11 research outputs found

    Urban Renewal Decision-Making in China: Stakeholders, Process, and System Improvement

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    To meet the growing rigid demand of urban housing, urban renewal has played a significant role, which significantly promotes the urban prosperity in China. However, at the same time, many problems occurred through large-scale urban renewal projects. To avoid unintended consequences that occurred in urban renewal and, how these decisions were made can be one key focus. To better achieve the goal of sustainability, this research aims to deepen the understanding of urban renewal decision-making in China and contribute to recommend strategies to improve the system. Based on the participatory decision-making theory and the characteristics of urban renewal, a conceptual framework is built to achieve the aim of this research. According to the research framework, this research firstly conducted an empirical study of stakeholders’ expectations in urban renewal projects. Eighteen factors are identified and compared among the main stakeholder groups. Secondly, this research explores the stakeholders and their participation in the decision-making of urban renewal in China. Stakeholder Analysis and Social Network Analysis are complemented as the research methodology. In the third step, transaction costs theory is adopted to improve the understanding of urban renewal decision-making process in China. Based on the results of the above three steps, the last step of this research systematically determines a set of strategies for improving urban renewal decision-making in China by adopting the Analytic Network Process. The findings of this research add new knowledge on the exploration of the decision-making of public projects and can be directly adopted by the authority in practice.A+BE I Architecture and the Built Environment No 16 (2020)Housing Quality and Process Innovatio

    From landscape to mindscape: Spatial narration of touristic Amsterdam

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    The cultural attributes of architecture in touristic cities are vital to city image building, city branding, and rebranding, as well as generating more economic profits for sustainable urban development, and protecting cultural sustainability. However, many studies on this theme focus on the singularity of architecture referring to its stylistic or morphological definitions, lacking attention to visitors' cultural experiences in the architectures. Considering the importance of personal experience involved in cultural activities as a process of spatial narration through which architecture makes sense to visitors and generates cultural values, the aim of this paper is to reveal the respective correlations between different types of architecture regarding the cultural experience it imparts and the non-positive dimensions of the city image. This research builds a categorization system of three cultural types of architecture, and designs a questionnaire to collect tourists' personal opinions concerning architectures and the city image of Amsterdam's waterfront in order to calculate such correlations statistically. The results associate architectures with 'tourism-oriented', 'present/process-based', and 'mass' cultural types with non-positive dimensions of city image, which leads to further discussions of 'authenticity', 'identity', and 'mass culture', suggesting the significance of urban cultural policies and local communities in terms of city rebranding.OLD Housing Quality and Process InnovationOLD Housing System

    An analysis of urban renewal decision-making in China from the perspective of transaction costs theory: the case of Chongqing

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    In China, there is a growing number of urban renewal projects due to the rapid growth of the economy and urbanization. To meet the needs of urban development, urban renewal requires a sound decision-making approach involving various stakeholder groups. However, current urban renewal decision-making is criticized for poor efficiency, equity, and resulting in many unintended adverse outcomes. It is claimed that high-level transaction costs (e.g., a great deal of time spent on negotiation and coordination) are the factors hidden behind the problems. However, few studies have analyzed urban renewal decision-making in a transaction costs perspective. Using the case of Chongqing, this paper aims at adopting transaction costs theory to understand the administrative process of urban renewal decision-making in China. This research focuses on four key stakeholder groups: municipal government, district government, local administrative organizations, and the consulting parties. A transaction costs analytical framework is established. First, the decision-making stages of urban renewal and involved key stakeholder groups are clarified. Second, the transactions done by different stakeholder groups in each stage is identified, thus to analyze what types of transaction costs are generated. Third, the relative levels of transaction costs among different stakeholder groups were measured based on the interview. The empirical analysis reveals how transaction costs occur and affect urban renewal decision-making. Finally, policy implications were proposed to reduce transaction costs in order to enhance urban renewal.Housing Quality and Process InnovationHousing Institutions & Governanc

    Exploring the diverse expectations of stakeholders in industrial land redevelopment projects in China: The case of Shanghai

