24 research outputs found

    Association of polymicrobial interactions with dental caries development and prevention

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    Dental caries is a common oral disease. In many cases, disruption of the ecological balance of the oral cavity can result in the occurrence of dental caries. There are many cariogenic microbiota and factors, and their identification allows us to take corresponding prevention and control measures. With the development of microbiology, the caries-causing bacteria have evolved from the traditional single Streptococcus mutans to the discovery of oral symbiotic bacteria. Thus it is necessary to systematically organized the association of polymicrobial interactions with dental caries development. In terms of ecology, caries occurs due to an ecological imbalance of the microbiota, caused by the growth and reproduction of cariogenic microbiota due to external factors or the disruption of homeostasis by one’s own factors. To reduce the occurrence of dental caries effectively, and considering the latest scientific viewpoints, caries may be viewed from the perspective of ecology, and preventive measures can be taken; hence, this article systematically summarizes the prevention and treatment of dental caries from the aspects of ecological perspectives, in particular the ecological biofilm formation, bacterial quorum sensing, the main cariogenic microbiota, and preventive measures

    TAK1: A Molecular Link Between Liver Inflammation, Fibrosis, Steatosis, and Carcinogenesis

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    Chronic insult and persistent injury can cause liver inflammation, fibrosis, and carcinogenesis; it can also be associated with metabolic disorders. Identification of critical molecules that link the process of inflammation and carcinogenesis will provide prospective therapeutic targets for liver diseases. Rapid advancements in gene engineering technology have allowed the elucidation of the underlying mechanism of transformation, from inflammation and metabolic disorders to carcinogenesis. Transforming growth factor-β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) is an upstream intracellular protein kinase of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) and c-Jun N-terminal kinases, which are activated by numerous cytokines, growth factors, and microbial products. In this study, we highlighted the functional roles of TAK1 and its interaction with transforming growth factor-β, WNT, AMP-activated protein kinase, and NF-κB signaling pathways in liver inflammation, steatosis, fibrosis, and carcinogenesis based on previously published articles

    Determination of the Role of Microcystis aeruginosa in Toxin Generation Based on Phosphoproteomic Profiles

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    Microcystis aeruginosa is the most common species responsible for toxic cyanobacterial blooms and is considered a significant contributor to the production of cyanotoxins, particularly the potent liver toxins called microcystins. Numerous studies investigating Microcystis spp. blooms have revealed their deleterious effects in freshwater environments. However, the available knowledge regarding the global phosphoproteomics of M. aeruginosa and their regulatory roles in toxin generation is limited. In this study, we conducted comparative phosphoproteomic profiling of non-toxic and toxin-producing strains of M. aeruginosa. We identified 59 phosphorylation sites in 37 proteins in a non-toxic strain and 26 phosphorylation sites in 18 proteins in a toxin-producing strain. The analysis of protein phosphorylation abundances and functions in redox homeostasis, energy metabolism, light absorption and photosynthesis showed marked differences between the non-toxic and toxin-producing strains of M. aeruginosa, indicating that these processes are strongly related to toxin generation. Moreover, the protein-protein interaction results indicated that BJ0JVG8 can directly interact with the PemK-like toxin protein B0JQN8. Thus, the phosphorylation of B0JQN8 appears to be associated with the regulatory roles of toxins in physiological activity

    A Better Fruit Quality of Grafted Blueberry Than Own-Rooted Blueberry Is Linked to Its Anatomy

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    To further clarify the impact of different rootstocks in grafted blueberry, fruit quality, mineral contents, and leaf gas exchange were investigated in ‘O’Neal’ blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) grafted onto ‘Anna’ (V. corymbosum) (AO), ‘Sharpblue’ (V. corymbosum) (SO), ‘Baldwin’ (V. virgatum) (BO), ‘Plolific’ (V. virgatum) (PO), and ‘Tifblue’ (V. virgatum) (TO) rootstocks and own-rooted ‘O’Neal’ (NO), and differences in anatomic structures and drought resistance were determined in AO, TO, and NO. The findings revealed that fruit quality in TO and PO was excellent, that of BO and SO was good, and that of AO and NO was medium. ‘Tifblue’ and ‘Plolific’ rootstocks significantly increased the levels of leaf phosphorus and net photosynthetic rate of ‘O’Neal’, accompanied by a synchronous increase in their transpiration rates, stomatal conductance, and intercellular CO2. Additionally, the comprehensive evaluation scores from a principal component analysis based on anatomic structure traits from high to low were in the order TO > AO > NO. The P50 (xylem water potential at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity) values of these grafted plants descended in the order NO > AO > TO, and the branch hydraulic conductivity of TO and sapwood hydraulic conductivity of TO and AO were significantly lower than those of NO. Thus, TO plants exhibited the strongest drought resistance, followed by AO, and NO, and this trait was related to the effects of different rootstocks on the fruit quality of ‘O’Neal’ blueberry. These results provided a basis for a deeper understanding of the interaction between rootstocks and scions, as well mechanisms to improve blueberry fruit quality

