13,838 research outputs found

    Optimal Distributed Resource Allocation for Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks

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    This paper presents a distributed resource allocation algorithm to jointly optimize the power allocation, channel allocation and relay selection for decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks with a large number of sources, relays, and destinations. The well-known dual decomposition technique cannot directly be applied to resolve this problem, because the achievable data rate of DF relaying is not strictly concave, and thus the local resource allocation subproblem may have non-unique solutions. We resolve this non-strict concavity problem by using the idea of the proximal point method, which adds quadratic terms to make the objective function strictly concave. However, the proximal solution adds an extra layer of iterations over typical duality based approaches, which can significantly slow down the speed of convergence. To address this key weakness, we devise a fast algorithm without the need for this additional layer of iterations, which converges to the optimal solution. Our algorithm only needs local information exchange, and can easily adapt to variations of network size and topology. We prove that our distributed resource allocation algorithm converges to the optimal solution. A channel resource adjustment method is further developed to provide more channel resources to the bottleneck links and realize traffic load balance. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the benefits of our algorithm

    Gravitational Waves from Fully General Relativistic Oscillon Preheating

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    As long-lived quasi-solitons from the fragmentation of a scalar condensate, oscillons may dominate the preheating era after inflation. During this period, stochastic gravitational waves can also be generated. We quantify the gravitational wave production in this period with simulations accounting for full general relativity to capture all possible non-perturbative effects. We compute the gravitational wave spectra across a range of choices of the oscillon preheating models and compare our results to a conventional perturbative approach on an FLRW background. We clarify the gauge ambiguities in computing induced gravitational waves from scenarios where dense non-perturbative objects such as oscillons are being formed. In particular, we find that the synchronous gauge tends to contain large artificial enhancements in the gravitational wave spectrum due to gauge modes if gravity plays an important role in the formation of the oscillons, while other gauge choices, such as the radiation gauge or a suitably chosen "1+log" gauge, can efficiently reduce the contributions of gauge modes. The full general relativistic simulations indicate that gravitational wave spectra obtained from the perturbative approach on the FLRW background are fairly accurate, except when oscillon formation induces strong gravitational effects, for which case there can be an order unity enhancement

    Analyticity and the NcN_c counting rule of SS matrix poles

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    By studying ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitudes in the large NcN_c limit, we clarify the NcN_c dependence of the SS matrix pole position. It is demonstrated that analyticity and the NcN_c counting rule exclude the existence of SS matrix poles with M,ΓO(1){\cal M}, \Gamma\sim O(1). Especially the properties of σ\sigma and f0(980)f_0(980) with respect to the 1/Nc1/N_c expansion are discussed. We point out that in general tetra-quark resonances do not exist.Comment: This paper replaces hep-ph/0412175. The latter is withdraw

    Inherent-opening-controlled pattern formation in carbon nanotube arrays

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    We have introduced inherent openings into densely packed carbon nanotube arrays to study self-organized pattern formation when the arrays undergo a wetting–dewetting treatment from nanotube tips. These inherent openings, made of circular or elongated hollows in nanotube mats, serve as dewetting centres, from where liquid recedes from. As the dewetting centres initiate dry zones and the dry zones expand, surrounding nanotubes are pulled away from the dewetting centres by liquid surface tension. Among short nanotubes, the self-organized patterns are consistent with the shape of the inherent openings, i.e. slender openings lead to elongated trench-like structures, and circular holes result in relatively round nest-like arrangements. Nanotubes in a relatively high mat are more connected, like in an elastic body, than those in a short mat. Small cracks often initialize themselves in a relatively high mat, along two or more adjacent round openings; each of the cracks evolves into a trench as liquid dries up. Self-organized pattern control with inherent openings needs to initiate the dewetting process above the nanotube tips. If there is no liquid on top, inherent openings barely enlarge themselves after the wetting–dewetting treatment

    Renormalization of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Quark Mixing Matrix

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    We have investigated the present renormalization prescriptions of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. When considering the prescription which is formulated with reference to the case of zero mixing we find it doesn't satisfy the unitary condition of the bare CKM matrix. After added a delicate patch this problem can be solved at one-loop level. In this paper We generalize this prescription to all loop levels and keep the unitarity of the bare CKM matrix, simultaneously make the amplitude of an arbitrary physical process involving quark mixing convergent and gauge independent. We also find that in order to keep the CKM counterterms gauge independent the unitarity of the bare CKM matrix must be preserved.Comment: has been revised, 8 pages, 1 figur

    Evaluación de la Formación ediacárica de Doushantuo: mejora de la correlación estratigráfica de las pizarras negras de Doushantuo superior a partir del contenido en mercurio

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    Mercury enrichments in the black shale unit of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation are, likely the result of volcanic input or anoxia-driven mercury deposition. If the Hg enrichments are volcanic in origin, or are due to synchronous regional anoxia, then the patterns of Hg enrichment are consistent with the conventional correlation of these units, with the tripartite units equivalent to Member IV black shales. Additionally comparing redox proxy data from the intervals of Hg enrichment could indicate if the enrichments are due to comparable changes in redox conditions, or increased Hg input under differing redox conditions, consistent with volcanic input.Los enriquecimientos de mercurio en la unidad de esquisto negro de la Formación ediacárica de Doushantuo son probablemente el resultado de la influencia volcánica o del depósito de mercurio mediante anoxia. Si los enriquecimientos de Hg son de origen volcánico, o se deben a una anoxia regional contemporánea, entonces los patrones de enriquecimiento de Hg son consistentes con la correlación convencional de estas unidades, con las unidades tripartitas equivalentes a la pizarra negra del Miembro IV. Además, la comparación de los datos redox de los intervalos de enriquecimiento en Hg podría indicar si los enriquecimientos se deben a cambios comparables en las condiciones redox, o a un aumento de la entrada de Hg bajo diferentes condiciones redox, consistente con la influencia volcánica

