6 research outputs found

    Results of the experimental research of the heat-transfer jet pressure to the rock surface during thermal reaming of the borehole

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    The performed analysis of scientific sources confirms the existence of a small number of publications devoted to the experimental research of the gasdynamics and plasmodynamics of jets used as a heat- transfer medium in the thermal methods of mine rocks destruction. There are almost no experimental and theoretical publications related to the multiple-jet plasmotrons research. The expediency of own experimental researches performing has been substantiated concerning the lateral inflow of heat-transfer medium high-speed jets on the borehole surface. An experimental research has been made of the interaction between the heat- transfer medium high-speed jets and the surface of the borehole imitated by the through duct. The further prospects of this work are the following: to determine the gas velocity along the lateral surface of the through duct and the value of the heating capacity coefficient from the heat-transfer medium to the lateral surface of the through duct, which imitates the rock surface in the borehole. These parameters are required for creating a mathematical model of the brittle destruction of rocks

    Thermodynamic analysis of the gas parameters distribution under leakage from a closed volume with rigid walls

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    The work deals with the thermodynamic analysis of the parameters of the gas in a closed volume with rigid walls, during its leakage and heat exchange with the environment. Based on the first law of thermodynamics, the law of Fick and the equation of the gas state, we obtained an equation that characterizes the effect of temperature gradient on the mass gas leakage in parallel processes of leakage and heat transfer. The regularity of the leakage coefficient change, determined by the diffusion coefficient, depending on the mass-average temperature in a closed thermodynamic system, is established. The variation of the leakage coefficient for the corresponding ranges of temperature gradients are shown. The research results can be implemented in the development of techniques and technologies for monitoring the tightness of hollow products under excessive pressure of the gas medium

    Experimental study of the thermochemical treatment of the low-grade coal prior to boiler combustion at coal-fired power station

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    Analysis of the perspectives of the coal fuel for thermal power plants is carried out. The necessity of the experimental study for temperature measurement in the boiler furnace. The results of the experimental study are presented: temperature change over time at the burner outlet for different constant pressure value of the backlighting gas, dependence of the temperature at the burner outlet from the backlighting gas pressure for constant concentration value of pulverized coal in coal-air mixture, dependence of the temperature at the burner outlet from the concentration of pulverized coal in coal-air mixture for constant value of the backlighting gas pressure, temperature measurements for constant backlighting gas pressure value, constant value of the concentration of pulverized coal in coal-air mixture when plasmatron is switched and operates for some time range. The results of the study could be applied to the solid fuel treatment for different thermal units

    Results of the experimental research of the heat-transfer jet pressure to the rock surface during thermal reaming of the borehole

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    The performed analysis of scientific sources confirms the existence of a small number of publications devoted to the experimental research of the gasdynamics and plasmodynamics of jets used as a heat-transfer medium in the thermal methods of mine rocks destruction. There are almost no experimental and theoretical publications related to the multiple-jet plasmotrons research. The expediency of own experimental researches performing has been substantiated concerning the lateral inflow of heat-transfer medium high-speed jets on the borehole surface. An experimental research has been made of the interaction between the heat-transfer medium high-speed jets and the surface of the borehole imitated by the through duct. The further prospects of this work are the following: to determine the gas velocity along the lateral surface of the through duct and the value of the heating capacity coefficient from the heat-transfer medium to the lateral surface of the through duct, which imitates the rock surface in the borehole. These parameters are required for creating a mathematical model of the brittle destruction of rocks

    Estimation of usage efficiency of freon-steam turbines in mine energy complexes

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    Increase of operating efficiency of mine energy complexes is an actual scientific and technical problem. Systems that utilize energy of low-potential sources and have freon-steam turbines are suggested to be included in mine energy complexes. Principles of selection of freons as working fluids in energy systems are suggested in the paper. Usage of some thermal equations of state for defining thermal and physical properties of freons is analyzed. Equation of isentropic process for the thermal Redlich–Kwong equation of state is obtained. Calculation of energy efficiency of a system with a freon-steam turbine for selected variants of usage of working fluids is performed. A calculation method of thermodynamic parameters that are necessary for energy conversion efficiency estimation of specific freons in a system of useful utilization of energy is developed. Analysis of results indicates that usage of ozone-safe and fire-safe freons in energy utilization systems of low-potential sources with a possibility of utilization of additional waste heat, which was not used in the past, allows increasing the operating efficiency of mine energy complexes

    Mathematical modeling of heating of coal particle within the space between electrodes of arc-heating reactor

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    A mathematical model of heating of coal particles that move in the initial section of a submerged gas jet within the space between electrodes of reaction chamber of arc-heating reactor is created. The model takes into account convective heat transfer and heat transfer by radiation from a sphere (particle) – circle (anode) system. The temperatures of particles on mechanical trajectory are obtained depending on particle diameters and the initial coordinate of nozzle leaving