297 research outputs found

    Towards Foundation Models for Learning on Tabular Data

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    Learning on tabular data underpins numerous real-world applications. Despite considerable efforts in developing effective learning models for tabular data, current transferable tabular models remain in their infancy, limited by either the lack of support for direct instruction following in new tasks or the neglect of acquiring foundational knowledge and capabilities from diverse tabular datasets. In this paper, we propose Tabular Foundation Models (TabFMs) to overcome these limitations. TabFMs harness the potential of generative tabular learning, employing a pre-trained large language model (LLM) as the base model and fine-tuning it using purpose-designed objectives on an extensive range of tabular datasets. This approach endows TabFMs with a profound understanding and universal capabilities essential for learning on tabular data. Our evaluations underscore TabFM's effectiveness: not only does it significantly excel in instruction-following tasks like zero-shot and in-context inference, but it also showcases performance that approaches, and in instances, even transcends, the renowned yet mysterious closed-source LLMs like GPT-4. Furthermore, when fine-tuning with scarce data, our model achieves remarkable efficiency and maintains competitive performance with abundant training data. Finally, while our results are promising, we also delve into TabFM's limitations and potential opportunities, aiming to stimulate and expedite future research on developing more potent TabFMs

    Explainable Multimodal Emotion Reasoning

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    Multimodal emotion recognition is an active research topic in artificial intelligence. Its primary objective is to integrate multi-modalities (such as acoustic, visual, and lexical clues) to identify human emotional states. Current works generally assume accurate emotion labels for benchmark datasets and focus on developing more effective architectures. But due to the inherent subjectivity of emotions, existing datasets often lack high annotation consistency, resulting in potentially inaccurate labels. Consequently, models built on these datasets may struggle to meet the demands of practical applications. To address this issue, it is crucial to enhance the reliability of emotion annotations. In this paper, we propose a novel task called ``\textbf{Explainable Multimodal Emotion Reasoning (EMER)}''. In contrast to previous works that primarily focus on predicting emotions, EMER takes a step further by providing explanations for these predictions. The prediction is considered correct as long as the reasoning process behind the predicted emotion is plausible. This paper presents our initial efforts on EMER, where we introduce a benchmark dataset, establish baseline models, and define evaluation metrics. Meanwhile, we observe the necessity of integrating multi-faceted capabilities to deal with EMER. Therefore, we propose the first multimodal large language model (LLM) in affective computing, called \textbf{AffectGPT}. We aim to tackle the long-standing challenge of label ambiguity and chart a path toward more reliable techniques. Furthermore, EMER offers an opportunity to evaluate the audio-video-text understanding capabilities of recent multimodal LLM. To facilitate further research, we make the code and data available at: https://github.com/zeroQiaoba/AffectGPT

    Entrance channel dependence and isospin dependence of preequilibrium nucleon emission in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions

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    Using isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamical model, the studies of the isospin effect on preequilibrium nucleon emission in heavy ion collisions under different entrance channel conditions show that the ratio of preequilibrium neutron number to proton number depends strongly on symmetry potential, beam energy, and the ratio of neutron to proton of the colliding system, but weakly on isospin dependent in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections, impact parameter, Pauli potential, and momentum dependent interaction in the energy region from 45MeV/u up to 150 MeV/u where the dynamics is dominated by nucleon-nucleon collisions. In addition, the ratio of preequilibrium neutron number to proton number for a neutron-rich colliding system is larger than the initial value of the ratio of the colliding system, but the ratio for a neutron-deficient system is less than the initial value

    Spin-glass ground state in a triangular-lattice compound YbZnGaO4_4

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    We report on comprehensive results identifying the ground state of a triangular-lattice structured YbZnGaO4_4 to be spin glass, including no long-range magnetic order, prominent broad excitation continua, and absence of magnetic thermal conductivity. More crucially, from the ultralow-temperature a.c. susceptibility measurements, we unambiguously observe frequency-dependent peaks around 0.1 K, indicating the spin-glass ground state. We suggest this conclusion to hold also for its sister compound YbMgGaO4_4, which is confirmed by the observation of spin freezing at low temperatures. We consider disorder and frustration to be the main driving force for the spin-glass phase.Comment: Version as accepted to PR

    Improved prime editors enable pathogenic allele correction and cancer modelling in adult mice [preprint]

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    Prime editors (PEs) mediate genome modification without utilizing double-stranded DNA breaks or exogenous donor DNA as a template. PEs facilitate nucleotide substitutions or local insertions or deletions within the genome based on the template sequence encoded within the prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA). However, the efficacy of prime editing in adult mice has not been established. Here we report an NLS-optimized SpCas9-based prime editor that improves genome editing efficiency in both fluorescent reporter cells and at endogenous loci in cultured cell lines. Using this genome modification system, we could also seed tumor formation through somatic cell editing in the adult mouse. Finally, we successfully utilize dual adeno-associated virus (AAVs) for the delivery of a split-intein prime editor and demonstrate that this system enables the correction of a pathogenic mutation in the mouse liver. Our findings further establish the broad potential of this new genome editing technology for the directed installation of sequence modifications in vivo, with important implications for disease modeling and correction

