137 research outputs found

    High pressure phases in highly piezoelectric Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3

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    Two novel room-temperature phase transitions are observed, via synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, in the Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 alloy under hydrostatic pressures up to 16 GPa. A monoclinic (M)-to-rhombohedral (R1) phase transition takes place around 2-3 GPa, while this R1 phase transforms into another rhombohedral phase, R2, at about 6-7 GPa. First-principles calculations assign the R3m and R3c symmetry to R1 and R2, respectively, and reveal that R2 acts as a pressure-induced structural bridge between the polar R3m and a predicted antiferrodistortive R-3c phase.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages with 3 figures embedded. Figs 1 and 3 in colo

    A tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transition in a ferroelectric perovskite: the structure of PbZr(0.52)Ti(0.48)O3

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    The perovskite-like ferroelectric system PbZr(1-x)Ti(x)O3 (PZT) has a nearly vertical morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) around x=0.45-0.50. Recent synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction measurements by Noheda et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 2059 (1999)] have revealed a new monoclinic phase between the previously-established tetragonal and rhombohedral regions. In the present work we describe a Rietveld analysis of the detailed structure of the tetragonal and monoclinic PZT phases on a sample with x= 0.48 for which the lattice parameters are respectively: at= 4.044 A, ct= 4.138 A, at 325 K, and am= 5.721 A, bm= 5.708 A, cm= 4.138 A, beta= 90.496 deg., at 20K. In the tetragonal phase the shifts of the atoms along the polar [001] direction are similar to those in PbTiO3 but the refinement indicates that there are, in addition, local disordered shifts of the Pb atoms of ~0.2 A perpendicular to the polar axis.. The monoclinic structure can be viewed as a condensation along one of the directions of the local displacements present in the tetragonal phase. It equally well corresponds to a freezing-out of the local displacements along one of the directions recently reported by Corker et al.[J. Phys. Condens. Matter 10, 6251 (1998)] for rhombohedral PZT. The monoclinic structure therefore provides a microscopic picture of the MPB region in which one of the "locally" monoclinic phases in the "average" rhombohedral or tetragonal structures freezes out, and thus represents a bridge between these two phases.Comment: REVTeX, 7 figures. Modifications after referee's suggestion: new figure (figure 5), comments in 2nd para. (Sect.III) and in 2nd & 3rd para. (Sect. IV-a), in the abstract: "...of ~0.2 A perpendicular to the polar axis.

    Stability of the monoclinic phase in the ferroelectric perovskite PbZr(1-x)TixO3

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    Recent structural studies of ferroelectric PbZr(1-x)TixO3 (PZT) with x= 0.48, have revealed a new monoclinic phase in the vicinity of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), previously regarded as the the boundary separating the rhombohedral and tetragonal regions of the PZT phase diagram. In the present paper, the stability region of all three phases has been established from high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction measurements on a series of highly homogeneous samples with 0.42 <=x<= 0.52. At 20K the monoclinic phase is stable in the range 0.46 <=x<= 0.51, and this range narrows as the temperature is increased. A first-order phase transition from tetragonal to rhombohedral symmetry is observed only for x= 0.45. The MPB, therefore, corresponds not to the tetragonal-rhombohedral phase boundary, but instead to the boundary between the tetragonal and monoclinic phases for 0.46 <=x<= 0.51. This result provides important insight into the close relationship between the monoclinic phase and the striking piezoelectric properties of PZT; in particular, investigations of poled samples have shown that the monoclinic distortion is the origin of the unusually high piezoelectric response of PZT.Comment: REVTeX file, 7 figures embedde

    Multiband tight-binding theory of disordered ABC semiconductor quantum dots: Application to the optical properties of alloyed CdZnSe nanocrystals