    Excitation of nightside magnetosonic waves observedby Van Allen Probes

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    Abstract During the recovery phase of the geomagnetic storm on 30-31 March 2013, Van Allen Probe A detected enhanced magnetosonic (MS) waves in a broad range of L = 1.8-4.7 and magnetic local time (MLT) = 17-22 h, with a frequency range ∼10-100 Hz. In the meanwhile, distinct proton ring distributions with peaks at energies of ∼10 keV, were also observed in L = 3.2-4.6 and L = 5.0-5.6. Using a subtracted bi-Maxwellian distribution to model the observed proton ring distribution, we perform three-dimensional ray tracing to investigate the instability, propagation, and spatial distribution of MS waves. Numerical results show that nightside MS waves are produced by proton ring distribution and grow rapidly from the source location L = 5.6 to the location L = 5.0 but remain nearly stable at locations L \u3c 5.0. Moreover, waves launched toward lower L shells with different initial azimuthal angles propagate across different MLT regions with divergent paths at first, then gradually turn back toward higher L shells and propagate across different MLT regions with convergent paths. The current results further reveal that MS waves are generated by a ring distribution of ∼10 keV proton and proton ring in one region can contribute to the MS wave power in another region. Key Points: Correlated Van Allen Probe data of MS wave and proton ringGrowth rates are peaked at the harmonics of the proton gyrofrequencyMS waves propagate inward divergently and outward convergently

    Van Allen Probes observations linking radiation belt electrons to chorus waves during 2014 multiple storms

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    Abstract During 18 February to 2 March 2014, the Van Allen Probes encountered multiple geomagnetic storms and simultaneously observed intensified chorus and hiss waves. During this period, there were substantial enhancements in fluxes of energetic (53.8–108.3 keV) and relativistic (2–3.6 MeV) electrons. Chorus waves were excited at locations L = 4–6.2 after the fluxes of energetic were greatly enhanced, with a lower frequency band and wave amplitudes ∼20–100 pT. Strong hiss waves occurred primarily in the main phases or below the location L = 4 in the recovery phases. Relativistic electron fluxes decreased in the main phases due to the adiabatic (e.g., the magnetopause shadowing) or nonadiabatic (hiss-induced scattering) processes. In the recovery phases, relativistic electron fluxes either increased in the presence of enhanced chorus or remained unchanged in the absence of strong chorus or hiss. The observed relativistic electron phase space density peaked around L∗ = 4.5, characteristic of local acceleration. This multiple-storm period reveals a typical picture that chorus waves are excited by the energetic electrons at first and then produce efficient acceleration of relativistic electrons. This further demonstrates that the interplay between both competing mechanisms of chorus-driven acceleration and hiss-driven scattering often occurs in the outer radiation belts

    Hybrid nature of 0846+51W1: a BL Lac object with a narrow line Seyfert 1 nucleus

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    We have found a NLS1 nucleus in the extensively studied eruptive BL Lac, 0846+51W1, out of a large sample of NLS1 compiled from the spectroscopic dataset of SDSS DR1. Its optical spectrum can be well decomposed into three components, a power law component from the relativistic jet, a stellar component from the host galaxy, and a component from a typical NLS1 nucleus. The emission line properties of 0846+51W1, FWHM(Hbeta) ~ 1710 km s^-1 and [OIII]5007/Hbeta ~ 0.32 when it was in faint state, fulfil the conventional definition of NLS1. Strong FeII emission is detected in the SDSS spectrum, which is also typical of NLS1s. We try to estimate its central black hole mass using various techniques and find that 0846+51W1 is very likely emitting at a few times 10% L_Edd. We speculate that Seyfert-like nuclei, including NLS1s, might be concealed in a significant fraction of BL Lacs but have not been sufficiently explored due to the fact that, by definition, the optical-UV continuum of such kind of objects are often overwhelmed by the synchrotron emission.Comment: ChJAA accepte

    A Knowledge-Enhanced Recommendation Model with Attribute-Level Co-Attention

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely employed in recommender systems including incorporating attention mechanism for performance improvement. However, most of existing attention-based models only apply item-level attention on user side, restricting the further enhancement of recommendation performance. In this paper, we propose a knowledge-enhanced recommendation model ACAM, which incorporates item attributes distilled from knowledge graphs (KGs) as side information, and is built with a co-attention mechanism on attribute-level to achieve performance gains. Specifically, each user and item in ACAM are represented by a set of attribute embeddings at first. Then, user representations and item representations are augmented simultaneously through capturing the correlations between different attributes by a co-attention module. Our extensive experiments over two realistic datasets show that the user representations and item representations augmented by attribute-level co-attention gain ACAM's superiority over the state-of-the-art deep models