197 research outputs found

    Understanding and treating suboptimal health status through tourism engagement: An exploratory study of Chinese domestic tourists

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    Objectives: Suboptimal health status (SHS) is a global public health concern of worldwide academic interest. The topic is popular in the medical sciences, including public health; however, other disciplines have paid little attention to this condition despite aging societies. This study introduced SHS into the tourism literature, a logical connection given the established positive correlation between well-being and tourism engagement. Lifestyle factors are crucial to SHS. Accordingly, this study examines tourists’ sociodemographic characteristics, tourism-related attributes, and lifestyle behaviors to compare individuals with SHS to those with optimal health status. Methods: Chinese tourists in Shandong Province, China who had visited Mount Tai within 6 months of study recruitment (October to December 2021) completed a pen-and-pencil survey to answer questions for this cross-sectional research study. In total, 360 surveys were eligible for analysis following initial screening. Results: The self-report SHS status survey, SHSQ-25, was used to determine the portion of study participants exhibiting symptoms of SHS. The descriptive analysis indicated that 36.4 % (n = 131) of the sample (N = 360) presented with SHS. Three lifestyle behavior factors (i.e., work stress, sleep length, and drinking length), five SHS domains (i.e., fatigue, cardiovascular system, immune system, digestive system, and mental status), and two tourism-related attributes (i.e., international travel frequency and travel expenditure) were integrated using canonical correlation analysis to determine relationships among these three domains. Conclusions: Results from this study demonstrated the meaningful relationships among lifestyle behaviors, tourism-related attributes, and SHS. Previous work has implied that tourism participation may enhance individuals’ health status and well-being; however, conclusions from this study are contradictory to those findings. For travelers with SHS to fully benefit from tourism, more information is needed to develop suitable marketing strategies and tourism products. This study provides a starting point to direct future research to further explore motivations of and strategies to benefit tourists with SHS

    A Study on the Impact of Urban Digitalization on the Urban-rural Income Gap

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    The empirical research topic for this paper is a panel dataset of 31 provinces and urban areas from my country from 2011 to 2020. On the one hand, it gauges the level of regional digital economic development. On the other side, we’ll talk about the structural impact of the level of digitalization on the urban-rural income difference and further debate whether the digital economy helps close or widen this gap. The findings show that the degree of digitization has a significant impact on reducing the income gap between urban and rural areas, while an increase in the Internet coverage index helps do so. However, the overall impact makes the digital economy unfavorable to reducing the income gap between urban and rural areas

    Investigation of Fast-Charging and Degradation Processes in 3D Silicon–Graphite Anodes

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    The 3D battery concept applied on silicon–graphite electrodes (Si/C) has revealed a significant improvement of battery performances, including high-rate capability, cycle stability, and cell lifetime. 3D architectures provide free spaces for volume expansion as well as additional lithium diffusion pathways into the electrodes. Therefore, the cell degradation induced by the volume change of silicon as active material can be significantly reduced, and the high-rate capability can be achieved. In order to better understand the impact of 3D electrode architectures on rate capability and degradation process of the thick film silicon–graphite electrodes, we applied laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). A calibration curve was established that enables the quantitative determination of the elemental concentrations in the electrodes. The structured silicon–graphite electrode, which was lithiated by 1C, revealed a homogeneous lithium distribution within the entire electrode. In contrast, a lithium concentration gradient was observed on the unstructured electrode. The lithium concentration was reduced gradually from the top to the button of the electrode, which indicated an inhibited diffusion kinetic at high C-rates. In addition, the LIBS applied on a model electrode with micropillars revealed that the lithium-ions principally diffused along the contour of laser-generated structures into the electrodes at elevated C-rates. The rate capability and electrochemical degradation observed in lithium-ion cells can be correlated to lithium concentration profiles in the electrodes measured by LIBS