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    In China, while large-scale industrial land redevelopment has played a significant role in promoting economic growth, it has also triggered a series of unsustainable problems. To date, few studies have explored the expectations of stakeholders in industrial redevelopment projects in China. Gaining an in-depth understanding of the diverse expectations among core stakeholders is an essential step towards realizing social sustainability. This study aims to analyze these diverse expectations in industrial land redevelopment projects. For this purpose, 19 factors were identified and compared across the following core stakeholders: local governments, consulting experts, the general public, and original land users of state-led redevelopment and land user-led redevelopment projects, using questionnaires and interviews conducted in Shanghai, China. The findings show there to be tremendous differences between the expectations of different stakeholder groups in terms of economic, social and environmental aspects. Major differences were also found between the expectations of original land users across different project types. Moreover, the negative externalities, the balance between industrial and residential space, the diverse needs of original land users in different project types, and the barriers to stakeholders' participation, in industrial land redevelopment in China were discussed. The findings of the current paper are conducive to optimizing stakeholder participation in industrial land redevelopment so as to enhance social sustainability.Housing Quality and Process Innovatio

    Study on Governance of Urban Renewal in the UK, Hong Kong and China: the Way to Sustainability

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    China’s fast growth of economy and urbanization has created a world record on its own since its reform and opening-up policy in late 1970s. This drives mass demolition and reconstruction and leaves a short lifespan of existing buildings through unsustainable urban renewal. Many developed countries/regions, such as the UK and Hong Kong, have long history of urban renewal. The urban renewal governance has shifted from government-led to broad participation. However, a lack of compatible governance causes the unsustainability during the urban renewal process in China. Little research explores the rationale on how far China can learn from its developed counterparts in the governance of urban renewal. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the current problems and future development of urban renewal governance in China by comparing with the UK and Hong Kong. Firstly, it reviews the nature and status quo of governance of urban renewal in China, the UK and Hong Kong respectively; secondly, through comparing characteristics (role of governments, local participation, and decision basis) of urban renewal governance, differences between China and its developed counterparts will be identified; finally, policy implications are drawn for China to deal with future urban renewal and achieve sustainable development.OLD Housing Quality and Process InnovationOLD Housing System

    Stakeholders’ Expectations in Urban Renewal Projects in China: A Key Step towards Sustainability

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    China’s fast growth of economy and urbanization have driven large-scale urban renewal projects, thus triggering a wide spectrum of unsustainable problems. Little research has systematically explored the stakeholders’ expectations in urban renewal projects in China. A deeper understanding of the divergent interests and expectations of the key stakeholder groups is an important step towards sustainable urban renewal. This paper aims to analyze the stakeholders’ expectations on urban renewal projects. Eighteen factors are identified and compared among the main stakeholders: government sectors, consulting parties, the general public and affected residents in both redevelopment and rehabilitation projects, using questionnaire survey and interviews in Chongqing, China. The results reveal that there exist enormous differences of opinions and interests among stakeholders in all economic, environmental and social aspects. To achieve sustainable urban renewal in China, the governments ought to reconsider what the “public interest” stands for. In-situ residents should be understood and treated differently, based on the type of projects. An effective dialogue mechanism as well as supportive administrative and legal system should be established. Moreover, urban-renewal-related education and publicity should be a long-term strategy to change current awareness of different stakeholders, by improving their skill and willingness to participate.OLD Housing Quality and Process InnovationOLD Housing System

    The role of stakeholders and their participation network in decision-making of urban renewal in China: The case of Chongqing

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    Since the late 1970s, China's fast growth of economy and urbanization have driven large-scale urban renewal projects. To deal with complex urban problems, urban renewal requires integrated, coordinated and multifaceted strategies involving a wide range of stakeholders. A deeper understanding of the stakeholders in the decision-making process is an essential step towards sustainable urban renewal. This paper aims to understand the stakeholders and their participation in the decision-making of urban renewal in China, using the case of Chongqing. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and a questionnaire survey. Stakeholder Analysis and Social Network Analysis were complemented as the research methodology. First, the stakeholders involved in urban renewal decision-making were clarified. Second, the characteristics, including knowledge, power, and interest of each stakeholder, were analyzed. Third, the relationships between stakeholders were probed, and the structure of their network was examined. Finally, policy implications were drawn to the issues of stakeholder participation in urban renewal decision-making in China.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Housing Quality and Process InnovationHousing Institutions & Governanc

    From acceptance to continuance: Understanding the influence of initial participation experience on residents' intentions to continue participation in neighborhood rehabilitation

