54 research outputs found

    Approximate co-sufficient sampling with regularization

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    In this work, we consider the problem of goodness-of-fit (GoF) testing for parametric models -- for example, testing whether observed data follows a logistic regression model. This testing problem involves a composite null hypothesis, due to the unknown values of the model parameters. In some special cases, co-sufficient sampling (CSS) can remove the influence of these unknown parameters via conditioning on a sufficient statistic -- often, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the unknown parameters. However, many common parametric settings (including logistic regression) do not permit this approach, since conditioning on a sufficient statistic leads to a powerless test. The recent approximate co-sufficient sampling (aCSS) framework of Barber and Janson (2022) offers an alternative, replacing sufficiency with an approximately sufficient statistic (namely, a noisy version of the MLE). This approach recovers power in a range of settings where CSS cannot be applied, but can only be applied in settings where the unconstrained MLE is well-defined and well-behaved, which implicitly assumes a low-dimensional regime. In this work, we extend aCSS to the setting of constrained and penalized maximum likelihood estimation, so that more complex estimation problems can now be handled within the aCSS framework, including examples such as mixtures-of-Gaussians (where the unconstrained MLE is not well-defined due to degeneracy) and high-dimensional Gaussian linear models (where the MLE can perform well under regularization, such as an â„“1\ell_1 penalty or a shape constraint)

    Weighted Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent: Asymptotic Normality and Optimality

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    Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is one of the simplest and most popular algorithms in modern statistical and machine learning due to its computational and memory efficiency. Various averaging schemes have been proposed to accelerate the convergence of SGD in different settings. In this paper, we explore a general averaging scheme for SGD. Specifically, we establish the asymptotic normality of a broad range of weighted averaged SGD solutions and provide asymptotically valid online inference approaches. Furthermore, we propose an adaptive averaging scheme that exhibits both optimal statistical rate and favorable non-asymptotic convergence, drawing insights from the optimal weight for the linear model in terms of non-asymptotic mean squared error (MSE)

    GaitRef: Gait Recognition with Refined Sequential Skeletons

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    Identifying humans with their walking sequences, known as gait recognition, is a useful biometric understanding task as it can be observed from a long distance and does not require cooperation from the subject. Two common modalities used for representing the walking sequence of a person are silhouettes and joint skeletons. Silhouette sequences, which record the boundary of the walking person in each frame, may suffer from the variant appearances from carried-on objects and clothes of the person. Framewise joint detections are noisy and introduce some jitters that are not consistent with sequential detections. In this paper, we combine the silhouettes and skeletons and refine the framewise joint predictions for gait recognition. With temporal information from the silhouette sequences. We show that the refined skeletons can improve gait recognition performance without extra annotations. We compare our methods on four public datasets, CASIA-B, OUMVLP, Gait3D and GREW, and show state-of-the-art performance.Comment: IJCB 2023. Code is available at https://github.com/haidongz-usc/GaitRe

    ShARc: Shape and Appearance Recognition for Person Identification In-the-wild

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    Identifying individuals in unconstrained video settings is a valuable yet challenging task in biometric analysis due to variations in appearances, environments, degradations, and occlusions. In this paper, we present ShARc, a multimodal approach for video-based person identification in uncontrolled environments that emphasizes 3-D body shape, pose, and appearance. We introduce two encoders: a Pose and Shape Encoder (PSE) and an Aggregated Appearance Encoder (AAE). PSE encodes the body shape via binarized silhouettes, skeleton motions, and 3-D body shape, while AAE provides two levels of temporal appearance feature aggregation: attention-based feature aggregation and averaging aggregation. For attention-based feature aggregation, we employ spatial and temporal attention to focus on key areas for person distinction. For averaging aggregation, we introduce a novel flattening layer after averaging to extract more distinguishable information and reduce overfitting of attention. We utilize centroid feature averaging for gallery registration. We demonstrate significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art methods on public datasets, including CCVID, MEVID, and BRIAR.Comment: WACV 202

    High Confidence Level Inference is Almost Free using Parallel Stochastic Optimization

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    Uncertainty quantification for estimation through stochastic optimization solutions in an online setting has gained popularity recently. This paper introduces a novel inference method focused on constructing confidence intervals with efficient computation and fast convergence to the nominal level. Specifically, we propose to use a small number of independent multi-runs to acquire distribution information and construct a t-based confidence interval. Our method requires minimal additional computation and memory beyond the standard updating of estimates, making the inference process almost cost-free. We provide a rigorous theoretical guarantee for the confidence interval, demonstrating that the coverage is approximately exact with an explicit convergence rate and allowing for high confidence level inference. In particular, a new Gaussian approximation result is developed for the online estimators to characterize the coverage properties of our confidence intervals in terms of relative errors. Additionally, our method also allows for leveraging parallel computing to further accelerate calculations using multiple cores. It is easy to implement and can be integrated with existing stochastic algorithms without the need for complicated modifications

    End-to-end Dense Video Captioning as Sequence Generation

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    Dense video captioning aims to identify the events of interest in an input video, and generate descriptive captions for each event. Previous approaches usually follow a two-stage generative process, which first proposes a segment for each event, then renders a caption for each identified segment. Recent advances in large-scale sequence generation pretraining have seen great success in unifying task formulation for a great variety of tasks, but so far, more complex tasks such as dense video captioning are not able to fully utilize this powerful paradigm. In this work, we show how to model the two subtasks of dense video captioning jointly as one sequence generation task, and simultaneously predict the events and the corresponding descriptions. Experiments on YouCook2 and ViTT show encouraging results and indicate the feasibility of training complex tasks such as end-to-end dense video captioning integrated into large-scale pre-trained models

    ImaginE: An Imagination-Based Automatic Evaluation Metric for Natural Language Generation

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    Automatic evaluations for natural language generation (NLG) conventionally rely on token-level or embedding-level comparisons with text references. This differs from human language processing, for which visual imagination often improves comprehension. In this work, we propose ImaginE, an imagination-based automatic evaluation metric for natural language generation. With the help of StableDiffusion, a state-of-the-art text-to-image generator, we automatically generate an image as the embodied imagination for the text snippet and compute the imagination similarity using contextual embeddings. Experiments spanning several text generation tasks demonstrate that adding machine-generated images with our ImaginE displays great potential in introducing multi-modal information into NLG evaluation, and improves existing automatic metrics' correlations with human similarity judgments in both reference-based and reference-free evaluation scenarios.Comment: EACL 202
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