (95% CI 138–410). The corresponding values for hypervariable regions I (HVI; 1,729 transmissions) and II (HVII; 1,956 transmissions), are 19 and 22 fast sites, with rates of 224 and 274, respectively. Because of the high probability of recurrent mutations, such sites are expected to be of no or little informativity for the evaluation of mutational distances at the phylogenetic time scale. The analysis of substitution density in the alignment of 973 HVI and 650 HVII unrelated European sequences reveals that the bulk of the sites mutate at relatively moderate and slow rates. Assuming a star-like phylogeny and an average time depth of 250 generations, we estimate the rates for HVI and HVII at 23 and 24 for the moderate sites and 1.3 and 1.0 for the slow sites. The fast, moderate, and slow sites, at the ratio of 1:2:13, respectively, describe the mutation-rate heterogeneity in the CR. Our results reconcile the controversial rate estimates in the phylogenetic and familial studies; the fast sites prevail in the latter, whereas the slow and moderate sites dominate the phylogenetic-rate estimations

    Gene expression studies in cells from primary ciliary dyskinesia patients identify 208 potential ciliary genes

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    Cilia are small cellular projections that either act as sensors (primary cilia) or propel fluid over the epithelia of various organs (motile cilia). The organellum has gained much attention lately because of its involvement in a group of human diseases called ciliopathies. Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive ciliopathy caused by mutations in cilia motility genes. The disease is characterized by recurrent respiratory tract infections due to the lack of an efficient mucociliary clearance. We performed whole-genome gene expression profiling in bronchial biopsies from PCD patients. We used the quality threshold clustering algorithm to identify groups of genes that revealed highly correlated RNA expression patterns in the biopsies. The largest cluster contained 372 genes and was significantly enriched for genes related to cilia. The database and literature search showed that 164 genes in this cluster were known cilia genes, strongly indicating that the remaining 208 genes were likely to be new cilia genes. The tissue expression pattern of the 208 new cilia genes and the 164 known genes was consistent with the presence of motile cilia in a given tissue. The analysis of the upstream promotor sequences revealed evidence for RFX transcription factors binding site motif in both subgroups. Based on the correlated expression patterns in PCD-affected tissues, we identified 208 genes that we predict to be involved in cilia biology. Our predictions are based directly on the human material and not on model organisms. This list of genes provides candidate genes for PCD and other ciliopathies

    Aminoglycoside-stimulated readthrough of premature termination codons in selected genes involved in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    <p>Translational readthrough of premature termination codons (PTCs) induced by pharmacological compounds has proven to be an effective way of restoring functional protein expression and reducing symptoms in several genetic disorders. We tested the potential of different concentrations of several aminoglycosides (AAGs) for promoting PTC-readthrough in 5 genes involved in the pathogenesis of primary ciliary dyskinesia, an inherited disorder caused by the dysfunction of motile cilia and flagella. The efficiency of readthrough stimulation of PTCs cloned in dual reporter vectors was examined in 2 experimental settings: <i>in vitro</i> (transcription/translation system) and <i>ex vivo</i> (transiently transfected epithelial cell line). PTC-readthrough was observed in 5 of the 16 mutations analyzed. UGA codons were more susceptible to AAG-stimulated readthrough than UAG; no suppression of UAA was observed. The efficiency of PTC-readthrough <i>in vitro</i> (from less than 1% to ∼28% of the translation from the corresponding wild-type constructs) differed with the AAG type and concentration, and depended on the combination of AAG and PTC, indicating that each PTC has to be individually tested with a range of stimulating compounds. The maximal values of PTC suppression observed in the <i>ex vivo</i> experiments were, depending on AAG used, 3–5 times lower than the corresponding values <i>in vitro</i>, despite using AAG concentrations that were 2 orders of magnitude higher. This indicates that, while the <i>in vitro</i> system is sufficient to examine the readthrough-susceptibility of PTCs, it is not sufficient to test the compounds potential to stimulate PTC-readthrough in the living cells. Most of the tested compounds (except for G418) at their highest concentrations did not disturb ciliogenesis in the cultures of primary respiratory epithelial cells from healthy donors.</p

    Sequence analysis of 21 genes located in the Kartagener syndrome linkage region on chromosome 15q

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder, which shows extensive genetic heterogeneity and is mostly inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion. There are four genes with a proven pathogenetic role in PCD. DNAH5 and DNAI1 are involved in 28 and 10% of PCD cases, respectively, while two other genes, DNAH11 and TXNDC3, have been identified as causal in one PCD family each. We have previously identified a 3.5cM (2.82 Mb) region on chromosome 15q linked to Kartagener syndrome (KS), a subtype of PCD characterized by the randomization of body organ positioning. We have now refined the KS candidate region to a 1.8Mb segment containing 18 known genes. The coding regions of these genes and three neighboring genes were subjected to sequence analysis in seven KS probands, and we were able to identify 60 single nucleotide sequence variants, 35 of which resided in mRNA coding sequences. However, none of the variations alone could explain the occurrence of the disease in these patients