19 research outputs found

    Social Responsibility of Business – an Important Factor of Continued Wellbeing

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    The practice of leading countries shows that the dominant environment for innovative conversion and new style of macroeconomic development is the presence of high-quality resources. The innovation potential of employees, based on their intellectual and creative abilities becomes the main. The innovative conversion of the economy is a radical transition of national economy to the production of innovative products and services. In modern conditions, the ratio of economic efficiency and continuous wellbeing is optimal and is provided by innovative development. Population benefits from innovation, ensuring continuous wellbeing. Consumers take an important place in the history of development of continuous wellbeing

    Social Wellbeing as a Criterion of Structural Policy Efficiency

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    Social wellbeing of nation is not only a constitutional goal of the state, but, above all, the quintessence of all large-scale economic and political transformations. In Russian economy the gap between the objectives of social and structural policy is broadening. As a result, in the course of reforms the "vicious circle" of structural problems and reducing the wellbeing of Russians arose and deepens now. This circle consists of the following problems: de-industrialization of Russian economy - decreasing of social wellbeing – decreasing of the necessary for neo-industrialization of economy stable social group - the weakening of factors targeted to the structural changes - the continuation of de-industrialization. Structural economic changes along with the improvement of macroeconomic dynamics should be aimed at socially important priorities of economic development, without exception. In that context, we suppose the ultimate criterion of structural changes to be the growth of social wellbeing of Russians by increasing labor productivity, the establishment of new high-tech industries, and the formation of new sustainable social groups in the neo-industrialization of Russian economy

    Neo-industrial Base of Network Social Prosperity in the Russian Economy

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    Social prosperity of the population is not only the major task of the state, but, above all, the quintessence of all large-scale economic and political reforms. The main indicators of social prosperity are economic - personal income level, size of household property, work load, housing, housing and public utilities, public transport; and non-economic – availability of education and health care, life expectancy, crime rates, etc. At the present stage of Russian market reforms the problem of social prosperity is becoming a major challenge for the government. Its reasons are deindustrialization of the economy that took place in the period of transition to a market economy, which, in turn, was the result of the negative structural shift. Therefore, the growth of social prosperity of the Russians consists in neo-industrialization of the economy. It implies the reconstruction of manufacturing industries based on new technologies, management of neo-industrial employment policy, and the increase of the population prosperity through the development of network information technologies

    Neo-Industrial Technological Convergence and Social Wellbeing

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    The article reveals the relationship between industrial development and the level of social wellbeing of the population. It is noted that the market transformation of Russian economy caused technological degradation and industry stagnation, which resulted in the drop of the social wellbeing of citizens who retired. The authors determined that technological industrial degradation is having a particularly negative impact on the life quality. This makes the social wellbeing of the population in the country, passing through the painful market reforms, not life-time, with marginalization of the majority of senior citizens. For the formation of a truly life-time social wellbeing in countries with transitive economy such as Russia, it is necessary to restore its industry on a new technological basis - neo-industrialization. Its implementation in Russian economy requires a number of phases during which natural resources should to be used to restore the competitive manufacturing industry, form the basis of an innovative economy and modern high-tech industries. Long time required for neo-industrialization of transitive economies, allows to create a social group with the life-time wellbeing, which will be determined not by the high social state benefits, but by the possibility of long-term usage of gained professional experience. Convergent technologies are being formed in innovative clusters of network type, and help to establish the life-time wellbeing for specialists who used them for their whole life. Primarily forming of life-time wellbeing in the segment of convergent technologies requires the integration of social and innovation governmental policy, support of the developing network information clusters

    Identification of Institutional Traps of Wellbeing in De-industrializing and Structural De-socializing Conditions

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    The key role of social wellbeing in the development of modern economy is determined by the requirements that modern society brings to the government. These requirements regard to the constitutive institutions and form the basis of state-and-society contract. They include: the creation of conditions for human development, self-realization in profession, business or art, a lifetime social security guarantee, the right for benefit from investments, etc. In order to meet these requirements at the level of the 21st century society the national economy should be based on the latest technologies which form its structure so that high-tech industries producing a product with high added value dominate in it. This is the only way to maximize social wellbeing for all citizens. However, in Russia the innovative development of economy is constrained by a complex of resistant negative rules which do not allow initiating the industrial sector's recovery on a new technological basis. These rules form the β€œinstitutional traps” which are able to reproduce themselves even in changing environment conditions, giving place to de-industrialization and structural de-socialization of economy. Overcoming these institutional traps requires the state to create the institutional foundations of economic policy, in which the technological modernization and innovative development of the industry will be linked to the imperative of social wellbeing growth

