3,505 research outputs found

    Study of certain features of the electronic structure of the ternary alloys Ni2(Mn, Fe) and Ni3(Mn, Co)

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    The changes in electronic structure related to transport processes occurring during the alloying of he alloy Ni3Mn with iron and cobalt, and the ordering of the ternary alloys thus formed are presented. The Hall effect, the absolute thermal emf, the internal saturation induction, the Nernst-Ettingshausen constant, and the electrical resistivity were measured. Results show a decrease in the contribution of hole sections of the Fermi surface to the transport process occurs together with a considerable increase in the contribution of electron sections. In this case, the mobility of 3 dimensional holes decreases and the mobility of 4s electrons increases considerably


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    Objective: This study was performed in order to estimate clinical effectiveness of antibiotic therapy in acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis. For estimation the following was used: the Fishbern method of antibiotics distribution according to clinical effectiveness levels with the help of weighted coefficients and classical cost–efficiency†pharmacoeconomic analysis of the given antibiotic therapy. Then, for the first time ever, the obtained results of both methods were combined.Methods: Materials were presented by the data on antibiotic therapy, given for patients who were hospitalized to the in-patient medical facilities due to acute or recurrent obstructive bronchitis. Medical records of 2 259 patients were included in the study. The patients were 0 to 18 y old. In order to determine the weighed coefficients of each used antibiotic with subsequent distribution according to the levels of clinical effectiveness the Fishbern method was applied. Three levels of clinical effectiveness were used in this study, i.e. high, medium and low. The cost–efficiency†pharmacoeconomic analysis was applied to combine costs and efficiency of the compared therapy courses in acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis.Results: Finally we found out that the highest probability of positive effect of cephalosporins group agents was associated with the use of Cefotaximum. (Biosynthesis). From the pharmacoeconomic point of view the most effective in treating acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children in the in-patient facilities was Ceftriaxonum (Synthesis). Out of protected penicillins group, we used Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid–original drug Augmentin (Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals) and generic drug Amoxiclav (Lek d. d). Augmentin effectiveness was 0.591, and Amoxiclav effectiveness–0.530. Cost of Augmentin treatment course was 106.26 rub. (1.68 US),costofAmoxiclavtreatmentcoursea^€“103.50rub.(1.63US), cost of Amoxiclav treatment course–103.50 rub.(1.63 US). Augmentin use turned out to be the most reasonable. Augmentin treatment course was characterized by lower ICER coefficient versus Amoxiclav. We found out that from the pharmacoeconomic point of view Azitromicin (Vertex Ltd.) treatment turned out to be the most reasonable of the whole macrolides antibiotics for treatment of acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis. However, according to the Fishbern clinical effectiveness classification this antibiotic belonged to the group with medium effectiveness level. The group with high effectiveness level included Sumamed, Azitral, Hemomicin, Clacid, Zitrocin and Clabax. Clacid and Clabax were excluded during the pharmacoeconomic analysis. The highest value of ICER coefficient was obtained for Sumamed and made up 39,367.50 rub. (621.53 US).ThehighestlevelofclinicaleffectivenesswascharacteristicforSumamedaswell.BesidesSumamedwasanoriginaldrugofazitromicin.AccordingtotheobtaineddataAzitralandHemomicinhadthelowestvaluesofICERcoefficient(1151.67rub.(18.18US). The highest level of clinical effectiveness was characteristic for Sumamed as well. Besides Sumamed was an original drug of azitromicin. According to the obtained data Azitral and Hemomicin had the lowest values of ICER coefficient (1151.67 rub. (18.18 US) and 1812.22 rub. (28.61 US$) respectively). Therefore based on the clinical economic analysis these medical agents turned out to be the most suitable.Conclusion: The results of the pharmacoeconomic analysis showed that the most effective drugs in treatment of acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children in in-patient facilities appeared to be the following: out of cephalosporins-Ceftriaxonum (Synthesis), out of protected penicillins-Augmentin (Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals), out of macrolides-Azitromicin (Vertex Ltd.). According to the Fishbern classification, these drugs belonged to the group with medium level of effectiveness.Â