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    In the context of increasing focus on social sustainability, neighborhood rehabilitation has emerged as a crucial component of global urban renewal initiatives. Distinct from most renewal paradigms that are usually one-offs, neighborhood rehabilitation is a long-term endeavor that requires ongoing resident participation to effectively address diverse needs, investment shortages, and governance challenges. Extant research predominantly focuses on residents' initial engagement, leaving the dynamics of continued participation and its influencing factors largely unexamined. Employing the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM), this study explores how residents' initial participation experiences influence their intentions to continue participation. Analyzing questionnaire responses from 367 experienced residents in Wuhan, China, the study finds that a mere 38.2 % of residents exhibit re-engage intention. Path analysis shows that initial participation experience influences residents' re-engage intention indirectly through participation satisfaction and perceived usefulness. Residents' re-engage intention is most influenced by level of influence residents hold in decision-making, followed by type of activities they engage in, and stage of their initial involvement. As an exploratory study into the realm of continued participation, this research uncovers several potential pathways and policy recommendations, aiming to ease residents' transition from initial acceptance to sustained engagement in future neighborhood development efforts.Design & Construction ManagementReal Estate Managemen

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    none3019G. Aad;B. Abbott;J. Abdallah;A. A. Abdelalim;A. Abdesselam;O. Abdinov;B. Abi;M. Abolins;H. Abramowicz;H. Abreu;E. Acerbi;B. S. Acharya;D. L. Adams;T. N. Addy;J. Adelman;M. Aderholz;S. Adomeit;P. Adragna;T. Adye;S. Aefsky;J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra;M. Aharrouche;S. P. Ahlen;F. Ahles;A. Ahmad;M. Ahsan;G. Aielli;T. Akdogan;T. P. A. Åkesson;G. Akimoto;A. V. Akimov;A. Akiyama;M. S. Alam;M. A. Alam;J. Albert;S. Albrand;M. Aleksa;I. N. Aleksandrov;F. Alessandria;C. Alexa;G. Alexander;G. Alexandre;T. Alexopoulos;M. Alhroob;M. Aliev;G. Alimonti;J. Alison;M. Aliyev;P. P. Allport;S. E. Allwood-Spiers;J. Almond;A. Aloisio;R. Alon;A. Alonso;B. Alvarez Gonzalez;M. G. Alviggi;K. Amako;P. Amaral;C. Amelung;V. V. Ammosov;A. Amorim;G. Amorós;N. Amram;C. Anastopoulos;L. S. Ancu;N. Andari;T. Andeen;C. F. Anders;G. Anders;K. J. Anderson;A. Andreazza;V. Andrei;M-L. Andrieux;X. S. Anduaga;A. Angerami;F. Anghinolfi;A. Anisenkov;N. Anjos;A. Annovi;A. Antonaki;M. Antonelli;A. Antonov;J. Antos;F. 