717 research outputs found

    Blockwise Stochastic Variance-Reduced Methods with Parallel Speedup for Multi-Block Bilevel Optimization

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    In this paper, we consider non-convex multi-block bilevel optimization (MBBO) problems, which involve m≫1m\gg 1 lower level problems and have important applications in machine learning. Designing a stochastic gradient and controlling its variance is more intricate due to the hierarchical sampling of blocks and data and the unique challenge of estimating hyper-gradient. We aim to achieve three nice properties for our algorithm: (a) matching the state-of-the-art complexity of standard BO problems with a single block; (b) achieving parallel speedup by sampling II blocks and sampling BB samples for each sampled block per-iteration; (c) avoiding the computation of the inverse of a high-dimensional Hessian matrix estimator. However, it is non-trivial to achieve all of these by observing that existing works only achieve one or two of these properties. To address the involved challenges for achieving (a, b, c), we propose two stochastic algorithms by using advanced blockwise variance-reduction techniques for tracking the Hessian matrices (for low-dimensional problems) or the Hessian-vector products (for high-dimensional problems), and prove an iteration complexity of O(mϵ−3I(I<m)II+mϵ−3IB)O(\frac{m\epsilon^{-3}\mathbb{I}(I<m)}{I\sqrt{I}} + \frac{m\epsilon^{-3}}{I\sqrt{B}}) for finding an ϵ\epsilon-stationary point under appropriate conditions. We also conduct experiments to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms comparing with existing MBBO algorithms

    Deep Variational Free Energy Approach to Dense Hydrogen

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    We developed a deep generative model-based variational free energy approach to the equations of state of dense hydrogen. We employ a normalizing flow network to model the proton Boltzmann distribution and a fermionic neural network to model the electron wave function at given proton positions. By jointly optimizing the two neural networks we reached a comparable variational free energy to the previous coupled electron-ion Monte Carlo calculation. The predicted equation of state of dense hydrogen under planetary conditions is denser than the findings of ab initio molecular dynamics calculation and empirical chemical model. Moreover, direct access to the entropy and free energy of dense hydrogen opens new opportunities in planetary modeling and high-pressure physics research.Comment: 7+5 pages, 3+4 figures, code: https://github.com/fermiflow/hydroge

    A Data Driven Method for Multi-step Prediction of Ship Roll Motion in High Sea States

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    Ship roll motion in high sea states has large amplitudes and nonlinear dynamics, and its prediction is significant for operability, safety, and survivability. This paper presents a novel data-driven methodology to provide a multi-step prediction of ship roll motions in high sea states. A hybrid neural network is proposed that combines long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural network (CNN) in parallel. The motivation is to extract the nonlinear dynamic characteristics and the hydrodynamic memory information through the advantage of CNN and LSTM, respectively. For the feature selection, the time histories of motion states and wave heights are selected to involve sufficient information. Taken a scaled KCS as the study object, the ship motions in sea state 7 irregular long-crested waves are simulated and used for the validation. The results show that at least one period of roll motion can be accurately predicted. Compared with the single LSTM and CNN methods, the proposed method has better performance in predicting the amplitude of roll angles. Besides, the comparison results also demonstrate that selecting motion states and wave heights as feature space improves the prediction accuracy, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method
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