23 research outputs found

    Communicative Message Passing for Inductive Relation Reasoning

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    Relation prediction for knowledge graphs aims at predicting missing relationships between entities. Despite the importance of inductive relation prediction, most previous works are limited to a transductive setting and cannot process previously unseen entities. The recent proposed subgraph-based relation reasoning models provided alternatives to predict links from the subgraph structure surrounding a candidate triplet inductively. However, we observe that these methods often neglect the directed nature of the extracted subgraph and weaken the role of relation information in the subgraph modeling. As a result, they fail to effectively handle the asymmetric/anti-symmetric triplets and produce insufficient embeddings for the target triplets. To this end, we introduce a \textbf{C}\textbf{o}mmunicative \textbf{M}essage \textbf{P}assing neural network for \textbf{I}nductive re\textbf{L}ation r\textbf{E}asoning, \textbf{CoMPILE}, that reasons over local directed subgraph structures and has a vigorous inductive bias to process entity-independent semantic relations. In contrast to existing models, CoMPILE strengthens the message interactions between edges and entitles through a communicative kernel and enables a sufficient flow of relation information. Moreover, we demonstrate that CoMPILE can naturally handle asymmetric/anti-symmetric relations without the need for explosively increasing the number of model parameters by extracting the directed enclosing subgraphs. Extensive experiments show substantial performance gains in comparison to state-of-the-art methods on commonly used benchmark datasets with variant inductive settings.Comment: Accepted by AAAI-202

    Incorporating Retrieval-based Causal Learning with Information Bottlenecks for Interpretable Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have gained considerable traction for their capability to effectively process topological data, yet their interpretability remains a critical concern. Current interpretation methods are dominated by post-hoc explanations to provide a transparent and intuitive understanding of GNNs. However, they have limited performance in interpreting complicated subgraphs and can't utilize the explanation to advance GNN predictions. On the other hand, transparent GNN models are proposed to capture critical subgraphs. While such methods could improve GNN predictions, they usually don't perform well on explanations. Thus, it is desired for a new strategy to better couple GNN explanation and prediction. In this study, we have developed a novel interpretable causal GNN framework that incorporates retrieval-based causal learning with Graph Information Bottleneck (GIB) theory. The framework could semi-parametrically retrieve crucial subgraphs detected by GIB and compress the explanatory subgraphs via a causal module. The framework was demonstrated to consistently outperform state-of-the-art methods, and to achieve 32.71\% higher precision on real-world explanation scenarios with diverse explanation types. More importantly, the learned explanations were shown able to also improve GNN prediction performance

    Mixup-Augmented Meta-Learning for Sample-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Protein Simulators

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have emerged as a fundamental instrument for studying biomolecules. At the same time, it is desirable to perform simulations of a collection of particles under various conditions in which the molecules can fluctuate. In this paper, we explore and adapt the soft prompt-based learning method to molecular dynamics tasks. Our model can remarkably generalize to unseen and out-of-distribution scenarios with limited training data. While our work focuses on temperature as a test case, the versatility of our approach allows for efficient simulation through any continuous dynamic conditions, such as pressure and volumes. Our framework has two stages: 1) Pre-trains with data mixing technique, augments molecular structure data and temperature prompts, then applies a curriculum learning method by increasing the ratio of them smoothly. 2) Meta-learning-based fine-tuning framework improves sample-efficiency of fine-tuning process and gives the soft prompt-tuning better initialization points. Comprehensive experiments reveal that our framework excels in accuracy for in-domain data and demonstrates strong generalization capabilities for unseen and out-of-distribution samples

    Identifying Structure-Property Relationships through SMILES Syntax Analysis With Self-Attention Mechanism

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    Recognizing substructures and their relations embedded in a molecular structure representation is a key process for structure-activity or structure-property relationship (SAR/SPR) studies. A molecular structure can be either explicitly represented as a connection table (CT) or linear notation, such as SMILES, which is a language describing the connectivity of atoms in the molecular structure. Conventional SAR/SPR approaches rely on partitioning the CT into a set of predefined substructures as structural descriptors. In this work, we propose a new method to identifying SAR/SPR through linear notation (for example, SMILES) syntax analysis with self-attention mechanism, an interpretable deep learning architecture. The method has been evaluated by predicting chemical property, toxicology, and bioactivity from experimental data sets. Our results demonstrate that the method yields superior performance comparing with state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the method can produce chemically interpretable results, which can be used for a chemist to design, and synthesize the activity/property improved compounds.</p

    SyntaLinker: Automatic Fragment Linking with Deep Conditional Transformer Neural Networks

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    Fragment based drug design represents a promising drug discovery paradigm complimentary to the traditional HTS based lead generation strategy. How to link fragment structures to increase compound affinity is remaining a challenge task in this paradigm. Hereby a novel deep generative model (SyntaLinker) for linking fragments is developed with the potential for applying in the fragment-based lead generation scenario. The state-of-the-art transformer architecture was employed to learn the linker grammar and generate novel linker. Our results show that, given starting fragments and user customized linker constraints, our SyntaLinker model can design abundant drug-like molecules fulfilling these constraints and its performance was superior to other reference models. Moreover, several examples were showcased that SyntaLinkercan be useful tools for carrying out drug design tasks such as fragment linking, lead optimization and scaffold hopping

    Publisher Correction: Predicting drug–protein interaction using quasi-visual question answering system (Nature Machine Intelligence, (2020), 2, 2, (134-140), 10.1038/s42256-020-0152-y)

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    In the version of this Article originally published, the placeholder text ‘Please add some text here’ after the section heading ‘Experiments’ was mistakenly not updated; this text should have read ‘In this section, we will introduce the employed datasets and experiments to indicate the performance of our DrugVQA model’. This has now been corrected

    Predicting Retrosynthetic Reaction using Self-Corrected Transformer Neural Networks

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    Synthesis planning is the process of recursively decomposing target molecules into available precursors. Computer-aided retrosynthesis can potentially assist chemists in designing synthetic routes, but at present it is cumbersome and provides results of dissatisfactory quality. In this study, we develop a template-free self-corrected retrosynthesis predictor (SCROP) to perform a retrosynthesis prediction task trained by using the Transformer neural network architecture. In the method, the retrosynthesis planning is converted as a machine translation problem between molecular linear notations of reactants and the products. Coupled with a neural network-based syntax corrector, our method achieves an accuracy of 59.0% on a standard benchmark dataset, which increases >21% over other deep learning methods, and >6% over template-based methods. More importantly, our method shows an accuracy 1.7 times higher than other state-of-the-art methods for compounds not appearing in the training set.</p

    Developing BioNavi for Hybrid Retrosynthesis Planning

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