1,266 research outputs found

    An automated method for the layup of fiberglass fabric

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    This dissertation presents an automated composite fabric layup solution based on a new method to deform fiberglass fabric referred to as shifting. A layup system was designed and implemented using a large robotic gantry and custom end-effector for shifting. Layup tests proved that the system can deposit fabric onto two-dimensional and three-dimensional tooling surfaces accurately and repeatedly while avoiding out-of-plane deformation. A process planning method was developed to generate tool paths for the layup system based on a geometric model of the tooling surface. The approach is analogous to Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machining, where Numerical Control (NC) code from a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model is generated to drive the milling machine. Layup experiments utilizing the proposed method were conducted to validate the performance. The results show that the process planning software requires minimal time or human intervention and can generate tool paths leading to accurate composite fabric layups. Fiberglass fabric samples processed with shifting deformation were observed for meso-scale deformation. Tow thinning, bending and spacing was observed and measured. Overall, shifting did not create flaws in amounts that would disqualify the method from use in industry. This suggests that shifting is a viable method for use in automated manufacturing. The work of this dissertation provides a new method for the automated layup of broad width composite fabric that is not possible with any available composite automation systems to date

    Video anomaly detection and localization by local motion based joint video representation and OCELM

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    Nowadays, human-based video analysis becomes increasingly exhausting due to the ubiquitous use of surveillance cameras and explosive growth of video data. This paper proposes a novel approach to detect and localize video anomalies automatically. For video feature extraction, video volumes are jointly represented by two novel local motion based video descriptors, SL-HOF and ULGP-OF. SL-HOF descriptor captures the spatial distribution information of 3D local regions’ motion in the spatio-temporal cuboid extracted from video, which can implicitly reflect the structural information of foreground and depict foreground motion more precisely than the normal HOF descriptor. To locate the video foreground more accurately, we propose a new Robust PCA based foreground localization scheme. ULGP-OF descriptor, which seamlessly combines the classic 2D texture descriptor LGP and optical flow, is proposed to describe the motion statistics of local region texture in the areas located by the foreground localization scheme. Both SL-HOF and ULGP-OF are shown to be more discriminative than existing video descriptors in anomaly detection. To model features of normal video events, we introduce the newly-emergent one-class Extreme Learning Machine (OCELM) as the data description algorithm. With a tremendous reduction in training time, OCELM can yield comparable or better performance than existing algorithms like the classic OCSVM, which makes our approach easier for model updating and more applicable to fast learning from the rapidly generated surveillance data. The proposed approach is tested on UCSD ped1, ped2 and UMN datasets, and experimental results show that our approach can achieve state-of-the-art results in both video anomaly detection and localization task.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project nos. 60970034, 61170287, 61232016)

    Hyperparameter selection of one-class support vector machine by self-adaptive data shifting

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    With flexible data description ability, one-class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) is one of the most popular and widely-used methods for one-class classification (OCC). Nevertheless, the performance of OCSVM strongly relies on its hyperparameter selection, which is still a challenging open problem due to the absence of outlier data. This paper proposes a fully automatic OCSVM hyperparameter selection method, which requires no tuning of additional hyperparameter, based on a novel self-adaptive “data shifting” mechanism: Firstly, by efficient edge pattern detection (EPD) and “negatively” shifting edge patterns along the negative direction of estimated data density gradient, a constrained number of high-quality pseudo outliers are self-adaptively generated at more desirable locations, which readily avoids two major difficulties in previous outlier generation methods. Secondly, to avoid time-consuming cross-validation and enhance robustness to noise in the given training data, a pseudo target set is generated for model validation by “positively” shifting each given target datum along the positive direction of data density gradient. Experiments on synthetic and benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.This work was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project no. 61170287, 61232016)

    EEG-Derived Voice Signature for Attended Speaker Detection

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    \textit{Objective:} Conventional EEG-based auditory attention detection (AAD) is achieved by comparing the time-varying speech stimuli and the elicited EEG signals. However, in order to obtain reliable correlation values, these methods necessitate a long decision window, resulting in a long detection latency. Humans have a remarkable ability to recognize and follow a known speaker, regardless of the spoken content. In this paper, we seek to detect the attended speaker among the pre-enrolled speakers from the elicited EEG signals. In this manner, we avoid relying on the speech stimuli for AAD at run-time. In doing so, we propose a novel EEG-based attended speaker detection (E-ASD) task. \textit{Methods:} We encode a speaker's voice with a fixed dimensional vector, known as speaker embedding, and project it to an audio-derived voice signature, which characterizes the speaker's unique voice regardless of the spoken content. We hypothesize that such a voice signature also exists in the listener's brain that can be decoded from the elicited EEG signals, referred to as EEG-derived voice signature. By comparing the audio-derived voice signature and the EEG-derived voice signature, we are able to effectively detect the attended speaker in the listening brain. \textit{Results:} Experiments show that E-ASD can effectively detect the attended speaker from the 0.5s EEG decision windows, achieving 99.78\% AAD accuracy, 99.94\% AUC, and 0.27\% EER. \textit{Conclusion:} We conclude that it is possible to derive the attended speaker's voice signature from the EEG signals so as to detect the attended speaker in a listening brain. \textit{Significance:} We present the first proof of concept for detecting the attended speaker from the elicited EEG signals in a cocktail party environment. The successful implementation of E-ASD marks a non-trivial, but crucial step towards smart hearing aids.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Online Whole-body Motion Planning for Quadrotor using Multi-resolution Search

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    In this paper, we address the problem of online quadrotor whole-body motion planning (SE(3) planning) in unknown and unstructured environments. We propose a novel multi-resolution search method, which discovers narrow areas requiring full pose planning and normal areas requiring only position planning. As a consequence, a quadrotor planning problem is decomposed into several SE(3) (if necessary) and R^3 sub-problems. To fly through the discovered narrow areas, a carefully designed corridor generation strategy for narrow areas is proposed, which significantly increases the planning success rate. The overall problem decomposition and hierarchical planning framework substantially accelerate the planning process, making it possible to work online with fully onboard sensing and computation in unknown environments. Extensive simulation benchmark comparisons show that the proposed method is one to several orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art methods in computation time while maintaining high planning success rate. The proposed method is finally integrated into a LiDAR-based autonomous quadrotor, and various real-world experiments in unknown and unstructured environments are conducted to demonstrate the outstanding performance of the proposed method
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