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    Zero-dimensional nanocrystals, as obtained by chemical synthesis, offer a broad range of applications, as their spectrum and thus their excitation gap can be tailored by variation of their size. Additionally, nanocrystals of the type ABC can be realized by alloying of two pure compound semiconductor materials AC and BC, which allows for a continuous tuning of their absorption and emission spectrum with the concentration x. We use the single-particle energies and wave functions calculated from a multiband sp^3 empirical tight-binding model in combination with the configuration interaction scheme to calculate the optical properties of CdZnSe nanocrystals with a spherical shape. In contrast to common mean-field approaches like the virtual crystal approximation (VCA), we treat the disorder on a microscopic level by taking into account a finite number of realizations for each size and concentration. We then compare the results for the optical properties with recent experimental data and calculate the optical bowing coefficient for further sizes

    Comparison of Emissions Inventories of Anthropogenic Air Pollutants in China

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    Anthropogenic air pollutant emissions have been increasing rapidly in China. Modelers use emissions inventories to assess temporal and spatial distribution of these emissions to estimate their impacts on regional and global air quality. However, large uncertainties exist in emissions estimates and assessing discrepancies in these inventories is essential for better understanding of the trends in air pollution over China. We compare five different emissions inventories estimating emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 um or less (PM10) from China. The emissions inventories analyzed in this paper include Regional Emissions inventory in ASia v2.1 (REAS); Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China (MEIC); Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research v4.2 (EDGAR); the inventory by Yu Zhao (ZHAO); and the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS). We focus on the period between 2000 and 2008 during which the Chinese economic activities have more than doubled. In addition to the national total, we also analyzed emissions from four source sectors (industry, transportation, power, and residential) and within seven regions in China (East, North, Northeast, Central, Southwest, Northwest, and South) and found that large disagreements (~ seven fold) exist among the five inventories at disaggregated levels. These discrepancies lead to differences of 67 ug/m3, 15 ppbv, and 470 ppbv for monthly mean PM10, O3, and CO, respectively, in modelled regional concentrations in China. We also find that MEIC inventory emissions estimates create a VOC-limited environment that produces much lower O3 mixing ratio in the East and Central China compared to the simulations using REAS and EDGAR estimates. Our results illustrate that a better understanding of Chinese emissions at more disaggregated levels is essential for finding an effective mitigation measure for reducing national and regional air pollution in China

    Tidal Dwarf Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts

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    We present the first attempt at measuring the production rate of tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs) and estimating their contribution to the overall dwarf population. Using HST/ACS deep imaging data from GOODS and GEMS surveys in conjunction with photometric redshifts from COMBO-17 survey, we performed a morphological analysis for a sample of merging/interacting galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South and identified tidal dwarf candidates in the rest-frame optical bands. We estimated a production rate about 1.4 {\times} 10^{-5} per Gyr per comoving volume for long-lived TDGs with stellar mass 3 {\times} 10^{8-9} solar mass at 0.5<z<1.1. Together with galaxy merger rates and TDG survival rate from the literature, our results suggest that only a marginal fraction (less than 10%) of dwarf galaxies in the local universe could be tidally-originated. TDGs in our sample are on average bluer than their host galaxies in the optical. Stellar population modelling of optical to near-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for two TDGs favors a burst component with age 400/200 Myr and stellar mass 40%/26% of the total, indicating that a young stellar population newly formed in TDGs. This is consistent with the episodic star formation histories found for nearby TDGs.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Anomalous Heat Conduction and Anomalous Diffusion in Low Dimensional Nanoscale Systems

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    Thermal transport is an important energy transfer process in nature. Phonon is the major energy carrier for heat in semiconductor and dielectric materials. In analogy to Ohm's law for electrical conductivity, Fourier's law is a fundamental rule of heat transfer in solids. It states that the thermal conductivity is independent of sample scale and geometry. Although Fourier's law has received great success in describing macroscopic thermal transport in the past two hundreds years, its validity in low dimensional systems is still an open question. Here we give a brief review of the recent developments in experimental, theoretical and numerical studies of heat transport in low dimensional systems, include lattice models, nanowires, nanotubes and graphenes. We will demonstrate that the phonon transports in low dimensional systems super-diffusively, which leads to a size dependent thermal conductivity. In other words, Fourier's law is breakdown in low dimensional structures

