635 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Management of Fresh Produce: Melons in Western China

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    The western part of China has a long history and reputation of growing a variety of quality melons largely due to its semi arid agronomic environment. In the past decade, the industry suffered from the interrelated issues of unreliable quality and intense price competition. Even though both the government and supply chain stakeholders are aware of the problems, there is a need to look at the issues from a supply chain perspective and new ways of managing the melon supply chains are to be explored. This paper analysed the melon supply chain in western China in the areas of logistical efficiency and supply chain relationship management. The results of the analysis offer insights for improving the efficiency of the melon supply chain and the competitiveness the industry. The results also shed lights for other supply chains of fresh produce in developing countries in general.melon, China, supply chain, value chain, Crop Production/Industries, Industrial Organization, O13, O5, Q13,

    Essays on business cycles with liquidity constraints and firm entry-exit dynamics under incomplete information

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    This dissertation addresses two distinct issues. The first paper studies business cycles with asset fire sales under limited commitment in financial markets. Paper 2 and 3 study firm entry and exit dynamics in a global game with incomplete information. The second paper derives analytical solutions when firms’ productivity is uniformly distributed. The third paper extends the analysis to span more general distributions and solves the problem numerically. The first paper develops a stochastic over-lapping generations’ model to study the intertemporal and intergenerational transmission of productivity shocks. Productivity shocks cause fire sales of capital, which in turn affects the income of future generations. From a constrained-efficiency perspective, competitive equilibria can be inefficient as agents\u27 choices in equilibrium exhibit ex-ante over-borrowing. The inefficiency arises because entrepreneurs cannot get fully financed from outside funds due to limited commitment in financial markets. The fact that the capital prices are determined in competitive markets also contributes to the above inefficiency because agents fail to internalize potential ex-post fire sales. A capital requirement policy can reduce fire sales when adverse productivity shocks occur, and can thus increase the income for all future generations. On the other hand, a lower capital stock even when good productivity shocks occur decreases income for all future generations. Overall, this paper shows that in the long run, a capital requirement policy can (strictly) increase welfare of agents. The second paper develops a static general equilibrium model to study firms\u27 entry and exit decision in a global game with incomplete information. Firms\u27 choices are strategic substitutes. This paper analytically proves the existence and uniqueness of a monotonic pure strategy equilibrium when the mean productivity and the productivity conditional on the mean are both drawn from uniform distributions. Using numerical examples, it is shown that when the precision of public information increases, the equilibrium switching productivity level increases and, as a result, the aggregate industry productivity increases. By reallocating resources to more productive firms, an increase in the precision of public information leads to a higher welfare. The third paper extends the problem studied in the second paper to examine whether and how the shapes of productivity distributions affect the existence of the monotonic pure strategy equilibria. The mean productivity is now drawn from a truncated normal distribution and individual firm\u27s productivity conditional on the mean is drawn from more general (truncated) distributions, such as truncated normal, truncated gamma, and truncated exponential distributions. With numerical examples, it is shown that a unique monotonic pure strategy equilibrium continues to exist when firms’ productivity is drawn from non-uniform distributions. As in paper 2, both the aggregate productivity and the welfare per worker increase with the increase in the precision of public information. However, unlike in paper 2, the impact of an increase in the precision of private information on aggregate productivity and the welfare depends on the shape of the distribution. In particular, this impact is uncertain when the productivity conditional on the mean is drawn from truncated gamma distribution, which is skewed

    Distributed importance-based fuzzy logic controllers for flexible link manipulators

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    This research studies the design and tuning of the distributed importance-based fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) for two dynamic systems: a single-link flexible manipulator and a two-link rigid-flexible manipulator. The importance analysis algorithm is introduced in the structure design of a FLC. The fuzzy rules for the former system are written based on observing the system behaviors. The fuzzy rules for the latter are selected to mimic the performance of the comparable linear controllers. A Modified Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm is used to tune the parameters of the membership functions in the distributed importance-based FLC. The tuned distributed importance-based FLC for the single-link flexible manipulator is compared with a linear quadratic regulator and the tuned distributed PD-like FLC. Similarly, the tuned distributed importance-based FLC for the two-link rigid-flexible manipulator is compared with the tuned importance-based linear controller and the tuned distributed PD-like FLC. The robustness of each tuned controller is tested under different conditions

