137 research outputs found

    DeViT: Decomposing Vision Transformers for Collaborative Inference in Edge Devices

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    Recent years have witnessed the great success of vision transformer (ViT), which has achieved state-of-the-art performance on multiple computer vision benchmarks. However, ViT models suffer from vast amounts of parameters and high computation cost, leading to difficult deployment on resource-constrained edge devices. Existing solutions mostly compress ViT models to a compact model but still cannot achieve real-time inference. To tackle this issue, we propose to explore the divisibility of transformer structure, and decompose the large ViT into multiple small models for collaborative inference at edge devices. Our objective is to achieve fast and energy-efficient collaborative inference while maintaining comparable accuracy compared with large ViTs. To this end, we first propose a collaborative inference framework termed DeViT to facilitate edge deployment by decomposing large ViTs. Subsequently, we design a decomposition-and-ensemble algorithm based on knowledge distillation, termed DEKD, to fuse multiple small decomposed models while dramatically reducing communication overheads, and handle heterogeneous models by developing a feature matching module to promote the imitations of decomposed models from the large ViT. Extensive experiments for three representative ViT backbones on four widely-used datasets demonstrate our method achieves efficient collaborative inference for ViTs and outperforms existing lightweight ViTs, striking a good trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. For example, our DeViTs improves end-to-end latency by 2.89×\times with only 1.65% accuracy sacrifice using CIFAR-100 compared to the large ViT, ViT-L/16, on the GPU server. DeDeiTs surpasses the recent efficient ViT, MobileViT-S, by 3.54% in accuracy on ImageNet-1K, while running 1.72×\times faster and requiring 55.28% lower energy consumption on the edge device.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computin

    Precise Orbit Determination of BDS MEO Satellites Based on Satellite TT&C Stations

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    A novel method, which is based on the triple-frequency combination and Space-Based Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (STT&C) stations, is proposed in this paper. Considering BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) Geostationary Orbit (GEO) and Inclined Geostationary Orbit (IGSO) satellites as the STT&C facilities, firstly, we presented the BDS Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites’ precise orbit determination scheme based on triple-frequency combination. Then, we gave the sufficient and necessary conditions about the visibility and the coverage rate calculation model of STT&C to BDS MEO satellite. And then we deduced the model of BDS MEO satellites precise orbit determination based on triple-frequency combination observations. At last, we designed the simulation calculation. The simulation results show that orbit determination of BDS MEO satellite based on STT&C station can be realized at all times. And most of the simulation period time, under the condition of the dm level orbit determination for GEO/IGSO satellites, the position accuracy of the relative orbit determination is better than 4 m, the horizontal accuracy of the relative orbit determination is within 2.5 m, and the vertical accuracy of the relative orbit determination is less than 3.5 m

    Phragmites australis

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    Aquatic plants play an essential role and are effective in mitigating lake eutrophication by forming complex plant-soil system and retaining total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) in soils to ultimately reduce their quantities in aquatic systems. Two main vegetation types (Phragmites australis community and P. australis + Typha latifolia community) of Qin Lake wetland were sampled in this study for the analysis of TN and TP contents and reserves in the wetland soils. The results showed that (1) the consumption effect of Qin Lake wetland on soluble N was much more significant than on soluble P. (2) The efficiency of TN enrichment in wetland soil was enhanced by vegetation covering of P. australis and T. latifolia. (3) Wetland soil P was consumed by P. australis community and this pattern was relieved with the introduction of T. latifolia. (4) According to the grey relativity analysis, the most intensive interaction between plants and soil occurred in summer. In addition, the exchange of N in soil-vegetation system primarily occurred in the 0–15 cm soil layer. Our results indicated that vegetation covering was essential to the enrichment of TN and TP, referring to the biology-related fixation in the wetland soil