    The Analysis of Social Wellbeing Indicators in the Context of Russian Economy Structural

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    At present time the issues of Russian economy neo-industrialization are extremely important as well as social wellbeing growth. In major extent Russian economy structural transformation touches its investment, banking, innovation systems and labor market. These structural changes must be directed to restoring industry on a new technological base. But it is impossible to modernize industry without combinatorial innovative development of its key sectors with following development of high-tech productions using convergent technologies. The ultimate public goal of neo-industrial changes of economy is a growth of social wellbeing, so the study of its technological, financial and managerial components must be accompanied by social indicators of neo-industrialization analysis. Commonly used indicators of social wellbeing do not demonstrate connections between life quality and the level of industrial technologies, investments and structural changes caused by scientific and technical progress and globalization. Therefore it is necessary to analyze different factors and indictors of social wellbeing, connected with investment in new technologies and industry upgrading, the influence of these processes on labor market. Such analysis must help to estimate the whole picture of the influence of Russian economic reforms on social wellbeing

    Socialization of economy in the conditions of continuous wellbeing’s innovative model

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    Socialization of economy is connected with a basic change of the person’s position in production and her or his wellbeing in society. Radical activation of the human capital appears in creative participation of the worker in production and promotes growth of continuous wellbeing and fully reveals its intellectual, moral, creative qualities. In this case the reproduction of the worker appears as all-round development of the personality; as expanded reproduction expressed in equipment by her or his knowledge, growth of her or his creative abilities and increase of moral. The solution of the technological freedom’s problem of the worker from a status of an appendage of an extensively developed machine device consists in a deep quality leap in development of productive forces on the basis of achievements of scientific and technical progress and formation of a new model of economic wellbeing of the person. There is an approach to the analysis of technologies socialization in innovative economy in the process of work, in which the person and the equipment are in indissoluble functional unity. This approach allows investigating regularities of development of technologies together with the content of work, which is qualitatively transformed and obtains key characteristics, such as humanization, serviceability and socialization

    Rational Use of Land Resource During the Implementation of Transportless System of Coal Strata Surface Mining

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    Surface mining and open pits engineering affect the environment in a very negative way. Among other pollutions that open pits make during mineral deposits exploiting, particular problem is the landscape changing. Along with converting the land into pits, surface mining is connected with pilling dumps that occupy large ground. The article describes an analysis of transportless methods of several coal seams strata surface mining, applied for open pits of South Kuzbass coal enterprises (Western Siberia, Russia). To improve land-use management of open pit mining enterprises, the characteristics of transportless technological schemes for several coal seams strata surface mining are highlighted and observed. These characteristics help to systematize transportless open mining technologies using common criteria that characterize structure of the bottom part of a strata and internal dumping schemes. The schemes of transportless systems of coal strata surface mining implemented in South Kuzbass are given

    Coal Mining Machinery Development As An Ecological Factor Of Progressive Technologies Implementation

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    At present, a significant amount of energy spent for the work of mining machines and coal mining equipment on coal mines and open pits goes to the coal grinding in the process of its extraction in mining faces. Meanwhile, the increase of small fractions in mined coal does not only reduce the profitability of its production, but also causes a further negative impact on the environment and degrades labor conditions for miners. The countermeasure to the specified processes is possible with the help of coal mining equipment development. However, against the background of the technological decrease of coal mine equipment applied in Russia the negative impact on the environment is getting reinforced

    Parameters of Transition from Deepening Longitudinal to Continuous Lateral Surface Mining Methods to Decrease Environmental Damage in Coal Clusters

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    The present paper deals with an original way to reduce the environmental damage caused to land and air resources by surface coal mines with external dumping, due to the transition to internal dumping with filling the worked out space of the surface mine with overburden. The basic principle of the proposed idea is the transition from the deepening longitudinal mining method for the development of inclined and steep coal seam strata to lateral ones. This article substantiates the choice of technology for a block-and-layer continuous lateral mining method, including the construction of a first-stage pit, the use of a combined transport and direct dumping technology for moving overburden to an internal dump when mining blocks using draglines. The advantage of the presented technology, along with filling the internal capacity of the surface mine field with overburden, is the possibility of leveling the relief within the boundaries of the pit allotment and the implementation of reclamation as the mining front moves forward, without waiting for the dump to be completely filled in the boundary contours. Attention is also paid to the economic benefits of block-layer technology and the continuous lateral mining method, in the transition to which the overburden transporting costs can be significantly reduced, while the limitations of the proposed method’s implementation concern specific coal deposits that make up a small part of the fields being developed today by surface mining