28 research outputs found

    Challenges and satisfaction in Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Programmes: insights from a Europe-wide survey.

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    OBJECTIVES: The increasing complexity of surgical patients and working time constraints represent challenges for training. In this study, the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Residents' Committee aimed to evaluate satisfaction with current training programmes across Europe. METHODS: We conducted an online survey between October 2018 and April 2019, completed by a total of 219 participants from 24 countries. RESULTS: The average respondent was in the fourth or fifth year of training, mostly on a cardiac surgery pathway. Most trainees follow a 5-6-year programme, with a compulsory final certification exam, but no regular skills evaluation. Only a minority are expected to take the examination by the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Participants work on average 61.0 ± 13.1 h per week, including 27.1 ± 20.2 on-call. In total, only 19.7% confirmed the implementation of the European Working Time Directive, with 42.0% being unaware that European regulations existed. Having designated time for research was reported by 13.0%, despite 47.0% having a postgraduate degree. On average, respondents rated their satisfaction 7.9 out of 10, although 56.2% of participants were not satisfied with their training opportunities. We found an association between trainee satisfaction and regular skills evaluation, first operator experience and protected research time. CONCLUSIONS: On average, residents are satisfied with their training, despite significant disparities in the quality and structure of cardiothoracic surgery training across Europe. Areas for potential improvement include increasing structured feedback, research time integration and better working hours compliance. The development of European guidelines on training standards may support this

    Anomaly of Haughton type D left cervical aortic arch in combination with type B dissection: case report and literature review

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    BACKGROUND: The anomaly of cervical aortic arch is a rare phenomenon first described by Reid in 1914 and categorized by Haughton in 1975. The left cervical aortic arch Type D consisting of an ipsilateral descending aorta and coarctation or aneurysmatic formation of the arch demonstrates a complicated form requiring surgical management. Because of its rarity and unspecific symptoms only few cases are documented with the focus on surgical management. CASE PRESENTATION: A 43-year old, asymptomatic woman presented with a mediastinal mass overlapping the aortic arch region in a routine x-ray. For verification, a computed tomography was performed and revealed incidentally a type B dissection originating from an aneurysm of a left cervical arch with a maximum diameter of 6 cm. Because of the huge diameter and the potential risk of rupture, an urgent surgical repair was planned. Surgical access was performed through median sternotomy and an additional left lateral thoracic incision through the fourth intercostal space. Simultaneously to the preparation, partial cardiopulmonary bypass was installed in the left groin. After preparation of the recurrent and phrenic nerve and the supraaortic branches, the descending aorta was clamped. Before the distal anastomosis to a straight graft, we performed a fenestration of the dissection membrane about a length of 5 cm to preserve the perfusion of both lumina. Then, the straight graft was sutured to the proximal part of descending aorta. The left axillary artery originated directly from the aneurysm and was dissected and reimplanted with a separate 8 mm sidegraft to the straight graft between the distal arch and proximal descending aorta. The patient was extubated on first postoperative day and recovered well. CONCLUSION: The left cervical aortic arch type D is a rare disease, which is prone to aneurysm formation due to abnormal flow patterns and tortuosity of the aorta. The difficulty lays in the identification of the pathology, especially in the physical examination, since a pulsating mass or cervical murmur seem to be the most specific symptoms in the majority of young, female patients. If diagnosed, surgical therapy with resection of the aneurysm and reimplantation of the axillary artery under cardiopulmonary bypass demonstrates the treatment of choice

    Freestyle aortic root prosthesis in combination with aortic replacement and open anastomosis: a retrospective analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The Freestyle® bioprosthesis is used for pathologies of the aortic root. Additional resection of the ascending aorta and the proximal arch in dissections or aneurysms might be indicated. The aim was to assess mid-term outcome regarding prosthetic performance, stroke, reoperations, and survival in various pathologies comparing patients with and without additional procedures on the ascending aorta and proximal arch focusing on the standardised technique of unilateral antegrade cerebral perfusion under moderate hypothermia. METHODS: Retrospective data analysis of 278 consecutive patients after Freestyle® root replacement between September 2007 and March 2017. Patients were divided in three categories due to the pathology of the aortic root (re-operation vs endocarditis vs dissection). Two groups based on the aortic anastomosis technique (open arch anastomosis (OA) versus non-open arch anastomosis (non-OA) were compared (119 OA vs 159 non-OA). Cardiovascular risk, previous cardiac events, intra- and postoperative data were evaluated. Inferential statistics were performed with Mann-Whitney U-test. Nominal and categorical variables were tested with Fisher-Freeman-Halton exact test. Kaplan-Meier estimate was used to assess survival. RESULTS: The follow-up rate was 90% (median follow-up: 39.5 months). There were differences in the indication (endocarditis: OA 5 (4.2%) vs non-OA 36 (24%), p < 0.0001; dissection: OA 13 (10.9%) vs non-OA 2 (1.3%); p = 0.0007). OA patients had less perioperative stroke (1 (1%) vs 15 (10%), p = 0.001) and shorter hospital stay (9 vs 12 days, p = 0.0004). There were no differences in the mortality (in-hospital: OA 8 (7%) vs non-OA 8 (5%); p = 0.6; death at follow-up: OA 5 (5%) vs non-OA 15 (11%); p = 0.1). Overall valve performance showed a well-functioning valve in 97.3% at follow-up. CONCLUSION: The valve performance showed excellent results regardless of the initial indication. The incidence of stroke was lower in patients receiving an open arch anastomosis using unilateral antegrade cerebral perfusion without elevated mortality or prolonged hospital stay

    Perioperative Endocarditis Management in a Patient with Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease

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    Background  Homozygous sickle cell disease (SCD) compounded with bacterial endocarditis makes open-heart surgery a multidisciplinary challenge. Case description  A 45-year-old African male patient with homozygous SCD presented with right heart decompensation, tricuspid regurgitation, and endocarditis of the aortic valve. Blood coulters were positive for coagulase-negative staphylococci. An emergent double valve replacement was successfully performed involving a multidisciplinary team. Conclusion  Homozygous SCD is associated with an increased risk of preoperative vaso-occlusive complications. Surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass can be performed, if hypothermia, hypoxia, acidosis, or low-flows are being avoided. Due to the lack of data, the adequate approach is still intuitive and requires standardization