16,631 research outputs found

    Modeling Spacing Distribution of Queuing Vehicles in Front of a Signalized Junction Using Random-Matrix Theory

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    Modeling of headway/spacing between two consecutive vehicles has many applications in traffic flow theory and transport practice. Most known approaches only study the vehicles running on freeways. In this paper, we propose a model to explain the spacing distribution of queuing vehicles in front of a signalized junction based on random-matrix theory. We show that the recently measured spacing distribution data well fit the spacing distribution of a Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE). These results are also compared with the spacing distribution observed for car parking problem. Why vehicle-stationary-queuing and vehicle-parking have different spacing distributions (GSE vs GUE) seems to lie in the difference of driving patterns

    A note on eigenvalues of random block Toeplitz matrices with slowly growing bandwidth

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    This paper can be thought of as a remark of \cite{llw}, where the authors studied the eigenvalue distribution μXN\mu_{X_N} of random block Toeplitz band matrices with given block order mm. In this note we will give explicit density functions of limNμXN\lim\limits_{N\to\infty}\mu_{X_N} when the bandwidth grows slowly. In fact, these densities are exactly the normalized one-point correlation functions of m×mm\times m Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE for short). The series {limNμXNmN}\{\lim\limits_{N\to\infty}\mu_{X_N}|m\in\mathbb{N}\} can be seen as a transition from the standard normal distribution to semicircle distribution. We also show a similar relationship between GOE and block Toeplitz band matrices with symmetric blocks.Comment: 6 page