    Dynamics of Bacterial Community Diversity and Structure in the Terminal Reservoir of the South-To-North Water Diversion Project in China

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    The South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) is the largest water transfer project in the world, and its purpose is to relax water constraints in a region facing severe water scarcity. Bacterial communities from these reservoirs are important to human health, and analyzing their diversity and structure is crucial to water safety. Here, we investigated the dynamics of bacterial communities and their relationship with environmental parameters in the terminal reservoir (Miyun Reservoir) of the Middle Route of the SNWDP by high-throughput sequencing technology. Our results showed that Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Bacterioidetes were the most abundant phyla in the water column, and the community composition fluctuated seasonally. Moreover, the detected diversity of the bacterial community composition provided novel insights into the ongoing biogeochemical processes. The temperature was positively correlated with the dominant bacteria, with other factors, including the total dissolved solids, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen and total nitrogen, shaping the structure and distribution of the microbial community. Furthermore, the metagenome showed broad phylogenetic diversity, indicating that organisms were involved in multiple essential environmental processes. This work is important for building a database to understand how microbial communities change after water transfers

    Hepatocyte TGF-β Signaling Inhibiting WAT Browning to Promote NAFLD and Obesity Is Associated With Let-7b-5p.

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    Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) signaling in hepatocytes promotes steatosis and body weight gain. However, processes that TGF-β signaling in hepatocytes promote pathological body weight gain in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are incompletely understood. Obesity and NAFLD were induced by 16 weeks of feeding a high-fat diet (HFD) in hepatocyte-specific TGF-β receptor II-deficient (Tgfbr2ΔHEP ) and Tgfbr2flox/flox mice. In addition, browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) was induced by administration of CL-316,243 (a β3-adrenergic agonist) or cold exposure for 7 days. Compared with Tgfbr2 flox/flox mice, Tgfbr2ΔHEP mice were resistant to steatosis and obesity. The metabolic changes in Tgfbr2ΔHEP mice were due to the increase of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in the liver and white-to-beige fat conversion. A further mechanistic study revealed that exosomal let-7b-5p derived from hepatocytes was robustly elevated after stimulation with palmitic acid and TGF-β. Indeed, let-7b-5p levels were low in the liver, serum exosomes, inguinal WAT, and epididymal WAT in HFD-fed Tgfbr2ΔHEP mice. Moreover, 3T3-L1 cells internalized hepatocyte-derived exosomes. An in vitro experiment demonstrated that let-7b-5p overexpression increased hepatocyte fatty acid transport and inhibited adipocyte-like cell thermogenesis, whereas let-7b-5p inhibitor exerted the opposite effects. Conclusion: Hepatocyte TGF-β-let-7b-5p signaling promotes HFD-induced steatosis and obesity by reducing mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and suppressing white-to-beige fat conversion. This effect of hepatocyte TGF-β signaling in metabolism is partially associated with exosomal let-7b-5p

    Multicenter Analysis of Liver Injury Patterns and Mortality in COVID-19

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    Background and Aim: Liver test abnormalities are common in COVID-19 patients. The aim of our study was to determine risk factors for different liver injury patterns and to evaluate the relationship between liver injury patterns and prognosis in patients with COVID-19.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed patients admitted between January 1st to March 10th, with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and followed them up to April 20th, 2020. Information of clinical features of patients was collected for analysis.Results: As a result, a total of 838 hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19, including 48.8% (409/838) patients with normal liver function and 51.2% (429/838) patients with liver injury were analyzed. Abnormal liver function tests are associated with organ injuries, hypoxia, inflammation, and the use of antiviral drugs. Hepatocellular injury pattern was associated with hypoxia. The mortality of the hepatocellular injury pattern, cholestatic pattern and mixed pattern were 25, 28.2, and 22.3%, respectively, while the death rate was only 6.1% in the patients without liver injury. Multivariate analyses showed that liver injury with cholestatic pattern and mixed pattern were associated with increased mortality risk.Conclusions: Our study confirmed that hepatocellular injury pattern that may be induced by hypoxia was not risk factor for mortality in SARS-COV-2 infection, while liver injury with mixed pattern and cholestatic pattern that might be induced by SARS-CoV-2 directly might be potential risk factors for increased mortality in COVID-19 patients