6 research outputs found

    The Motif of journey by Herman Hesse (Peter Camenzind, Knulp, Siddhartha)

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    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiony został motyw wędrówki w dziełach Hermana Hessego oraz próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: jakie skutki na literaturę przełomu wieków miał romantyzm. Punktem wyjścia pracy była analiza motywu wędrówki w epoce romantyzmu, jej autorów oraz bohaterów literackich. Na przykładzie tych postaci można zauważyć nie tylko ich podobieństwa do bohaterów, których stworzył Herman Hesse lecz także dostrzegalne są różnice. Na przykładzie analizy zarówno romantycznych jak i wykreowanych przez Hessego postaci dostrzegalny jest także rozwój pisarzy i ich nastawienie do problemu outsideryzmu, który to manifestują na przykładzie wędrówki. W tej pracy została także zwrócona uwaga na to iż, motywy, język i symbolika epoki romantyzmu odżyła także na nowo na przełomie wieków. Najważniejszym w niniejszej pracy jest pokazanie dokładnej analizy rozwoju poszczególnych jednostek. Punktem wyjścia jest postać wędrowca, jego uczucia, cele, drogi życiowe, ciągła tęsknota i poszukiwanie sensu życia, ucieczka w dal, w nieznany świat, umiłowanie natury i sztuki- wszystkie te cechy charakteryzują zarówno romantycznych jak i wykreowanych przez Hermana Hessego postaci. Wszyscy wędrowcy: Peter Camenzind, Knulp i Siddhartha, podobnie jak ci romantyczni bohaterowie, wracają zawsze do tego miejsca, z którego wcześniej wyruszyli w świat- a więc do ojczyzny, do domu.In my master's thesis I have presented the motif of journey in the works of Herman Hesse and have attempted to answer the question: what are the effects that turn of the century literature had on Romanticism. The starting point is the analysis of travel as a theme in the Romantic era, for the writers and literary heroes of this age. Based on these characters, we can draw similarities between each of them and Herman Hesse, as much as noticeable differences. Based off of these literarycharacters created by Hesse, there is a perceivable development of writers and their attitude toward the problem of outsiderism, which is manifested in the examples of travel/walking. This master's thesis also pays great attention to the themes, language and symbolism of the Romantic period, which was revived again at the turn of the century.The key of this thesis is to present a thorough analysis of the development of the individual. The starting point is the character of the wanderer, his feelings, goals, ways of life, constant longing and searching for meaning in life, escape into the distance, in an unknown world, love of nature and art-all these features characterize both, in romanticism and characterized by Herman Hesse characters. All wanderers: Peter Camenzind, Knulp and Siddhartha, like those romantic heroes, are alwaysreturning to the same place, from which they wandered into the world- their homeland, their home.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde den Versuch vorgenommen darzustellen, wie das Wandernmotiv in Hermann Hesses Werken gezeigt wurde und welche Nachwirkungen auf die Literatur der Jahrhundertwende die Romantik hat. Der Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der wohl repräsentativsten Wanderung der Romantik und ihrer Künstlergestalten wie: Heinrich von Ofterdingen, Franz Sternbald, Christian aus dem „Runenberg” oder Taugenichts. Am Beispiel dieser Figuren kann man nicht nur Parallelen zu den Protagonisten Hesses sondern auch die Unterschiede sehr gut bemerken. Am Beispiel der romantischen und der hesseschen Werke, die in dieser Arbeit analysiert wurden, lässt sich die Entwicklung der Autoren und ihre Einstellung zu dem Problem des Außenseitertums, das sich in dem gegebenen Fall als Wanderung manifestiert, sehr gut zeigen. In dieser Arbeit wird auch die Aufmerksamkeit darauf gelenkt, dass Motive, Sprache und Symbolik der romantischen Provenienz eine Erneuerung in der Zeit der Jahrhundertwende erleben. Das Wichtigste in dieser Arbeit ist es, die genaue Analyse der Entwicklung eines Individuums zu zeigen. Der Schwerpunkt wird auf die Gestalt des Wanderers gelegt; seine Gefühle, seine Ziele und Lebenswege, seine ständige Sehnsucht und die Suche nach dem Sinn des Lebens, die Flucht in die Ferne, in die fremde Welt, die Verehrung der Natur und Kunst - alle diese Merkmale charakterisieren sowohl romantische Figuren als auch diese, die Hermann Hesse kreiert hat. In dieser Arbeit wurden drei Protagonisten aus Hermann Hesses Werken dargestellt, nämlich Peter Camenzind, Knulp und Siddhartha. Diese alle Wanderer, ähnlich wie romantische Gestalten, kommen immer wieder dort an, von wo sie ausgegangen waren

    Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia post cytotoxic therapy-retrospective analysis of the patients treated in Poland from 2005 to 2022

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    Acute P./myeloid leukemia post cytotoxic therapy (AML-pCT) is rare complication of cancer treatment in childhood. The objective of the study was to identify clinical characteristics and provide an analysis of the outcomes in pediatric AML-pCT. We retrospectively analyzed the data of 40 children with AML-pCT, treated from 2005 to 2020 within the Polish Pediatric Leukemia and Lymphoma Study Group. The most common primary malignancies were acute lymphoblastic leukemia (32.5%) and brain tumors (20%). The median latency period was 2.9 years (range: 0.7–12.9). Probabilities of overall (OS), event-free (EFS), and relapse-free survival (RFS) in the whole cohort were 0.49 ± 0.08, 0.43 ± 0.08, and 0.64 ± 0.10, respectively. Significant improvements in outcomes were observed in patients treated from 2015–2022 (two induction cycles followed by stem cell transplantation—SCT in 69% of patients) compared to 2005–2014 (four induction cycles followed by SCT in 49% of patients). The probability of EFS increased from 0.30 ± 0.10 to 0.67 ± 0.12 (p = 0.07) and RFS increased from 0.46 ± 0.11 to 1.0 (p = 0.01). The poorest outcome (OS and EFS 0.25 ± 0.20) was in AML post brain tumor, mainly due to deaths from toxicities. To conclude, treatment results achieved in patients with AML-pCT treated from 2015–2022, with two induction cycles followed by immediate SCT, were better than those reported by other authors, and comparable to the results in de novo AML

