31 research outputs found

    Neural Information Processing Techniques for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

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    Human action recognition is one of the core research problems in human-centered computing and computer vision. This problem lays the technical foundations for a wide range of applications, such as human-robot interaction, virtual reality, sports analysis, and so on. Recently, skeleton-based action recognition, as a subarea of action recognition, is swiftly accumulating attention and popularity. The task is to recognize actions performed by human articulation points. Compared with other data modalities, 3D human skeleton representations have extensive unique desirable characteristics, including succinctness, robustness, racial-impartiality, and many more. Currently, research on skeleton-based action recognition primarily concentrates on designing new spatial and temporal neural network operators to more thoroughly extract action features. In this thesis, on the other hand, we aim to propose methods that can be compatibly equipped with existing approaches. That is, we desire to further collaboratively strengthen current algorithms rather than forming competition with them. To this end, we propose five techniques and one large-scale human skeleton dataset. First, we present fusing higher-order spatial features in the form of angular encoding into modern architectures to robustly capture the relationships between joints and body parts. Many skeleton-based action recognizers are confused by actions that have similar motion trajectories. The proposed angular features robustly capture the relationships between joints and body parts, achieving new state-of-the-art accuracy in two large benchmarks, including NTU60 and NTU120, while employing fewer parameters and reduced run time. Second, we design two temporal accessories that facilitate existing skeleton-based action recognizers to more richly capture motion patterns. Specifically, the proposed two modules support alleviating the adverse influence of signal noise as well as guide networks to explicitly capture the sequence's chronological order. The two accessories facilitate a simple skeleton-based action recognizer to achieve new state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy on two large benchmark datasets. Third, we devise a new form of graph neural network as a potential new network backbone for extracting topological information of skeletonized human sequences. The proposed graph neural network is capable of learning relative positions between the nodes within a graph, substantially improving performance on various synthetic and real-world graph datasets while enjoying stable scalability. Fourth, we propose an information-theoretic technique to address imbalanced datasets, \ie, the categorical distribution of class labels is non-uniform. The proposed method improves classification accuracy when the training dataset is imbalanced. Our result provides an alternative view: neural network classifiers are mutual information estimators. Fifth, we present a neural crowdsourcing method to correct human errors. When annotating skeleton-based actions, human annotators may not reach a unanimous action category due to ambiguities of skeleton motion trajectories from different actions. The proposed method can help unify different annotated results into a single label. Sixth, we collect a large-scale human skeleton dataset for benchmarking existing methods and defining new problems for achieving the commercialization of skeleton-based action recognition. Using ANUBIS, we evaluate the performance of current skeleton-based action recognizers. At the end of this thesis, we conclude our proposed methods and propose four technique problems that may need to be solved first in order to commercialize skeleton-based action recognition in reality

    Why don't the modules dominate - Investigating the Structure of a Well-Known Modularity-Inducing Problem Domain

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    Wagner's modularity inducing problem domain is a key contribution to the study of the evolution of modularity, including both evolutionary theory and evolutionary computation. We study its behavior under classical genetic algorithms. Unlike what we seem to observe in nature, the emergence of modularity is highly conditional and dependent, for example, on the eagerness of search. In nature, modular solutions generally dominate populations, whereas in this domain, modularity, when it emerges, is a relatively rare variant. Emergence of modularity depends heavily on random fluctuations in the fitness function, with a randomly varied but unchanging fitness function, modularity evolved far more rarely. Interestingly, high-fitness non-modular solutions could frequently be converted into even-higher-fitness modular solutions by manually removing all inter-module edges. Despite careful exploration, we do not yet have a full explanation of why the genetic algorithm was unable to find these better solutions

    Detecting and Restoring Non-Standard Hands in Stable Diffusion Generated Images

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    We introduce a pipeline to address anatomical inaccuracies in Stable Diffusion generated hand images. The initial step involves constructing a specialized dataset, focusing on hand anomalies, to train our models effectively. A finetuned detection model is pivotal for precise identification of these anomalies, ensuring targeted correction. Body pose estimation aids in understanding hand orientation and positioning, crucial for accurate anomaly correction. The integration of ControlNet and InstructPix2Pix facilitates sophisticated inpainting and pixel-level transformation, respectively. This dual approach allows for high-fidelity image adjustments. This comprehensive approach ensures the generation of images with anatomically accurate hands, closely resembling real-world appearances. Our experimental results demonstrate the pipeline's efficacy in enhancing hand image realism in Stable Diffusion outputs. We provide an online demo at https://fixhand.yiqun.i

    Anonymization for Skeleton Action Recognition

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    Skeleton-based action recognition attracts practitioners and researchers due to the lightweight, compact nature of datasets. Compared with RGB-video-based action recognition, skeleton-based action recognition is a safer way to protect the privacy of subjects while having competitive recognition performance. However, due to improvements in skeleton estimation algorithms as well as motion- and depth-sensors, more details of motion characteristics can be preserved in the skeleton dataset, leading to potential privacy leakage. To investigate the potential privacy leakage from skeleton datasets, we first train a classifier to categorize sensitive private information from trajectories of joints. Our preliminary experiments show that the gender classifier achieves 87% accuracy on average and the re-identification task achieves 80% accuracy on average for three baseline models: Shift-GCN, MS-G3D, and 2s-AGCN. We propose an adversarial anonymization algorithm to protect potential privacy leakage from the skeleton dataset. Experimental results show that an anonymized dataset can reduce the risk of privacy leakage while having marginal effects on action recognition performance

    Mature cystic extragonadal teratoma in Douglas’ pouch: Case report and literature review

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    Teratomas often occur in the gonads, while Extragonadal mature cystic teratomas are reported occasionally, with the most common site being the omentum. Teratoma in the Douglas sac is extremely rare. we report a rare case of mature cystic Teratoma in the Douglas sac in a 71-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopic surgery. A cyst with a diameter of approximately 6 cm from Douglas was found during surgery, and the mass was separated from both ovaries. Microscopically, the cyst was a mature cystic teratoma that did not originate from the ovary