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Esposito;F. Etienne;A. I. Etienvre;E. Etzion;D. Evangelakou;H. Evans;L. Fabbri;C. Fabre;R. M. Fakhrutdinov;S. Falciano;Y. Fang;M. Fanti;A. Farbin;A. Farilla;J. Farley;T. Farooque;S. M. Farrington;P. Farthouat;P. Fassnacht;D. Fassouliotis;B. Fatholahzadeh;A. Favareto;L. Fayard;S. Fazio;R. Febbraro;P. Federic;O. L. Fedin;W. Fedorko;M. Fehling-Kaschek;L. Feligioni;D. Fellmann;C. Feng;E. J. Feng;A. B. Fenyuk;J. Ferencei;J. Ferland;W. Fernando;S. Ferrag;J. Ferrando;V. Ferrara;A. Ferrari;P. Ferrari;R. Ferrari;A. Ferrer;M. L. Ferrer;D. Ferrere;C. Ferretti;A. Ferretto Parodi;M. Fiascaris;F. Fiedler;A. Filipčič;A. Filippas;F. Filthaut;M. Fincke-Keeler;M. C. N. Fiolhais;L. Fiorini;A. Firan;G. Fischer;P. Fischer;M. J. Fisher;M. Flechl;I. Fleck;J. Fleckner;P. Fleischmann;S. Fleischmann;T. Flick;L. R. Flores Castillo;M. J. Flowerdew;M. Fokitis;T. Fonseca Martin;J. Fopma;D. A. Forbush;A. Formica;A. Forti;D. Fortin;J. M. Foster;D. Fournier;A. Foussat;A. J. Fowler;K. Fowler;H. Fox;P. Francavilla;S. Franchino;D. Francis;T. Frank;M. Franklin;S. Franz;M. Fraternali;S. Fratina;S. T. French;F. Friedrich;R. Froeschl;D. Froidevaux;J. A. Frost;C. Fukunaga;E. Fullana Torregrosa;J. Fuster;C. Gabaldon;O. Gabizon;T. Gadfort;S. Gadomski;G. Gagliardi;P. Gagnon;C. Galea;E. J. Gallas;V. Gallo;B. J. Gallop;P. Gallus;K. K. Gan;Y. S. Gao;V. A. Gapienko;A. Gaponenko;F. Garberson;M. Garcia-Sciveres;C. García;J. E. García Navarro;R. W. Gardner;N. Garelli;H. Garitaonandia;V. Garonne;J. Garvey;C. Gatti;G. Gaudio;O. Gaumer;B. Gaur;L. Gauthier;I. L. Gavrilenko;C. Gay;G. Gaycken;J-C. Gayde;E. N. Gazis;P. Ge;C. N. P. Gee;D. A. A. Geerts;Ch. Geich-Gimbel;K. Gellerstedt;C. Gemme;A. Gemmell;M. H. Genest;S. Gentile;M. George;S. George;P. Gerlach;A. Gershon;C. Geweniger;H. Ghazlane;N. Ghodbane;B. Giacobbe;S. Giagu;V. Giakoumopoulou;V. Giangiobbe;F. Gianotti;B. Gibbard;A. Gibson;S. M. Gibson;L. M. Gilbert;V. Gilewsky;D. Gillberg;A. R. Gillman;D. M. Gingrich;J. Ginzburg;N. Giokaris;M. P. Giordani;R. Giordano;F. M. Giorgi;P. Giovannini;P. F. Giraud;D. Giugni;M. Giunta;P. Giusti;B. K. Gjelsten;L. K. Gladilin;C. Glasman;J. Glatzer;A. Glazov;K. W. Glitza;G. L. Glonti;J. Godfrey;J. Godlewski;M. Goebel;T. Göpfert;C. Goeringer;C. Gössling;T. Göttfert;S. Goldfarb;T. Golling;S. N. Golovnia;A. Gomes;L. S. Gomez Fajardo;R. Gonçalo;J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa;L. Gonella;A. Gonidec;S. Gonzalez;S. González de la Hoz;G. Gonzalez Parra;M. L. Gonzalez Silva;S. Gonzalez-Sevilla;J. J. Goodson;L. Goossens;P. A. Gorbounov;H. A. Gordon;I. Gorelov;G. Gorfine;B. Gorini;E. Gorini;A. Gorišek;E. Gornicki;S. A. Gorokhov;V. N. Goryachev;B. Gosdzik;M. Gosselink;M. I. Gostkin;I. Gough Eschrich;M. Gouighri;D. Goujdami;M. P. Goulette;A. G. Goussiou;C. Goy;S. Gozpinar;I. Grabowska-Bold;P. Grafström;K-J. Grahn;F. Grancagnolo;S. Grancagnolo;V. Grassi;V. Gratchev;N. Grau;H. M. Gray;J. A. Gray;E. Graziani;O. G. Grebenyuk;T. Greenshaw;Z. D. Greenwood;K. Gregersen;I. M. Gregor;P. Grenier;J. Griffiths;N. Grigalashvili;A. A. Grillo;S. Grinstein;Y. V. Grishkevich;J.