    Measurements of the Mass and Full-Width of the ηc\eta_c Meson

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    In a sample of 58 million J/ψJ/\psi events collected with the BES II detector, the process J/ψγηc\psi\to\gamma\eta_c is observed in five different decay channels: γK+Kπ+π\gamma K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-, γπ+ππ+π\gamma\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-, γK±KS0π\gamma K^\pm K^0_S \pi^\mp (with KS0π+πK^0_S\to\pi^+\pi^-), γϕϕ\gamma \phi\phi (with ϕK+K\phi\to K^+K^-) and γppˉ\gamma p\bar{p}. From a combined fit of all five channels, we determine the mass and full-width of ηc\eta_c to be mηc=2977.5±1.0(stat.)±1.2(syst.)m_{\eta_c}=2977.5\pm1.0 ({stat.})\pm1.2 ({syst.}) MeV/c2c^2 and Γηc=17.0±3.7(stat.)±7.4(syst.)\Gamma_{\eta_c} = 17.0\pm3.7 ({stat.})\pm7.4 ({syst.}) MeV/c2c^2.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures and 4 table. Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Measurement of Branching Ratios for ηc\eta_c Hadronic Decays

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    In a sample of 58 million J/ψJ/\psi events collected with the BES II detector, the process J/ψγηc\psi\to\gamma\eta_c is observed in five decay channels: ηcK+Kπ+π\eta_c \to K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-, π+ππ+π\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-, K±KS0πK^\pm K^0_S \pi^\mp (with KS0π+πK^0_S\to\pi^+\pi^-), ϕϕ\phi\phi (with ϕK+K\phi\to K^+K^-) and ppˉp\bar{p}. From these signals, we determine Br(J/ψγηc)×Br(ηcK+Kπ+π)Br(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c)\times Br(\eta_c\to K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-) =(1.5±0.2±0.2)×104=(1.5\pm0.2\pm0.2)\times10^{-4}, Br(J/ψγηc)×Br(ηcπ+ππ+π)Br(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c)\times Br(\eta_c\to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-) =(1.3±0.2±0.4)×104=(1.3\pm0.2\pm0.4)\times10^{-4}, Br(J/ψγηc)×Br(ηcK±KS0π)Br(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c)\times Br(\eta_c\to K^\pm K_{S}^{0}\pi^\mp) =(2.2±0.3±0.5)×104=(2.2\pm0.3\pm0.5)\times10^{-4}, Br(J/ψγηc)×Br(ηcϕϕ)Br(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c)\times Br(\eta_c\to \phi\phi) =(3.3±0.6±0.6)×105=(3.3\pm0.6\pm0.6)\times10^{-5} and Br(J/ψγηc)×Br(ηcppˉ)Br(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c)\times Br(\eta_c\to p\bar{p}) =(1.9±0.3±0.3)×105=(1.9\pm0.3\pm0.3)\times10^{-5}.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figures and 4 table. Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Evidence of psi(3770) non-DD-bar Decay to J/psi pi+pi-

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    Evidence of ψ(3770)\psi(3770) decays to a non-DDˉ{D \bar D} final state is observed. A total of 11.8±4.8±1.311.8 \pm 4.8 \pm 1.3 \psi(3770) \to \PPJP events are obtained from a data sample of 27.7 pb1\rm {pb^{-1}} taken at center-of-mass energies around 3.773 GeV using the BES-II detector at the BEPC. The branching fraction is determined to be BF(\psi(3770) \to \PPJP)=(0.34\pm 0.14 \pm 0.09)%, corresponding to the partial width of \Gamma(\psi(3770) \to \PPJP) = (80 \pm 33 \pm 23) keV.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to Physics Letters