76,526 research outputs found

    Ultrafast and octave-spanning optical nonlinearities from strongly phase-mismatched cascaded interactions

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    Cascaded nonlinearities have attracted much interest, but ultrafast applications have been seriously hampered by the simultaneous requirements of being near phase-matching and having ultrafast femtosecond response times. Here we show that in strongly phase-mismatched nonlinear frequency conversion crystals the pump pulse can experience a large and extremely broadband self-defocusing cascaded Kerr-like nonlinearity. The large cascaded nonlinearity is ensured through interaction with the largest quadratic tensor element in the crystal, and the strong phase-mismatch ensures an ultrafast nonlinear response with an octave-spanning bandwidth. We verify this experimentally by showing few-cycle soliton compression with noncritical cascaded second-harmonic generation: Energetic 47 fs infrared pulses are compressed in a just 1-mm long bulk lithium niobate crystal to 17 fs (under 4 optical cycles) with 80% efficiency, and upon further propagation an octave-spanning supercontinuum is observed. Such ultrafast cascading is expected to occur for a broad range of pump wavelengths spanning the near- and mid-IR using standard nonlinear crystals.Comment: resubmitted, revised version, accepted for Phys. Rev. Let

    Money, moral transgressions, and blame

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    Two experiments tested participants' attributions for others' immoral behaviors when conducted for more versus less money. We hypothesized and found that observers would blame wrongdoers more when seeing a transgression enacted for little rather than a lot of money, and that this would be evident in observers' hand-washing behavior. Experiment 1 used a cognitive dissonance paradigm. Participants (N = 160) observed a confederate lie in exchange for either a relatively large or a small monetary payment. Participants blamed the liar more in the small (versus large) money condition. Participants (N = 184) in Experiment 2 saw images of someone knocking over another to obtain a small, medium, or large monetary sum. In the small (versus large) money condition, participants blamed the perpetrator (money) more. Hence, participants assigned less blame to moral wrong-doers, if the latter enacted their deed to obtain relatively large sums of money. Small amounts of money accentuate the immorality of others' transgressions

    Finite dimensional integrable Hamiltonian systems associated with DSI equation by Bargmann constraints

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    The Davey-Stewartson I equation is a typical integrable equation in 2+1 dimensions. Its Lax system being essentially in 1+1 dimensional form has been found through nonlinearization from 2+1 dimensions to 1+1 dimensions. In the present paper, this essentially 1+1 dimensional Lax system is further nonlinearized into 1+0 dimensional Hamiltonian systems by taking the Bargmann constraints. It is shown that the resulting 1+0 dimensional Hamiltonian systems are completely integrable in Liouville sense by finding a full set of integrals of motion and proving their functional independence.Comment: 10 pages, in LaTeX, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001

    Melt-growth dynamics in CdTe crystals

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    We use a new, quantum-mechanics-based bond-order potential (BOP) to reveal melt-growth dynamics and fine-scale defect formation mechanisms in CdTe crystals. Previous molecular dynamics simulations of semiconductors have shown qualitatively incorrect behavior due to the lack of an interatomic potential capable of predicting both crystalline growth and property trends of many transitional structures encountered during the melt →\rightarrow crystal transformation. Here we demonstrate successful molecular dynamics simulations of melt-growth in CdTe using a BOP that significantly improves over other potentials on property trends of different phases. Our simulations result in a detailed understanding of defect formation during the melt-growth process. Equally important, we show that the new BOP enables defect formation mechanisms to be studied at a scale level comparable to empirical molecular dynamics simulation methods with a fidelity level approaching quantum-mechanical method

    Finite-dimensional integrable systems associated with Davey-Stewartson I equation

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    For the Davey-Stewartson I equation, which is an integrable equation in 1+2 dimensions, we have already found its Lax pair in 1+1 dimensional form by nonlinear constraints. This paper deals with the second nonlinearization of this 1+1 dimensional system to get three 1+0 dimensional Hamiltonian systems with a constraint of Neumann type. The full set of involutive conserved integrals is obtained and their functional independence is proved. Therefore, the Hamiltonian systems are completely integrable in Liouville sense. A periodic solution of the Davey-Stewartson I equation is obtained by solving these classical Hamiltonian systems as an example.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Dynamics of photoexcited carriers in graphene

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    The nonequilibrium dynamics of carriers and phonons in graphene is investigated by solving the microscopic kinetic equations with the carrier-phonon and carrier-carrier Coulomb scatterings explicitly included. The Fermi distribution of hot carriers are found to be established within 100 fs and the temperatures of electrons in the conduction and valence bands are very close to each other, even when the excitation density and the equilibrium density are comparable, thanks to the strong inter-band Coulomb scattering. Moreover, the temporal evolutions of the differential transmission obtained from our calculations agree with the experiments by Wang et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 081917 (2010)] and Hale et al. [Phys. Rev. B 83, 121404 (2011)] very well, with two distinct differential transmission relaxations presented. We show that the fast relaxation is due to the rapid carrier-phonon thermalization and the slow one is mainly because of the slow decay of hot phonons. In addition, it is found that the temperatures of the hot phonons in different branches are different and the temperature of hot carriers can be even lower than that of the hottest phonons. Finally, we show that the slow relaxation rate exhibits a mild valley in the excitation density dependence and is linearly dependent on the probe-photon energy.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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