    Spatially resolved Spectro-photometry of M81: Age, Metallicity and Reddening Maps

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    In this paper, we present a multi-color photometric study of the nearby spiral galaxy M81, using images obtained with the Beijing Astronomical Observatory 60/90 cm Schmidt Telescope in 13 intermediate-band filters from 3800 to 10000{\AA}. The observations cover the whole area of M81 with a total integration of 51 hours from February 1995 to February 1997. This provides a multi-color map of M81 in pixels of 1\arcsec.7 \times 1\arcsec.7. Using theoretical stellar population synthesis models, we demonstrate that some BATC colors and color indices can be used to disentangle the age and metallicity effect. We compare in detail the observed properties of M81 with the predictions from population synthesis models and quantify the relative chemical abundance, age and reddening distributions for different components of M81. We find that the metallicity of M81 is about Z=0.03Z=0.03 with no significant difference over the whole galaxy. In contrast, an age gradient is found between stellar populations of the central regions and of the bulge and disk regions of M81: the stellar population in its central regions is older than 8 Gyr while the disk stars are considerably younger, 2\sim 2 Gyr. We also give the reddening distribution in M81. Some dust lanes are found in the galaxy bulge region and the reddening in the outer disk is higher than that in the central regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ (May 2000 issue). 27 pages including 6 figures. Uses AASTeX aasms4 styl

    Isospin Effect on the Process of Multifragmentation and Dissipation at Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    In the simulation of intermediate energy heavy ion collisions by using the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics, the isospin effect on the process of multifragmentation and dissipation has been studied. It is found that the multiplicity of intermediate mass fragments NimfN_{imf} for the neutron-poor colliding system is always larger than that for the neutron-rich system, while the quadrupole of single particle momentum distribution QzzQ_{zz} for the neutron-poor colliding system is smaller than that of the neutron-rich system for all projectile-target combinations studied at the beam energies from about 50MeV/nucleon to 150MeV/nucleon. Since QzzQ_{zz} depends strongly on isospin dependence of in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section and weakly on symmetry potential at the above beam energies, it may serve as a good probe to extract the information on the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section. The correlation between the multiplicity NimfN_{imf} of intermediate mass fragments and the total numer of charged particles NcN_c has the behavior similar to QzzQ_{zz}, which can be used as a complementary probe to the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    An improved method for predicting truncated multiple recursive generators with unknown parameters

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    Multiple recursive generators are an important class of pseudorandom number generators which are widely used in cryptography. The predictability of truncated sequences that predict the whole sequences by the truncated high-order bits of the sequences is not only a crucial aspect of evaluating the security of pseudorandom number generators but also serves an important role in the design of pseudorandom number generators. This paper improves the work of Sun et al on the predictability of truncated multiple recursive generators with unknown parameters. Given a few truncated digits of high-order bits output by a multiple recursive generator, we adopt the resultant, the Chinese Remainder Theorem and the idea of recovering pp-adic coordinates of the coefficients layer by layer, and Kannan\u27s embedding technique to recover the modulus, the coefficients and the initial state, respectively. Experimental results show that our new method is superior to that of the work of Sun et al, no matter in terms of the running time or the number of truncated digits required

    Intermediate-band Surface Photometry of the Edge-on Galaxy: NGC 4565

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    We present a deep, 42.79 hr image of the nearby, edge-on galaxy NGC 4565 in the Beijing-Arizona-Taipei-Connecticut (BATC) 6660A band using the large-format CCD system on the 0.6m Schmidt telescope at the Xinglong Station of the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC). we obtain a final image that is calibrated to an accuracy of 0.02 mag in zero point, and for which we can measure galaxy surface brightness to an accuracy of 0.25 mag at a surface brightness at 27.5 mag arcsec^-2 at 6660A, corresponding to a distance of 22 kpc from the center of the disk. The integrated magnitude of NGC4565 in our filter is m6660=8.99 (R magnitude of 9.1) to a surface brightness of 28 mag arcsec-2. We analyze the faint outer parts of this galaxy using a two-dimensional model comprised of three components: an exponential thin disk, an exponential thick disk, and a power-law halo. A total of 12 parameters are included in our model. We determine the best values of our model parameters via 10,000 random initial values, 3,700 of which converge to final values. The thin disk and thick disk parameters we determine here are consistent with those of previous studies of this galaxy. However, our very deep image permits a better determination of the power law fit to the halo, constraining this power law to be between r^-3.2 and r^-4.0, with a best fit value of r^-3.88. We find the axis ratio of the halo to be 0.44 and its core radius to be 14.4 kpc (for an adopted distance of 14.5 Mpc).Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, will appear in March 2002 of A