    Effects of Talent Development Practices on Leadership Quality among Financial Regulatory Institutions in Kenya

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    Abstract: Leadership quality is treated as both a specialized role and a social influence process and today’s business environment requires executives who are able to operate on a global scale. Talent development includes mobility between business units domestically and abroad. It is essential that job shifts and production structure be fundamentally aligned because developing large pool of talent could lead to oversupply and the developed team would simply have no place to go. The study was focused to establish effects of talent development practices on leadership quality of financial sector regulatory institutions in Kenya through explanatory and cross-sectional survey design. A total population of 636 employees in the six financial sector regulatory institutions in Kenya were targeted. Stratified random sampling was embraced thus deriving 127 employees as the sample population. Both primary and secondary data was used where Primary data was collected using questionnaires which was analysed used SPSS software and presented as percentages, frequencies, means, charts and standard deviations. The study established that employee assessment, employee sourcing, leadership grooming and employee development programmes affect leadership quality. Human resource department needs to step up and play a critical role on employees’ talent development. There is need for management to have employee assessment on regular basis as this will help in identifying the skills they have and those they require, hence improving leadership quality. Over and above, the management need to have clear policies on employee assessment, sourcing, development and leadership grooming with an aim of improving

    The Strategic Nature of the Employment Relationship

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    The strategic nature of employment relationship provides HRM professionals with information and direction that culminate into understanding, evaluating, and applying current thinking regarding the new employment relationships. In the current days, academic researchers have more and more extension with regard to the modern organizational dynamics. The significant focal point of this article is an examination concerning the degree to which there is an agreement in empirical literature in regard to strategic nature of employment relationship by procedurally evaluating the substance of applicable and comparable articles. The discussion herein integrates empirical conclusions from other studies, interprets the similitude and contrasts between the articles against those established in corporate period publications, thereby providing conclusions for the modern Human resource experts while also, suggesting areas of improvement for the modern business organizations. Keywords: Human resource practices, Strategic nature of employment relationship, Employer, psychological contract, organizations. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-12-15 Publication date: April 30th 201

    The Impact of Policies on International Graduate Students’ Adaptation in China

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    In China, the number of international students has been increasing. These students are from different parts of the world, with Asians comprising the largest bulk and Americans and Europeans tailing behind. A stratum of the population is composed of those taking up graduate degrees. The present study probes the psychological and socio-cultural adaptation of international graduate students in the cities of Shanghai and Wuhan in China. Specifically, it examines the influence of national and institutional policies on their adaptation. Using mixed methods design, the study had 302 foreign graduate students as survey participants. Fourteen of them participated in the interviews. Correlation results showed that policies have a significant influence on adaptation. The interviews also illuminated insights on how policies have affected their adaptation in different ways. Given these findings, the study implicates the need to review and formulate policies to facilitate the adaptation of international graduate students.

    The Carboxyl-Terminal Amino Acids Render Pro-Human LC3B Migration Similar to Lipidated LC3B in SDS-PAGE

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    LC3 is widely used marker for macroautophagy assays. After translation pro-LC3 is processed by Atg4 to expose C-terminal glycine residue for downstream conjugation reactions to accomplish the conversion of LC3-I to LC3-II. SDS-PAGE based Western blot (Wb) is generally utilized to quantify LC3-II levels where the LC3-I band migrates slower than LC3-II. We found that pro-human LC3B migrated at similar rate as LC3B-II in SDS-PAGE. The carboxyl-terminal five amino acids, particularly Lysine122 and Leucine123 of human LC3B play a major role in the faster migration of unprocessed LC3B, rendering it indistinguishable from LC3B-II in Wb assays. The unique faster migration of unprocessed LC3B than LC3B-I is also revealed in mouse LC3B, rat LC3B and rat LC3 but not in human LC3C. Our findings for the first time define pro-LC3 migration patterns for LC3 family member from human, mouse and rat species in SDS-PAGE. These findings provide a reference for pro-LC3 band patterns when Atg4 function is inhibited. © 2013 Wang et al