13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Biskuit Tepung Ikan Mujair dan Tepung Beras Merah terhadap Status Gizi Siswa SD di KecamatanLamasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) status gizi siswa SD Lamasi sebelum mengkonsumsi biskuit tepung ikan mujair dan tepung beras merah 2) status gizi siswa SD Lamasi setelah mengkonsumsi biskuit tepung ikan mujair dan tepung beras merah 3) pengaruh biskuit tepung ikan mujair dan tepung beras merah terhadap status gizi siswa SD Lamasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen yaitu Quasi Experimental design dan Desain penelitian Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Single Blind Pre-post Study, jumlah sampel sebanyak 26 orang yang dipilih secara purposive sampling, dari 3 sekolah sebanyak 104 siswa SD kelas V di Kecamatan Lamasi, yang berumur 10-11 tahun. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan teknik angket (ffqdan food recall), wawancara (profilkeluarga), observasi (keadaanlingkungan), dan dokumentasi (data dinaspendidikandan data sekolah). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, uji T dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) berkurangnya status gizi kurang siswa dari 11 sampel menjadi 10 sampel, dan meningkatnya status gizi ideal siswa dari 2 sampel menjadi 3 sampel setelah mengkonsumsi biskuit untuk kelompok kontrol, sedangkan untuk kelompok perlakuan sebelum dan setelah mengkonsumsi biskuit terdapat status gizi kurang sebanyak 12 sampel menjadi 11 sampel, dan status gizi ideal sebanyak 1 sampel menjadi 2 sampel. 2) Hasil pengujian pada tabel diketahui nilai t sebesar -1.573 dengan nilai P Value> 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan atau lemah pada konsumsi biskuit tehadap status gizi siswa, dan nilai R = 0.312menunjukkan hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat termasuk pada kategori lemah, variabel terikat atau R Square = 9,8% dan 90.2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata kunci: biskuit tepung ikan mujair dan tepung beras merah, status gizi

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U

    Compositions and methods for drug-sensitization or inhibition of a cancer cell

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    The disclosure provides rifamycin and rifamycin derivative compositions, including rifabutin and rifabutin derivative compositions able to cause drug-sensitization in a cancer cell or inhibition of a cancer cell. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to cancer cells to sensitize them to drugs, such as chemotherapeutics, or directly inhibit them. The disclosure also provides methods of administering such compositions to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly superoxides, in cancer cells. The disclosure further provides methods of determining whether a cancer will respond to chemotherapeutics and whether to administer rifamycin or a rifamycin derivative based on ROS levels in cancer cells of a patient.U