24 research outputs found

    General GAN-generated image detection by data augmentation in fingerprint domain

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    In this work, we investigate improving the generalizability of GAN-generated image detectors by performing data augmentation in the fingerprint domain. Specifically, we first separate the fingerprints and contents of the GAN-generated images using an autoencoder based GAN fingerprint extractor, followed by random perturbations of the fingerprints. Then the original fingerprints are substituted with the perturbed fingerprints and added to the original contents, to produce images that are visually invariant but with distinct fingerprints. The perturbed images can successfully imitate images generated by different GANs to improve the generalization of the detectors, which is demonstrated by the spectra visualization. To our knowledge, we are the first to conduct data augmentation in the fingerprint domain. Our work explores a novel prospect that is distinct from previous works on spatial and frequency domain augmentation. Extensive cross-GAN experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to the state-of-the-art methods in detecting fake images generated by unknown GANs

    Structural and Efficiency Effects of Land Transfers on Food Planting: A Comparative Perspective on North and South of China

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    This paper uses a multi-period PSM-DID model to explore the impact of land transfers on food production from a spatial perspective and analyses the income effects, scale effects, and structural effects of such transfers. The empirical results are as follows. (1) Land transfers have reduced the proportion of food crops planted by farmers, and the planting structure has shifted towards cash crops, which has obvious structural effects. (2) The impact of land transfers on the planting structure is spatially heterogeneous. Land transfers are more common in the south than in the north. Land transfers have reduced wheat planting in the north, while rice planting has been reduced in the south. (3) Land transfers have increased the operating income of farmers and have an income effect, but the income of farmers in the north is higher than that of farmers in the south. (4) Land transfers do not have scale effects. Current land transfers among farmers are mainly conducted on a small scale and do not improve farmers’ efficiency in planting food. The following suggestions are proposed. (1) A market mechanism for land transfers should be established to promote large-scale land transfers. (2) The trend towards non-grain cultivation due to land transfers should be halted to ensure food security. (3) The different impacts of urbanization in the northern and southern regions should be considered, and the division of labour in grain-producing areas should be strengthened. (4) Land transfer models should be developed, and the development of smart agriculture should be explored

    Potential Role of Melatonin as an Adjuvant for Atherosclerotic Carotid Arterial Stenosis

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    Carotid artery stenosis (CAS) is an atherosclerotic disease characterized by a narrowing of the artery lumen and a high risk of ischemic stroke. Risk factors of atherosclerosis, including smoking, hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, aging, and disrupted circadian rhythm, may potentiate atherosclerosis in the carotid artery and further reduce the arterial lumen. Ischemic stroke due to severe CAS and cerebral ischemic/reperfusion (I/R) injury after the revascularization of CAS also adversely affect clinical outcomes. Melatonin is a pluripotent agent with potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and neuroprotective properties. Although there is a shortage of direct clinical evidence demonstrating the benefits of melatonin in CAS patients, previous studies have shown that melatonin may be beneficial for patients with CAS in terms of reducing endothelial damage, stabilizing arterial plaque, mitigating the harm from CAS-related ischemic stroke and cerebral I/R injury, and alleviating the adverse effects of the related risk factors. Additional pre-clinical and clinical are required to confirm this speculation