91,879 research outputs found

    Significance of interface anisotropy in laser induced magnetization precession in ferromagnetic metal films

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    Laser induced ultrafast demagnetization in ferromagnetic metals was discovered almost 20 years ago, but currently there is still lack of consensus on the microscopic mechanism responsible for the corresponding transfer of angular momentum and energy between electron, lattice and spin subsystems. A distinct, but intrinsically correlated phenomenon occurring on a longer timescale is the magnetization precession after the ultrafast demagnetization process, if a magnetic field is applied to tilt the magnetization vector away from its easy direction, which can be attributed to the change of anisotropy after laser heating. In an in-plane magnetized Pt/Co/Pt thin film with perpendicular interface anisotropy, we found excellent agreement between theoretical prediction with plausible parameters and experimental data measured using time resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. This agreement confirms that the time evolution of the anisotropy field, which is driven by the interaction between electrons and phonons, determines the magnetization precession completely. A detailed analysis shows that, even though the whole sample is magnetized in-plane, the dynamic interface anisotropy field dictates the initial phase of the magnetization precession, highlighting the significance of the interface anisotropy field in laser induced magnetization precession.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Effects of medium-induced ρω\rho-\omega meson mixing on the equation of state in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter

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    We reexamine effects of the ρω\rho-\omega meson mixing mediated by nucleon polarizations on the symmetry energy in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter. Taking into account the rearrangement term neglected in previous studies by others, we evaluate the ρω\rho-\omega mixing angle in a novel way within the Relativistic Mean-Field Models with and without chiral limits. It is found that the symmetry energy is significantly softened at high densities contrary to the finding in earlier studies. As the first step of going beyond the lowest-order calculations, we also solve the RPA equation for the ρω\rho-\omega mixing. In this case, it is found that the symmetry energy is not only significantly softened by the ρω\rho-\omega mixing at supra-saturation densities, similar to the lowest-order ρω\rho-\omega mixing, but interestingly also softened at subsaturation densities. In addition, the softening of the symmetry energy at subsaturation densities can be partly suppressed by the nonlinear self-interaction of the σ\sigma meson.Comment: Significant changes made. Accepted version to appear in PRC (2009

    Strongly interacting bosons in a disordered optical lattice

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    Disorder, prevalent in nature, is intimately involved in such spectacular effects as the fractional quantum Hall effect and vortex pinning in type-II superconductors. Understanding the role of disorder is therefore of fundamental interest to materials research and condensed matter physics. Universal behavior, such as Anderson localization, in disordered non-interacting systems is well understood. But, the effects of disorder combined with strong interactions remains an outstanding challenge to theory. Here, we experimentally probe a paradigm for disordered, strongly-correlated bosonic systems-the disordered Bose-Hubbard (DBH) model-using a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of ultra-cold atoms trapped in a completely characterized disordered optical lattice. We determine that disorder suppresses condensate fraction for superfluid (SF) or coexisting SF and Mott insulator (MI) phases by independently varying the disorder strength and the ratio of tunneling to interaction energy. In the future, these results can constrain theories of the DBH model and be extended to study disorder for strongly-correlated fermionic particles.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures updated to correct errors in referencing previous wor

    Entanglement between two fermionic atoms inside a cylindrical harmonic trap

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    We investigate quantum entanglement between two (spin-1/2) fermions inside a cylindrical harmonic trap, making use of the von Neumann entropy for the reduced single particle density matrix as the pure state entanglement measure. We explore the dependence of pair entanglement on the geometry and strength of the trap and on the strength of the pairing interaction over the complete range of the effective BCS to BEC crossover. Our result elucidates an interesting connection between our model system of two fermions and that of two interacting bosons.Comment: to appear in PR

    Globally Optimal Crowdsourcing Quality Management

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    We study crowdsourcing quality management, that is, given worker responses to a set of tasks, our goal is to jointly estimate the true answers for the tasks, as well as the quality of the workers. Prior work on this problem relies primarily on applying Expectation-Maximization (EM) on the underlying maximum likelihood problem to estimate true answers as well as worker quality. Unfortunately, EM only provides a locally optimal solution rather than a globally optimal one. Other solutions to the problem (that do not leverage EM) fail to provide global optimality guarantees as well. In this paper, we focus on filtering, where tasks require the evaluation of a yes/no predicate, and rating, where tasks elicit integer scores from a finite domain. We design algorithms for finding the global optimal estimates of correct task answers and worker quality for the underlying maximum likelihood problem, and characterize the complexity of these algorithms. Our algorithms conceptually consider all mappings from tasks to true answers (typically a very large number), leveraging two key ideas to reduce, by several orders of magnitude, the number of mappings under consideration, while preserving optimality. We also demonstrate that these algorithms often find more accurate estimates than EM-based algorithms. This paper makes an important contribution towards understanding the inherent complexity of globally optimal crowdsourcing quality management