    Characteristics and Outcome of FLT3-ITD-Positive Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia—Experience of Polish Pediatric Leukemia and Lymphoma Study Group from 2005 to 2022

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    Background: The FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) gene mutated in 10–15% of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is associated with an inferior outcome. The aim of the study was to analyze the outcome and characteristics of FLT3-ITD-positive pediatric AML. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the nationwide pediatric AML database from between 2005 and 2022. FLT3-ITD was found in 54/497 (10.7%) patients with available analysis. Three consecutive treatment protocols were used (AML-BFM 2004 Interim, AML-BFM 2012 Registry, AML-BFM 2019 recommendations). Results: Probabilities of 5-year overall (OS), event-free (EFS) and relapse-free survival were significantly lower in the FLT3-ITD-positive patients compared to FLT3-ITD-negative (0.54 vs. 0.71, p = 0.041; 0.36 vs. 0.59, p = 0.0004; 0.47 vs. 0.70, p = 0.0029, accordingly). An improvement in the outcome was found in the analyzed period of time, with a trend of better survival in patients treated under the AML-BFM 2012 and AML-BFM 2019 protocols compared to the AML-BFM 2004 protocol (5-year EFS 0.52 vs. 0.27, p = 0.069). There was a trend of improved outcomes in patients treated with FLT3 inhibitors (n = 9, 2-year EFS 0.67 vs. 0.33, p = 0.053) and those who received stem cell transplantation (SCT) (n = 26; 5-year EFS 0.70 vs. 0.27, p = 0.059). The co-occurrence of the WT1 mutation had a dismal impact on the prognosis (5-year EFS 0.23 vs. 0.69, p = 0.002), while the NPM1 mutation improved survival (5-year OS 1.0 vs. 0.44, p = 0.036). Conclusions: It seems that SCT and FLT3 inhibitors have a beneficial impact on the prognosis. Additional genetic alterations, like the WT1 and NPM1 mutations, significantly influence the outcome

    Advances in the first line treatment of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia in the Polish Pediatric Leukemia and Lymphoma Study Group from 1983 to 2019

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: We retrospectively analyzed the results of the five consecutive treatment protocols for pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) used in Poland from 1983 to 2019 (excluding promyelocytic, secondary, biphenotypic, and Down syndrome AML). The study included 899 children. The probability of three-year overall, event-free, and relapse-free survival increased from 0.34 ± 0.03 to 0.75 ± 0.05, 0.31 ± 0.03 to 0.67 ± 0.05, and 0.52 ± 0.03 to 0.78 ± 0.05, respectively. A systematic reduction of early deaths and deaths in remission was achieved, while the percentage of relapses decreased only in the last therapeutic period. Surprisingly good results were obtained in the group of patients with unfavorable genetic abnormalities like KMT2A-MLLT10/t(10;11)(p12;q23) and DEK-NUP214/t(6;9)(p23;q24) who were treated in the AML-BFM 2012 Registry, while an unsatisfactory outcome was found in patients with FLT3-ITD. The use of standardized therapeutic protocols with the successive consideration of genetic prognostic factors and advances in supportive care led to a significant improvement in AML treatment outcomes over the last 40 years. ABSTRACT: Background: From 1983, standardized therapeutic protocols for pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) based on the BFM group experience were introduced in Poland. We retrospectively analyzed the results of pediatric AML treatment in Poland from 1983 to 2019 (excluding promyelocytic, therapy-related, biphenotypic, and Down syndrome AML). Methods: The study included 899 children suffering from AML treated with the following: AML-PPPLBC 83 (1983–1993, n = 187), AML-PPGLBC 94 (1994–1997, n = 74), AML-PPGLBC 98 (1998–2004, n = 151), AML-BFM 2004 Interim (2004–2015, n = 356), and AML-BFM 2012 (2015–2019, n = 131). Results: The probability of three-year overall survival was 0.34 ± 0.03, 0.37 ± 0.05, 0.54 ± 0.04, 0.67 ± 0.03, and 0.75 ± 0.05; event-free survival was 0.31 ± 0.03, 0.34 ± 0.05, 0.44 ± 0.04, 0.53 ± 0.03, and 0.67 ± 0.05; and relapse-free survival was 0.52 ± 0.03, 0.65 ± 0.05, 0.58 ± 0.04, 0.66 ± 0.03, and 0.78 ± 0.05, respectively, in the subsequent periods. A systematic reduction of early deaths and deaths in remission was achieved, while the percentage of relapses decreased only in the last therapeutic period. Surprisingly good results were obtained in the group of patients treated with AML-BFM 2012 with unfavorable genetic abnormalities like KMT2A-MLLT10/t(10;11)(p12;q23) and DEK-NUP214/t(6;9)(p23;q24), while unsatisfactory outcomes were found in the patients with FLT3-ITD. Conclusions: The use of standardized, systematically modified therapeutic protocols, with the successive consideration of genetic prognostic factors, and advances in supportive care led to a significant improvement in AML treatment outcomes over the last 40 years