    SegRap2023: A Benchmark of Organs-at-Risk and Gross Tumor Volume Segmentation for Radiotherapy Planning of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Radiation therapy is a primary and effective NasoPharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) treatment strategy. The precise delineation of Gross Tumor Volumes (GTVs) and Organs-At-Risk (OARs) is crucial in radiation treatment, directly impacting patient prognosis. Previously, the delineation of GTVs and OARs was performed by experienced radiation oncologists. Recently, deep learning has achieved promising results in many medical image segmentation tasks. However, for NPC OARs and GTVs segmentation, few public datasets are available for model development and evaluation. To alleviate this problem, the SegRap2023 challenge was organized in conjunction with MICCAI2023 and presented a large-scale benchmark for OAR and GTV segmentation with 400 Computed Tomography (CT) scans from 200 NPC patients, each with a pair of pre-aligned non-contrast and contrast-enhanced CT scans. The challenge's goal was to segment 45 OARs and 2 GTVs from the paired CT scans. In this paper, we detail the challenge and analyze the solutions of all participants. The average Dice similarity coefficient scores for all submissions ranged from 76.68\% to 86.70\%, and 70.42\% to 73.44\% for OARs and GTVs, respectively. We conclude that the segmentation of large-size OARs is well-addressed, and more efforts are needed for GTVs and small-size or thin-structure OARs. The benchmark will remain publicly available here: https://segrap2023.grand-challenge.orgComment: A challenge report of SegRap2023 (organized in conjunction with MICCAI2023

    Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Is Mechanistically Linked with Stem Cell Signatures in Prostate Cancer Cells

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    Current management of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer (PCa) is very effective; however, tumor recurrence with Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) and subsequent metastasis lead to poor survival outcome, suggesting that there is a dire need for novel mechanistic understanding of tumor recurrence, which would be critical for designing novel therapies. The recurrence and the metastasis of PCa are tightly linked with the biology of prostate cancer stem cells or cancer-initiating cells that is reminiscent of the acquisition of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) phenotype. Increasing evidence suggests that EMT-type cells share many biological characteristics with cancer stem-like cells.In this study, we found that PCa cells with EMT phenotype displayed stem-like cell features characterized by increased expression of Sox2, Nanog, Oct4, Lin28B and/or Notch1, consistent with enhanced clonogenic and sphere (prostasphere)-forming ability and tumorigenecity in mice, which was associated with decreased expression of miR-200 and/or let-7 family. Reversal of EMT by re-expression of miR-200 inhibited prostasphere-forming ability of EMT-type cells and reduced the expression of Notch1 and Lin28B. Down-regulation of Lin28B increased let-7 expression, which was consistent with repressed self-renewal capability.These results suggest that miR-200 played a pivotal role in linking the characteristics of cancer stem-like cells with EMT-like cell signatures in PCa. Selective elimination of cancer stem-like cells by reversing the EMT phenotype to Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition (MET) phenotype using novel agents would be useful for the prevention of tumor recurrence especially by eliminating those cells that are the "Root Cause" of tumor development and recurrence

    Sciences for The 2.5-meter Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST)

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    The Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST) is a dedicated photometric survey facility under construction jointly by the University of Science and Technology of China and Purple Mountain Observatory. It is equipped with a primary mirror of 2.5m in diameter, an active optical system, and a mosaic CCD camera of 0.73 Gpix on the main focus plane to achieve high-quality imaging over a field of view of 6.5 square degrees. The installation of WFST in the Lenghu observing site is planned to happen in the summer of 2023, and the operation is scheduled to commence within three months afterward. WFST will scan the northern sky in four optical bands (u, g, r, and i) at cadences from hourly/daily to semi-weekly in the deep high-cadence survey (DHS) and the wide field survey (WFS) programs, respectively. WFS reaches a depth of 22.27, 23.32, 22.84, and 22.31 in AB magnitudes in a nominal 30-second exposure in the four bands during a photometric night, respectively, enabling us to search tremendous amount of transients in the low-z universe and systematically investigate the variability of Galactic and extragalactic objects. Intranight 90s exposures as deep as 23 and 24 mag in u and g bands via DHS provide a unique opportunity to facilitate explorations of energetic transients in demand for high sensitivity, including the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave events detected by the second/third-generation GW detectors, supernovae within a few hours of their explosions, tidal disruption events and luminous fast optical transients even beyond a redshift of 1. Meanwhile, the final 6-year co-added images, anticipated to reach g about 25.5 mag in WFS or even deeper by 1.5 mag in DHS, will be of significant value to general Galactic and extragalactic sciences. The highly uniform legacy surveys of WFST will also serve as an indispensable complement to those of LSST which monitors the southern sky.Comment: 46 pages, submitted to SCMP

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Statecharts Reduction and Composition with Properties

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    In software design, UML statechart and OCL are used to describe component behaviors and the interactions between components. To verify the design, model checking technology is used and properties are extracted from the software requirements. When composing statecharts directly, the state space explosion problem cannot be avoided. In this paper, we will discuss how to use properties from the software requirements to reduce the statecharts and how the reduction makes it possible to compose statecharts for model checking. To check all properties, different properties are used one by one in the reduction and composition so the verification models contain a set of reduced and composed models to be checked.
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