    Proposing an avenue for suboptimal health research through the lens of tourism

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has posed tremendous threats to both global health and individuals’ psychological and physiological well-being. Scholars across the social and medical sciences are calling for multidisciplinary research regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected global health [1]. As daily stressors continue to accumulate, the number of people reporting health complaints that cannot be detected by laboratory measures is on the rise [2,3]. These conditions can be complex and challenging to define but are generally deemed as “suboptimal health” [4]. Suboptimal health status (SHS) refers to a reversible state between health and illness [2]. It is characterized by health concerns (eg, back pain, headache, chronic fatigue) and constellations of symptoms (eg, anxiety, depression) that can affect one’s cardiovascular system [3,5,6], digestive system [7], immune system [4,8], and mental status [9,10]. Guidance from traditional Chinese medicine as reported by the China Association of Chinese Medicine suggests that SHS also hinders one’s adaptability, physiological state, and vitality [11]

    Suboptimal health status, COVID-19 psychology, and cultural value impact on post-pandemic outbound travel

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    Suboptimal health has become a core public health challenge, especially during the pandemic. This study adopts an interdisciplinary perspective to examine the relationships between suboptimal health status, COVID-19 fear and stress, cultural values, and outbound travel. A theoretical model was evaluated using data from 800 Beijing residents, 439 of whom were in suboptimal health. Four dimensions of suboptimal health (fatigue, mental status, immune system, and cardiovascular system) significantly affected COVID-19 stress and fear. Post-pandemic travel intention was positively related to fatigue symptoms and leisure and life enjoyment but negatively associated with COVID-19 stress. Suggestions for highlighting travellers’ health status and promoting holistic health through post-pandemic travel are provided

    Exploring perceptions of travel-eligible individuals with dementia and hotel operators

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    Although people with dementia have leisure travel needs, no scholars appear to have empirically explored how to meet this group’s needs as hotel guests. To bridge this research gap in tourism literature, the current study employed in-depth interviews to collect first-hand data from 15 travel-eligible tourists with early-stage dementia and 15 senior luxury hotel managers in China. Specifically, six key themes were extracted from Chinese hotel guests with dementia. Hotel managers’ commentary on meeting travel-eligible tourists with dementia’ needs during leisure travel led to three themes. Innovatively, this study further sheds light on possible contributions the tourism and hospitality industry makes to the global health field using the context of a vulnerable group–travel-eligible tourists in an ageing society

    NeuralPCI: Spatio-temporal Neural Field for 3D Point Cloud Multi-frame Non-linear Interpolation

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    In recent years, there has been a significant increase in focus on the interpolation task of computer vision. Despite the tremendous advancement of video interpolation, point cloud interpolation remains insufficiently explored. Meanwhile, the existence of numerous nonlinear large motions in real-world scenarios makes the point cloud interpolation task more challenging. In light of these issues, we present NeuralPCI: an end-to-end 4D spatio-temporal Neural field for 3D Point Cloud Interpolation, which implicitly integrates multi-frame information to handle nonlinear large motions for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Furthermore, we construct a new multi-frame point cloud interpolation dataset called NL-Drive for large nonlinear motions in autonomous driving scenes to better demonstrate the superiority of our method. Ultimately, NeuralPCI achieves state-of-the-art performance on both DHB (Dynamic Human Bodies) and NL-Drive datasets. Beyond the interpolation task, our method can be naturally extended to point cloud extrapolation, morphing, and auto-labeling, which indicates its substantial potential in other domains. Codes are available at https://github.com/ispc-lab/NeuralPCI.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 2023. Project Page: https://dyfcalid.github.io/NeuralPC

    Solidarity tourism: A pathway to revitalising the health of vulnerable war-affected populations?

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    The struggles of war are felt by all who occupy an affected region (and beyond), irrespective of whether they are in active combat. This experience has physical effects (e.g. injury, illness, malnutrition, disability, sexual violence, and/or death) and emotional impacts (e.g. posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety) [1-3]. The terror associated with war disrupts lives and relationships, leaving individuals, families, and communities distressed. Due to such immediate and long-term adverse outcomes, war represents a highly destructive and enduring public health emergency [4]. . .
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