56 research outputs found

    Seasoned Equity Offerings in China

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    Bait and Switch:How Do Chinese Firms Use Proceeds from Seasoned Equity Offerings

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    We reveal motivations of Chinese firms for issuing Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEO) by examining why firms change the use of SEO proceeds and how they use unspecified SEO proceeds. Using 533 SEOs issued by Chinese firms during 1999-2006, we find that firms do not use unspecified SEO proceeds on capital investment regardless of the nature of controlling shareholders. We find that if the controlling shareholder is the state, then the firm uses unspecified proceeds to stockpile cash; if the controlling shareholder is a parent state-owned enterprise, then the firm uses unspecified proceeds on retiring debt and on related party transactions

    Key Technology of Real-Time Road Navigation Method Based on Intelligent Data Research

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    The effect of traffic flow prediction plays an important role in routing selection. Traditional traffic flow forecasting methods mainly include linear, nonlinear, neural network, and Time Series Analysis method. However, all of them have some shortcomings. This paper analyzes the existing algorithms on traffic flow prediction and characteristics of city traffic flow and proposes a road traffic flow prediction method based on transfer probability. This method first analyzes the transfer probability of upstream of the target road and then makes the prediction of the traffic flow at the next time by using the traffic flow equation. Newton Interior-Point Method is used to obtain the optimal value of parameters. Finally, it uses the proposed model to predict the traffic flow at the next time. By comparing the existing prediction methods, the proposed model has proven to have good performance. It can fast get the optimal value of parameters faster and has higher prediction accuracy, which can be used to make real-time traffic flow prediction

    Evaluation of a Novel Biphasic Culture Medium for Recovery of Mycobacteria: A Multi-Center Study

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    on L-J slants. Automated liquid culture systems are expensive. A low-cost culturing medium capable of rapidly indicating the presence of mycobacteria is needed. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a novel biphasic culture medium for the recovery of mycobacteria from clinical sputum specimens from suspected pulmonary tuberculosis patients.<0.001).

    Understanding seasoned equity offerings of Chinese firms

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    We examine the empirical relevance of standard theories explaining the motivation of Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) in the Chinese context. Analyzing Chinese SEOs during 1994-2008 and controlling for other factors reflecting features of Chinese corporate finance, we find that Chinese SEOs are mostly motivated by timing the market. Financing for investment and growth receives weak empirical support. We do not obtain any consistent evidence supporting both the tradeoff and the agency theories. In addition, we find that the firm's SEOs behavior varies between rights issues and public offerings and across different periods along with the progress of China's market transition. Our results show that Chinese listed firms in general behave similarly as their counterparts in other countries concerning SEOs decisions in that they issue SEOs when there are opportunities to take advantage of market overvaluation. These results are consistent with the well-documented convergence trend of corporate SEOs behavior of firms around the world. In addition, our findings challenge the conventional perception on Chinese SEOs that controlling shareholders use SEOs as a means to expropriate minority shareholders.Seasoned equity offerings Chinese listed firms Market timing
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