-F. Grivaz;M. Groh;E. Gross;J. Grosse-Knetter;J. Groth-Jensen;K. Grybel;V. J. Guarino;D. Guest;C. Guicheney;A. Guida;S. Guindon;H. Guler;J. Gunther;B. Guo;J. Guo;A. Gupta;Y. Gusakov;V. N. Gushchin;A. Gutierrez;P. Gutierrez;N. Guttman;O. Gutzwiller;C. Guyot;C. Gwenlan;C. B. Gwilliam;A. Haas;S. Haas;C. Haber;H. K. Hadavand;D. R. Hadley;P. Haefner;F. Hahn;S. Haider;Z. Hajduk;H. Hakobyan;D. Hall;J. Haller;K. Hamacher;P. Hamal;M. Hamer;A. Hamilton;S. Hamilton;H. Han;L. Han;K. Hanagaki;K. Hanawa;M. Hance;C. Handel;P. Hanke;J. R. Hansen;J. B. Hansen;J. D. Hansen;P. H. Hansen;P. Hansson;K. Hara;G. A. Hare;T. Harenberg;S. Harkusha;D. Harper;R. D. Harrington;O. M. Harris;K. Harrison;J. Hartert;F. Hartjes;T. Haruyama;A. Harvey;S. Hasegawa;Y. Hasegawa;S. Hassani;M. Hatch;D. Hauff;S. Haug;M. Hauschild;R. Hauser;M. Havranek;B. M. Hawes;C. M. Hawkes;R. J. Hawkings;D. Hawkins;T. Hayakawa;T. Hayashi;D. Hayden;H. S. Hayward;S. J. Haywood;E. Hazen;M. He;S. J. Head;V. Hedberg;L. Heelan;S. Heim;B. Heinemann;S. Heisterkamp;L. Helary;C. Heller;M. Heller;S. Hellman;D. Hellmich;C. Helsens;R. C. W. Henderson;M. Henke;A. Henrichs;A. M. Henriques Correia;S. Henrot-Versille;F. Henry-Couannier;C. Hensel;T. Henß;C. M. Hernandez;Y. Hernández Jiménez;R. Herrberg;A. D. Hershenhorn;G. Herten;R. Hertenberger;L. Hervas;N. P. Hessey;E. Higón-Rodriguez;D. Hill;J. C. Hill;N. Hill;K. H. Hiller;S. Hillert;S. J. Hillier;I. Hinchliffe;E. Hines;M. Hirose;F. Hirsch;D. Hirschbuehl;J. Hobbs;N. Hod;M. C. Hodgkinson;P. Hodgson;A. Hoecker;M. R. Hoeferkamp;J. Hoffman;D. Hoffmann;M. Hohlfeld;M. Holder;S. O. Holmgren;T. Holy;J. L. Holzbauer;Y. Homma;T. M. Hong;L. Hooft van Huysduynen;T. Horazdovsky;C. Horn;S. Horner;J-Y. Hostachy;S. Hou;M. A. Houlden;A. Hoummada;J. Howarth;D. F. Howell;I. Hristova;J. Hrivnac;I. Hruska;T. Hryn’ova;P. J. Hsu;S.-C. Hsu;G. S. Huang;Z. Hubacek;F. Hubaut;F. Huegging;T. B. Huffman;E. W. Hughes;G. Hughes;R. E. Hughes-Jones;M. Huhtinen;P. Hurst;M. Hurwitz;U. Husemann;N. Huseynov;J. Huston;J. Huth;G. Iacobucci;G. Iakovidis;M. Ibbotson;I. Ibragimov;R. Ichimiya;L. Iconomidou-Fayard;J. Idarraga;P. Iengo;O. Igonkina;Y. Ikegami;M. Ikeno;Y. Ilchenko;D. Iliadis;N. Ilic;D. Imbault;M. Imori;T. Ince;J. Inigo-Golfin;P. Ioannou;M. Iodice;A. Irles Quiles;C. Isaksson;A. Ishikawa;M. Ishino;R. Ishmukhametov;C. Issever;S. Istin;A. V. Ivashin;W. Iwanski;H. Iwasaki;J. M. Izen;V. Izzo;B. Jackson;J. N. Jackson;P. Jackson;M. R. Jaekel;V. Jain;K. Jakobs;S. Jakobsen;J. Jakubek;D. K. Jana;E. Jankowski;E. Jansen;H. Jansen;A. Jantsch;M. Janus;G. Jarlskog;L. Jeanty;K. Jelen;I. Jen-La