85 research outputs found

    A data-driven game theoretic strategy for developers in software crowdsourcing: a case study

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    Crowdsourcing has the advantages of being cost-effective and saving time, which is a typical embodiment of collective wisdom and community workers’ collaborative development. However, this development paradigm of software crowdsourcing has not been used widely. A very important reason is that requesters have limited knowledge about crowd workers’ professional skills and qualities. Another reason is that the crowd workers in the competition cannot get the appropriate reward, which affects their motivation. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a method of maximizing reward based on the crowdsourcing ability of workers, they can choose tasks according to their own abilities to obtain appropriate bonuses. Our method includes two steps: Firstly, it puts forward a method to evaluate the crowd workers’ ability, then it analyzes the intensity of competition for tasks at Topcoder.com—an open community crowdsourcing platform—on the basis of the workers’ crowdsourcing ability; secondly, it follows dynamic programming ideas and builds game models under complete information in different cases, offering a strategy of reward maximization for workers by solving a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. This paper employs crowdsourcing data from Topcoder.com to carry out experiments. The experimental results show that the distribution of workers’ crowdsourcing ability is uneven, and to some extent it can show the activity degree of crowdsourcing tasks. Meanwhile, according to the strategy of reward maximization, a crowd worker can get the theoretically maximum reward

    Identification-method research for open-source software ecosystems

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    In recent years, open-source software (OSS) development has grown, with many developers around the world working on different OSS projects. A variety of open-source software ecosystems have emerged, for instance, GitHub, StackOverflow, and SourceForge. One of the most typical social-programming and code-hosting sites, GitHub, has amassed numerous open-source-software projects and developers in the same virtual collaboration platform. Since GitHub itself is a large open-source community, it hosts a collection of software projects that are developed together and coevolve. The great challenge here is how to identify the relationship between these projects, i.e., project relevance. Software-ecosystem identification is the basis of other studies in the ecosystem. Therefore, how to extract useful information in GitHub and identify software ecosystems is particularly important, and it is also a research area in symmetry. In this paper, a Topic-based Project Knowledge Metrics Framework (TPKMF) is proposed. By collecting the multisource dataset of an open-source ecosystem, project-relevance analysis of the open-source software is carried out on the basis of software-ecosystem identification. Then, we used our Spectral Clustering algorithm based on Core Project (CP-SC) to identify software-ecosystem projects and further identify software ecosystems. We verified that most software ecosystems usually contain a core software project, and most other projects are associated with it. Furthermore, we analyzed the characteristics of the ecosystem, and we also found that interactive information has greater impact on project relevance. Finally, we summarize the Topic-based Project Knowledge Metrics Framework

    Topic-based integrator matching for pull request

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    Pull Request (PR) is the main method for code contributions from the external contributors in GitHub. PR review is an essential part of open source software developments to maintain the quality of software. Matching a new PR for an appropriate integrator will make the PR reviewing more effective. However, PR and integrator matching are now organized manually in GitHub. To make this process more efficient, we propose a Topic-based Integrator Matching Algorithm (TIMA) to predict highly relevant collaborators(the core developers) as the integrator to incoming PRs . TIMA takes full advantage of the textual semantics of PRs. To define the relationships between topics and collaborators, TIMA builds a relation matrix about topic and collaborators. According to the relevance between topics and collaborators, TIMA matches the suitable collaborators as the PR integrator

    An oil painters recognition method based on cluster multiple kernel learning algorithm

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    A lot of image processing research works focus on natural images, such as in classification, clustering, and the research on the recognition of artworks (such as oil paintings), from feature extraction to classifier design, is relatively few. This paper focuses on oil painter recognition and tries to find the mobile application to recognize the painter. This paper proposes a cluster multiple kernel learning algorithm, which extracts oil painting features from three aspects: color, texture, and spatial layout, and generates multiple candidate kernels with different kernel functions. With the results of clustering numerous candidate kernels, we selected the sub-kernels with better classification performance, and use the traditional multiple kernel learning algorithm to carry out the multi-feature fusion classification. The algorithm achieves a better result on the Painting91 than using traditional multiple kernel learning directly