49 research outputs found

    Table_1_Extracellular vesicles derived from Trichinella Spiralis larvae promote the polarization of macrophages to M2b type and inhibit the activation of fibroblasts.docx

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    Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis) is a globally distributed food-borne parasite that can coexist with the host for a long time after infection. Trichinella-derived secretions can regulate the immune response and fibroblasts of the host, but the specific mechanisms involved are still unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of T. spiralis larvae-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their key miRNAs in the process of T. spiralis–host interaction. In this study, we found that the EVs of T. spiralis larvae, as well as miR-1-3p and let-7-5p, expressed in T. spiralis larvae-derived EVs, can promote the polarization of bone marrow macrophages to M2b type while inhibiting the activation of fibroblasts. These findings will contribute to further understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying T. spiralis–host interactions.</p

    Representative electrophoresis result of <i>COX1</i> gene.

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    <p>Lane M: DL2000 DNA marker; Lanes 1: <i>COX1</i> PCR product; Lanes 2: PCR product without DNA. bp, base-pairs; COX1, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1; DL, DNA Ladder; M, Marker.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of <i>COX1</i> gene.

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    <p>The Maximum Likelihood phylogenic tree of <i>COX1</i> in the sequence of case product and related species using MEGA7.0.14 and edited in Figtree v1.4.2. Multiple sequence alignment was performed by CLUSATLW with default. COX1, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1.</p

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Chi3l3: a potential key orchestrator of eosinophil recruitment in meningitis induced by Angiostrongylus cantonensis

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    a–d. qPCR analysis of Chi3l3, PPARγ, JMJD3, and KLF4 of BMDMs in the presence of sAg, IL-13, sAg+IL-13, and LPS for 24 h. E. IL-5 mRNA levels in normal and AC-infected mouse brains. *P < 0.05, AC-infected 21 dpi group vs control group. (TIFF 739 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Chi3l3: a potential key orchestrator of eosinophil recruitment in meningitis induced by Angiostrongylus cantonensis

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    The comparison between the expression levels of the top two genes in Table 1. Chi3l3 and LOC547349 were ranked according to the maximal changing rate of genes in cluster 1. Chi3l3 and LOC547349 have similar maximal changing rates, but Chi3l3 has a higher expression level. (TIFF 2791 kb