9 research outputs found

    The dynamic rotor disbalance of percussion grinders and ways to increase its dynamic performance

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    В работе систематизированы причины возникновения дисбалансов рабочего органа ударно-центробежных дробилок, а также условия, обеспечивающие его динамическое совершенство. Приведены зависимости определяющие взаимосвязи некоторых кинематических и силовых характеристик дробилок ударно-центробежного типа.This article considered the theoretical study and the establishment of the causes of dynamic imbalances working body of percussion grinders, as well as the conditions for the manifestation of factors causing it self-balance

    Development of a crank mechanism with a rolling element

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    В статье обосновывается замена кинематической пары поршень-шатун (низшая пара) на высшую в кинематической цепи кривошипно-шатунного механизма, что уменьшит количество избыточных связей, а это в свою очередь снизит трудоемкость изготовления звенев и повысит надежность механизма.This article explains replacement of a kinematic pair piston‐rod (lower pair) by the highest one, which reduces the number of redundant links. Thus will be reduced the complexity of manufacturing and increasing mechanism reliability

    Исследование сходимости результатов теории герца и напряженно-деформированного состояния, решенного при помощи метода конечных элементов

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    Theoretical study of a convergence of a deformable body stress state, which is obtained by different approaches, provided in the paper. The following methods are used: Hertzian stress contact theory and finite element analysis. As a result of the research, high convergence of both calculation approaches is reached.В работе приведены результаты теоретического исследования сходимости функции контактных напряжений деформируемого тела, полученных различными методами. Использованы следующие теории и методы: теория Герца об упругом контакте, конечно-элементный анализ. В результате исследования получена достаточная сходимость обоих способов расчета

    Influence of chassis and transmission design of mining rail transport on wheel-rail wear

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    Описаны результаты исследования износа пары колесо-рельс в зависимости от конструкции ходовой части и трансмиссии. Отмечено влияние работы сил трения на износ пары колесо-рельс в условиях шахты.Described the results of wheel-rail wear research depends on design scheme of a chassis and transmission. Denoted influence of friction force on wheel-rail wear in mining conditions

    “Silicon-On-Insulator”-Based Biosensor for the Detection of MicroRNA Markers of Ovarian Cancer

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    Ovarian cancer is a gynecological cancer characterized by a high mortality rate and tumor heterogeneity. Its early detection and primary prophylaxis are difficult to perform. Detecting biomarkers for ovarian cancer plays a pivotal role in therapy effectiveness and affects patients’ survival. This study demonstrates the detection of microRNAs (miRNAs), which were reported to be associated with ovarian cancer tumorigenesis, with a nanowire biosensor based on silicon-on-insulator structures (SOI-NW biosensor). The advantages of the method proposed for miRNA detection using the SOI-NW biosensor are as follows: (1) no need for additional labeling or amplification reaction during sample preparation, and (2) real-time detection of target biomolecules. The detecting component of the biosensor is a chip with an array of 3 µm wide, 10 µm long silicon nanowires on its surface. The SOI-NW chip was fabricated using the “top-down” method, which is compatible with large-scale CMOS technology. Oligonucleotide probes (oDNA probes) carrying sequences complementary to the target miRNAs were covalently immobilized on the nanowire surface to ensure high-sensitivity biospecific sensing of the target biomolecules. The study involved two experimental series. Detection of model DNA oligonucleotides being synthetic analogs of the target miRNAs was carried out to assess the method’s sensitivity. The lowest concentration of the target oligonucleotides detectable in buffer solution was 1.1 × 10−16 M. In the second experimental series, detection of miRNAs (miRNA-21, miRNA-141, and miRNA-200a) isolated from blood plasma samples collected from patients having a verified diagnosis of ovarian cancer was performed. The results of our present study represent a step towards the development of novel highly sensitive diagnostic systems for the early revelation of ovarian cancer in women