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    Objective: This study was undertaken to determine the link between the presence of atypical†infections in patients with acute obstructive andrecurrent obstructive bronchitis (AOB/ROB) and bronchial asthma (BA) development based on the concept of risk.Methods: The materials for the study were the data records of patients hospitalized with AOB or ROB and whose analysis was performed to identifyantibodies to atypical†microflora (796 patients). The study period was 4 years from 2008 to 2011. In the analyzed period, immunosorbent assay forthe detection of antibodies to atypical†microflora (Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis) was performed. Theconcept of risk identification was based on the determination of the absolute risk, attributable risk (AtR), relative risk, population attributable risk, aswell as on the definition of the standard errors for each type of risk and the confidence interval.Results and Conclusion: Methodical aspects of determining the relationship between the presence of atypical†infections in patients with AOBor ROB and BA development were based on the concept of risk. The analysis showed a direct link between the increase of cases of BA formationagainst the backdrop of atypical†infections. Therefore, the performed analysis of atypical pathogens influences on BA occurrence in patients withAOB/ROB which indicates direct dependence increase of BA incidence on atypical infection. In experimental group, Frequency of event is 14.84% inexperimental group. Frequency of event is 1.67% in control group. The risk factor increases probability of event by 13.17%, the risk factor increasesprobability of event by 13.17%. Presence of atypical infection leads to increase of BA incidence by 8.9 times. Number needed to harm (NNH) is 7.59,i.e., in the presence of atypical infection in patients with AOB/ROB, each eighth exposed person develops BA in addition to background level of BAincidence.Keywords: Acute obstructive bronchitis, Recurrent obstructive bronchitis, Bronchial asthma, The concept of risk, Risk factor, The absolute risk,Relative risk, Attributable risk, Population attributable risk, Number needed to harm

    Professional and Teaching Training of Masters in Engineering: Challenges and Solutions

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    The paper focuses on some aspects of organizing the training of Master of Engineering for future professional and teaching activity. We carry out a brief overview of the genesis of master’s education in Russia to provide higher education with educators. We discuss the challenges of the higher education system to (1) prepare teaching staff and (2) increase their qualification mobility. The paper analyzes (1) the expediency of including the teaching component in the education programs for masters of engineering, (2) the demand for masters of education in technical universities, and (3) the motivation of masters of education for professional and teaching activity. We obtained the presented empirical material during the research conducted in the 2017–2018 academic year and the 2018-2019 academic year at the Institute of Mechanics and Energy of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The study involved 109 students getting a master’s degree and passing the teaching practice at the university

    Spin excitations of the correlated semiconductor FeSi probed by THz radiation

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    By direct measurements of the complex optical conductivity σ(ν)\sigma(\nu) of FeSi we have discovered a broad absorption peak centered at frequency ν0(4.2K)≈32cm−1\nu_{0}(4.2 K) \approx 32 cm^{-1} that develops at temperatures below 20 K. This feature is caused by spin-polaronic states formed in the middle of the gap in the electronic density of states. We observe the spin excitations between the electronic levels split by the exchange field of He=34±6TH_{e}=34\pm 6 T. Spin fluctuations are identified as the main factor determining the formation of the spin polarons and the rich magnetic phase diagram of FeSi.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The small-scale variation of herb-layer community structure in a riparian mixed forest

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    The ground vegetation layer is the most diverse plant community in forest ecosystems. We have shown the role of spatial variables, soil properties and overstorey structure in spatial variation of the herb-layer community in a riparian mixed forest . The research was conducted in the "Dnipro-Orils’kiy" Nature Reserve (Ukraine). The research polygon was located in the forest in the floodplain of the River Protich, which is a left tributary of the River Dnipro. Plant abundance was quantified by measuring cover within an experimental polygon. The experimental polygon consisted of 7 transects, each comprising 15 test points. The distance between the rows in the site was 3 m. At the site we established a plot of 45 × 21 m, with 105 subplots of 3 × 3 m organized in a regular grid. A list of vascular plant species was composed for each 3 × 3 m subplot along with visual estimates of species cover projection. The plant community was represented by 43 species, of which 18.6% were phanerophytes, 39.5% were hemicryptophytes, 9.3% were therophytes, 7.0% were geophytes. An overall test of random labelling revealed the total nonrandom distribution of the tree stems within the site. The species-specific test of random labelling showed the nonrandom segregated distribution of Acer tataricum, Pyrus communis, Quercus robur, and Ulmus laevis. Crataegus monogyna and Euonymus europaeus were distributed randomly. The nearest neighbour of Acer tataricum was less likely to be Ulmus laevis. There was no direct spatial connection between Acer tataricum and other trees. Crataegus monogyna, Pyrus communis, Quercus robur and Euonymus europaeus were not segregated from all other species. The nearest neighbour of Ulmus laevis was less likely to be Acer tataricum. Constrained correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied as ordination approach. The forward selection procedure allowed us to select 6 soil variables which explain 28.3% of the herb-layer community variability. The list of the important soil variables includes soil mechanical impedance (at the depth 0–5, 30–35, 75–80, and 95–10 cm), soil moisture, and soil bulk density. The variation explained by pure spatial variables accounted for 11.0 %. The majority of the tree-distance structured variation in plant community composition was broad-scaled. The spatial scalograms were left-skewed asymmetric. Significant relationship was found between the pure spatial component of the community variation and a number of phytoindicator estimations, most important of which were the variability of damping and humidity. Tree stand was obseerved to be a considerable factor structuring both the herb-layer community and spatial variation of the physical properties of soil
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