5,447 research outputs found

    Fermi Large Area Telescope observations of the supernova remnant HESS J1731-347

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    Context: HESS J1731-347 has been identified as one of the few TeV-bright shell-type supernova remnants (SNRs). These remnants are dominated by nonthermal emission, and the nature of TeV emission has been continuously debated for nearly a decade. Aims: We carry out the detailed modeling of the radio to gamma-ray spectrum of HESS J1731-347 to constrain the magnetic field and energetic particles sources, which we compare with those of the other TeV-bright shell-type SNRs explored before. Methods: Four years of data from Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) observations for regions around this remnant are analyzed, leading to no detection correlated with the source discovered in the TeV band. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is used to constrain parameters of one-zone models for the overall emission spectrum. Results: Based on the 99.9% upper limits of fluxes in the GeV range, one-zone hadronic models with an energetic proton spectral slope greater than 1.8 can be ruled out, which favors a leptonic origin for the gamma-ray emission, making this remnant a sibling of the brightest TeV SNR RX J1713.7-3946, the Vela Junior SNR RX J0852.0-4622, and RCW 86. The best-fit leptonic model has an electron spectral slope of 1.8 and a magnetic field of about 30 muG, which is at least a factor of 2 higher than those of RX J1713.7-3946 and RX J0852.0-4622, posing a challenge to the distance estimate and/or the energy equipartition between energetic electrons and the magnetic field of this source. A measurement of the shock speed will address this challenge and has implications on the magnetic field evolution and electron acceleration driven by shocks of SNRs.Comment: 7 pages, 3 fogures, A&A in pres

    Some new applications for heat and fluid flows via fractional derivatives without singular kernel

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    This paper addresses the mathematical models for the heat-conduction equations and the Navier-Stokes equations via fractional derivatives without singular kernel.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will be published in Thermal Science. Paper Submitted 28/ Dec /2016; Revised 20/Jan/2016; Accepted for publication 21/Jan/201

    Free fermions under adaptive quantum dynamics

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    We study free fermion systems under adaptive quantum dynamics consisting of unitary gates and projective measurements followed by corrective unitary operations. We further introduce a classical flag for each site, allowing for an active or inactive status which determines whether or not the unitary gates are allowed to apply. In this dynamics, the individual quantum trajectories exhibit a measurement-induced entanglement transition from critical to area-law scaling above a critical measurement rate, similar to previously studied models of free fermions under continuous monitoring. Furthermore, we find that the corrective unitary operations can steer the system into a state characterized by charge-density-wave order. Consequently, an additional phase transition occurs, which can be observed at both the level of the quantum trajectory and the quantum channel. We establish that the entanglement transition and the steering transition are fundamentally distinct. The latter transition belongs to the parity-conserving (PC) universality class, arising from the interplay between the inherent fermionic parity and classical labelling. We demonstrate both the entanglement and the steering transitions via efficient numerical simulations of free fermion systems, which confirm the PC universality class of the latter.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    The energy distribution of relativistic electrons in the kilo-parsec scale jet of M87 with Chandra

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    The X-ray emission from the jets in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) carries important information on the distributions of relativistic electrons and magnetic fields on large scales. We reanalyze archival Chandra observations on the jet of M87 from 2000 to 2016 with a total exposure of 1460 kiloseconds to explore the X-ray emission characteristics along the jet. We investigate the variability behaviours of the nucleus and the inner jet component HST-1, and confirm indications for day-scale X-ray variability in the nucleus contemporaneous to the 2010 high TeV gamma-ray state. HST-1 shows a general decline in X-ray flux over the last few years consistent with its synchrotron interpretation. We extract the X-ray spectra for the nucleus and all knots in the jet, showing that they are compatible with a single power-law within the X-ray band. There are indications of the resultant X-ray photon index to exhibit a trend, with slight but significant index variations ranging from 2.2\simeq 2.2 (e.g. in knot D) to 2.42.6\simeq 2.4-2.6 (in the outer knots F, A, and B). When viewed in a multi-wavelength context, a more complex situation is arising. Fitting the radio to X-ray spectral energy distributions (SEDs) assuming a synchrotron origin, we show that a broken power-law electron spectrum with break energy EbE_b around 1 (300μG/B)1/21~(300\mu G/B)^{1/2} TeV allows a satisfactorily description of the multi-band SEDs for most of the knots. However, in the case of knots B, C and D we find indications that an additional high energy component is needed to adequately reproduce the broadband SEDs. We discuss the implications and suggest that a stratified jet model may account for the differences.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Tentative evidence of spatially extended GeV emission from SS433/W50

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    We analyze 10 years of Fermi-LAT data towards the SS433/W50 region. With the latest source catalog and diffuse background models, the gamma-ray excess from SS433/W50 is detected with a significance of 6{\sigma} in the photon energy range of 500 MeV - 10 GeV. Our analysis indicates that an extended flat disk morphology is preferred over a point-source description, suggesting that the GeV emission region is much larger than that of the TeV emission detected by HAWC. The size of the GeV emission is instead consistent with the extent of the radio nebula W50, a supernova remnant being distorted by the jets, so we suggest that the GeV emission may originate from this supernova remnant. The spectral result of the GeV emission is also consistent with an supernova remnant origin. We also derive the GeV flux upper limits on the TeV emission region, which put moderate constrains on the leptonic models to explain the multiwavelength data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Secondary cutaneous Epstein-Barr virus-associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a patient with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: a case report and review of literature

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    Only a few cases of extranodal Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated B-cell lymphomas arising from patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) have been described. We report a case of AITL of which secondary cutaneous EBV-associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) developed after the initial diagnosis of AITL. A 65-year-old Chinese male patient was diagnosed as AITL based on typical histological and immunohistochemical characteristics in biopsy of the enlarged right inguinal lymph nodes. The patient initially received 6 cycles of chemotherapy with CHOP regimen (cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin, prednisone), but his symptoms did not disappear. Nineteen months after initial diagnosis of AITL, the patient was hospitalized again because of multiple plaques and nodules on the skin. The skin biopsy was performed, but this time the tumor was composed of large, polymorphous population of lymphocytes with CD20 and CD79a positive on immunohistochemical staining. The tumor cells were strong positive for EBER by in situ hybridization. The findings of skin biopsy were compatible with EBV-associated DLBCL. CHOP-R chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone and rituximab) was then administered, resulting in partial response of the disease with pancytopenia and suppression of cellular immunity. To our knowledge, this is the first case of cutaneous EBV-associated DLBCL originated from AITL in Chinese pepole. We suggest the patients with AITL should perform lymph node and skin biopsies regularly in the course of the disease to detect the progression of secondary lymphomas