649 research outputs found

    Constitutional Legitimacy: Sharia Law, Secularism and the Social Compact

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    This article considers the general points relating to the application of Sharia law which challenges legislators in the political instability of a number of Middle Eastern countries. The question explored is how governments of these countries who are facing discontent can work towards constitutional governance. As an example comparison is made between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Indonesia with the largest Muslim populations. In Pakistan an inherited Westminster Parliamentary system with a common law codified dated at the time of the British rule is supplemented by criminal penalties as present in the Hudood ordinances. These codes enforce punishments for some crimes and these were promulgated in the early 1980s during the reign of the Pakistani conservative military government. These different layers of jurisprudence do not accord with a uniform legal precedence and creates a clash between liberals and the fundamentalists who want an all pervasive Sharia law . The Pakistani legal canon of Islamic law has been restricted by the secular ideology of the state which has parallels in other Asian countries with a Muslim majority. However, there is an issue of compatibility of a secular ideology and the application of Sharia. It needs an exposition of thought that takes account of the enlightenment in Europe which led to the social contract theory in the 18th century. This theory rejects the narrow interpretation of divine authority and presents the jurist with a challenge to make modernize the laws. In recent times Muslim academics have adopted a critical approach against the tenets of conservatism in temporal Islam and called them unrepresentative of the true spirit of the Sharia. The present turmoil in the Arab countries has raised the question of legitimacy and the need arises to evaluate the principles of the Compact of Medina, which was proclaimed by the first Islamic state, and secondly, to enquire if the adoption of Sharia can be made contingent upon a consensus of popular sovereignty in order to make it binding in a contract between the ruler and the governed

    An Analysis of Cohesion Devices in Political News of the Jakarta Post: a Discourse Analysis Approach

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    Newspaper is one of an effective tool to deliverthoughts or even to get the information. The languageof journalism in the newspaper is related to the actionor opinion from people and it is conveyed into a text.This research is aimed at knowing the function of thetext by analyzing the text based on the Discourseanalysis. The researcher uses cohesion devices toanalyze the text of political news in an onlinenewspaper. This research is designed as a descriptiveresearch where the researcher conducts the researchin order to knowing the phenomenon in the field ofstudy. The researcher, then, analyze the text based onthe cohesion devices such as substitution, ellipsis,conjunction, reference and lexical cohesion. Theresult of this research shows that the text in an onlinenewspaper which is analyzed in this research has agood structure of cohesiv

    Brownian-Vacancy Mediated Disordering Dynamics

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    The disordering of an initially phase segregated system of finite size, induced by the presence of highly mobile vacancies, is shown to exhibit dynamic scaling in its late stages. A set of characteristic exponents is introduced and computed analytically, in excellent agreement with Monte Carlo data. In particular, the characteristic time scale, controlling the crossover between increasing disorder and saturation, is found to depend on the exponent scaling the number of vacancies in the sample.Comment: 6 pages, typeset using Euro-LaTex, 6 figures, compresse

    Convection cells induced by spontaneous symmetry breaking

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    Ubiquitous in nature, convection cells are a clear signature of systems out-of-equilibrium. Typically, they are driven by external forces, like gravity (in combination with temperature gradients) or shear. In this article, we show the existence of such cells in possibly the simplest system, one that involves only a temperature gradient. In particular, we consider an Ising lattice gas on a square lattice, in contact with two thermal reservoirs, one at infinite temperature and another at TT. When this system settles into a non-equilibrium stationary state, many interesting phenomena exist. One of these is the emergence of convection cells, driven by spontaneous symmetry breaking when TT is set below the critical temperature.Comment: published version, 2 figures, 5 page

    Higher-Order Effects in Biaxial Flexure of GFRP I-Section Beams

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    A theoretical study of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) beams subjected to biaxial bending moments is presented with a focus on the influence of higher-order effects on maximum normal stresses. It is shown that the biaxial bending type of loading causes a dramatic increase in the maximum normal stress for a GFRP beam when induced torsional effects are included. The study demonstrates that the traditional first-order theory can grossly underestimate the maximum normal stress in a GFRP beam. Based on the numerical results presented using a higher-order theory which also accounts for induced warping normal stresses, the maximum normal stress is found to be about two to three times larger than that determined using the first-order theory

    Penerapan Sistem Monitoring Terapi Arv(antiretroviral) dengan Metode Client Server Berbasis Smartphone pada Rsup Dr. Sardjito

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    AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) adalah salah satu penyakit yang menyita perhatian yang besar dalam dunia medis. AIDS merupakan suatu penyakit yang berupa sekumpulan gejala dan infeksi atau sindrom yang ditimbulkan oleh rusaknya sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia akibat infeksi virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Penangan penyakit AIDS dalam dunia medis adalah dengan terapi pengobatan ARV. Dalam menjalankan terapi ARV harus meminum obat harus disiplin ketat dan terus menerus seumur hidup ODHA(Orang Dengan HIV / AIDS) untuk menghambat replikasi virus HIV, namun dalam Kenyataanya banyak pasien penyakit AIDS yang tidak mendapatkan hasil yang optimal dalam menalankan terapi HIV, karena kurangnya tingkat kepatuhan pasien dalam mengkonsumsi obat dalam menjalani terapi ARV. Subjek yang menjadi penelitian ini adalah penerapan sistem monitoring untuk pemantauan pelaksanaan terapi pengobatan ARV. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan studi pustaka dan wawancara dengan petugas klinik pengobatan HIV/AIDS. Tahap analisis dilakukan untuk menentukan spesifikasi sistem monitoring agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Tahap analisis meliputi perancangan sistem, perancangan database dan perancangan antarmuka. Metode yang digunakan pada tahap implementasi adalah client server, dimana aplikasi server dikembangkan menggunakan PHP dengan Framework Codeigniter, sedangkan aplikasi client menggunakan bahasa pemrograman JAVA untuk mengembangankan aplikasi berbasis smartphone Android. Sistem yang dihasilkan diuji dengan dua metode yaitu Black Box Test dan Alfa Test.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem monitoring yang terdiri dari aplikasi server berbasis web dan aplikasi client berbasis Android yang dapat membantu proses pemantauan kepatuhan dan pemantauan pekembangan CD4 pasien HIV/AIDS ARV untuk mensukseskan pelaksanaan terapi ARV

    Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict, Job Embeddedness, Workplace Flexibility, and Turnover Intentions

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    The present study seeks to propose and test a research model that investigates job embeddedness as a mediator and workplace flexibility as a moderator of the effect of family-work conflict on turnover intentions. This study uses a survey method and a structured questionnaire to collect data from 187 nurses working in various hospitals in Islamabad, Pakistan. The results showed that on-the-job embeddedness partially mediated the effect of work-family conflict on nurses\u27 turnover intention. Furthermore, workplace flexibility moderated the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention. Management of the hospitals should take decisive steps to establish and maintain a supportive and flexible work environment because such an environment would help nurses to balance their work (family) and family (work) roles and lead to increased job embeddedness. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to retain high performing nurses in the workplace. The current study contributes to the existing knowledge base by testing job embeddedness as a mediator and workplace flexibility as a moderator of the impact of work-family conflict on turnover intentions of nurses
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