Plante;P. Jenni;A. Jeremie;P. Jež;S. Jézéquel;M. K. Jha;H. Ji;W. Ji;J. Jia;Y. Jiang;M. Jimenez Belenguer;G. Jin;S. Jin;O. Jinnouchi;M. D. Joergensen;D. Joffe;L. G. Johansen;M. Johansen;K. E. Johansson;P. Johansson;S. Johnert;K. A. Johns;K. Jon-And;G. Jones;R. W. L. Jones;T. W. Jones;T. J. Jones;O. Jonsson;C. Joram;P. M. Jorge;J. Joseph;T. Jovin;X. Ju;C. A. Jung;V. Juranek;P. Jussel;A. Juste Rozas;V. V. Kabachenko;S. Kabana;M. Kaci;A. Kaczmarska;P. Kadlecik;M. Kado;H. Kagan;M. Kagan;S. Kaiser;E. Kajomovitz;S. Kalinin;L. V. Kalinovskaya;S. Kama;N. Kanaya;M. Kaneda;T. Kanno;V. A. Kantserov;J. Kanzaki;B. Kaplan;A. Kapliy;J. Kaplon;D. Kar;M. Karagounis;M. Karagoz;M. Karnevskiy;K. Karr;V. Kartvelishvili;A. N. Karyukhin;L. Kashif;G. Kasieczka;R. D. Kass;A. Kastanas;M. Kataoka;Y. Kataoka;E. Katsoufis;J. Katzy;V. Kaushik;K. Kawagoe;T. Kawamoto;G. Kawamura;M. S. Kayl;V. A. Kazanin;M. Y. Kazarinov;J. R. Keates;R. Keeler;R. Kehoe;M. Keil;G. D. Kekelidze;J. Kennedy;C. J. Kenney;M. Kenyon;O. Kepka;N. Kerschen;B. P. Kerševan;S. Kersten;K. Kessoku;J. Keung;F. Khalil-zada;H. Khandanyan;A. Khanov;D. Kharchenko;A. Khodinov;A. G. Kholodenko;A. Khomich;T. J. Khoo;G. Khoriauli;A. Khoroshilov;N. Khovanskiy;V. Khovanskiy;E. Khramov;J. Khubua;H. Kim;M. S. Kim;P. C. Kim;S. H. Kim;N. Kimura;O. Kind;B. T. King;M. King;R. S. B. King;J. Kirk;L. E. Kirsch;A. E. Kiryunin;T. Kishimoto;D. Kisielewska;T. Kittelmann;A. M. Kiver;E. Kladiva;J. Klaiber-Lodewigs;M. Klein;U. Klein;K. Kleinknecht;M. Klemetti;A. Klier;A. Klimentov;R. Klingenberg;E. B. Klinkby;T. Klioutchnikova;P. F. Klok;S. Klous;E.-E. Kluge;T. Kluge;P. Kluit;S. Kluth;N. S. Knecht;E. Kneringer;J. Knobloch;E. B. F. G. Knoops;A. Knue;B. R. Ko;T. Kobayashi;M. Kobel;M. Kocian;P. Kodys;K. Köneke;A. C. König;S. Koenig;L. Köpke;F. Koetsveld;P. Koevesarki;T. Koffas;E. Koffeman;F. Kohn;Z. Kohout;T. Kohriki;T. Koi;T. Kokott;G. M. Kolachev;H. Kolanoski;V. Kolesnikov;I. Koletsou;J. Koll;D. Kollar;M. Kollefrath;S. D. Kolya;A. A. Komar;Y. Komori;T. Kondo;T. Kono;A. I. Kononov;R. Konoplich;N. Konstantinidis;A. Kootz;S. Koperny;S. V. Kopikov;K. Korcyl;K. Kordas;V. Koreshev;A. Korn;A. Korol;I. Korolkov;E. V. Korolkova;V. A. Korotkov;O. Kortner;S. Kortner;V. V. Kostyukhin;M. J. Kotamäki;S. Kotov;V. M. Kotov;A. Kotwal;C. Kourkoumelis;V. Kouskoura;A. Koutsman;R. Kowalewski;T. Z. Kowalski;W. Kozanecki;A. S. Kozhin;V. Kral;V. A. Kramarenko;G. Kramberger;M. W. Krasny;A. Krasznahorkay;J. Kraus;J. K. Kraus;A. Kreisel;F. Krejci;J. Kretzschmar;N. Krieger;P. Krieger;K. Kroeninger;H. Kroha;J. Kroll;J. Kroseberg;J. Krstic;U. Kruchonak;H. Krüger;T. Kruker;N. Krumnack;Z. V. Krumshteyn;A. Kruth;T. Kubota;S. Kuehn;A. Kugel;T. Kuhl;D. Kuhn;V. Kukhtin;Y. Kulchitsky;S. Kuleshov;C. Kummer;M. Kuna;N. Kundu;J. Kunkle;A. Kupco;H. Kurashige;M. Kurata;Y. A. Kurochkin;V. Kus;M. Kuze;J. Kvita;R. Kwee;A. Rosa;L. Rotonda;L. Labarga;J. Labbe;S. Lablak;C. Lacasta;F. Lacava;H. Lacker;D. Lacour;V. R. Lacuesta;E. Ladygin;R. Lafaye;B. Laforge;T. Lagouri;S. Lai;E. Laisne;M. Lamanna;C. L. Lampen;W. Lampl;E. Lancon;U. Landgraf;M. P. J. Landon;H. Landsman;J. L. Lane;C. Lange;A. J. Lankford;F. Lanni;K. Lantzsch;S. Laplace;C. Lapoire;J. F. Laporte;T. Lari;A. V. Larionov;A. Larner;C. Lasseur;M. Lassnig;P. Laurelli;W. Lavrijsen;P. Laycock;A. B. Lazarev;O. Dortz;E. Guirriec;C. Maner;E. Menedeu;C. Lebel;T. LeCompte;F. Ledroit-Guillon;H. Lee;J. S. H. Lee;S. C. Lee;L. Lee;M. Lefebvre;M. Legendre;A. Leger;B. C. LeGeyt;F. Legger;C. Leggett;M. Lehmacher;G. Lehmann Miotto;X. Lei;M. A. L. Leite;R. Leitner;D. Lellouch;M. Leltchouk;B. Lemmer;V. Lendermann;K. J. C. Leney;T. Lenz;G. Lenzen;B. Lenzi;K. Leonhardt;S. Leontsinis;C. Leroy;J-R. Lessard;J. Lesser;C. G. Lester;A. Leung Fook Cheong;J. Levêque;D. Levin;L. J. Levinson;M. S. Levitski;A. Lewis;G. H. Lewis;A. M. Leyko;M. Leyton;B. Li;H. Li;S. Li;X. Li;Z. Liang;H. Liao;B. Liberti;P. Lichard;M. Lichtnecker;K. Lie;W. Liebig;R. Lifshitz;C. Limbach;A. Limosani;M. Limper;S. C. Lin;F. Linde;J. T. Linnemann;E. Lipeles;L. Lipinsky;A. Lipniacka;T. M. Liss;D. Lissauer;A. Lister;A. M. Litke;C. Liu;D. Liu;H. Liu;J. B. Liu;M. Liu;S. Liu;Y. Liu;M. Livan;S. S. A. Livermore;A. Lleres;J. Llorente Merino;S. L. Lloyd;E. Lobodzinska;P. Loch;W. S. Lockman;T. Loddenkoetter;F. K. Loebinger;A. Loginov;C. W. Loh;T. Lohse;K. Lohwasser;M. Lokajicek;J. Loken;V. P. Lombardo;R. E. Long;L. Lopes;D. Lopez Mateos;J. Lorenz;M. Losada;P. Loscutoff;F. Lo Sterzo;M. J. Losty;X. Lou;A. Lounis;K. F. Loureiro;J. Love;P. A. Love;A. J. Lowe;F. Lu;H. J. Lubatti;C. Luci;A. Lucotte;A. Ludwig;D. Ludwig;I. Ludwig;J. Ludwig;F. Luehring;G. Luijckx;D. Lumb;L. Luminari;E. Lund;B. Lund-Jensen;B. Lundberg;J. Lundberg;J. Lundquist;M. Lungwitz;G. Lutz;D. Lynn;J. Lys;E. Lytken;H. Ma;L. L. Ma;J. A. Macana Goia;G. Maccarrone;A. Macchiolo;B. Maček;J. Machado Miguens;R. Mackeprang;R. J. Madaras;W. F. Mader;R. Maenner;T. Maeno;P. Mättig;S. Mättig;L. Magnoni;E. Magradze;Y. Mahalalel;K. Mahboubi;G. Mahout;C. Maiani;C. Maidantchik;A. Maio;S. Majewski;Y. Makida;N. Makovec;P. Mal;Pa. Malecki;P. Malecki;V. P. Maleev;F. Malek;U. Mallik;D. Malon;C. Malone;S. Maltezos;V. Malyshev;S. Malyukov;R. Mameghani;J. Mamuzic;A. Manabe;L. Mandelli;I. Mandić;R. Mandrysch;J. Maneira;P. S. Mangeard;I. D. Manjavidze;A. Mann;P. M. Manning;A. Manousakis-Katsikakis;B. Mansoulie;A. Manz;A. Mapelli;L. Mapelli;L. March;J. F. Marchand;F. Marchese;G. Marchiori;M. Marcisovsky;A. Marin;C. P. Marino;F. Marroquim;R. Marshall;Z. Marshall;F. K. Martens;S. Marti-Garcia;A. J. Martin;B. Martin;B. Martin;F. F. Martin;J. P. Martin;Ph. Martin;T. A. Martin;V. J. Martin;B. Ma

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