11 research outputs found

    Efekti betaina kao dodatka u ishrani na neke proizvodne osobine šarana (cyprinus carpio l.) gajenog u recirkulacionom sistemu

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ustanove efekti betaina kao dadatka u ishrani na stopu preživljavanja, prirast i konverziju hrane kod šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.), gajenog u recirkulacionom sistemu. Četrdeset i osam jedinki šarana čija je prosečna početna težina bila 1238.13±39.19 - 1241.25±29.73 g podeljeni su u tri grupe. Eksperiment je rađen u duplikatu. Ribe su gajene u betonskim tankovima zapremine 0.8 m3, koji su pripadali recirkulacionom sistemu. Riba je hranjena ekstrudiranom hranom ”Aqua VITAL“, koju proizvodi “Aqua garant“. Veličina peleta bila je 6 mm. 1% betaina dodat je hrani šarana koji je pripadao eksperimentalnoj grupi EG1, dok je hrana za drugu eksperimentalnu grupu (EG2) sadržala 3% betaina. Šaran iz kontrolne grupe (CG) nije dobijao betain u ishrani. Hrana kojom je riba hranjena predstavljala je 2% težine ribe. Ogled je trajao 60 dana, a kontrolni ulov obavljen je 30-og dana da bi se ispitao uticaj betaina kao dodatka u ishrani na prirast i odnos konverzije hrane kod šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.), koji se gaji u recirkulacionom sistemu. Težina ribe (g) na kontrolnom ulovu ustanovljena je tako što je svaka jedinka pojedinačno merena. Finalna težina šarana iz eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih grupa iznosila je: EG1 – 1727.50±40.52 g, EG2 – 1749.39±33.45 g and CG – 1646.88±26.51 g. Vrednosti ovog parametra kod ribe iz druge eksperimentalne grupe EG2 bile su više nego kod jedinki iz EG1 (1.27%) i CG (6.22%), međutim razlike nisu bile značajne (P>0.05). Prosečni individualni prirast kod šarana iz dve replikacione kontrolne grupe bio je 406.25±20.61 g, što je 20.46% i 25.08% niže nego kod riba koje su dobijale 1% i 3% betaina, dok su razlike bile značajne (P<0.001). Najbolji koeficijent konverzije hrane bio je kod šarana iz EG2 - 1.49. Ova osobina je imala niže vrednosti nego kod riba iz EG1 (3.36% ) i CG (24.16%) (P<0.001). Kada je reč o stopi preživljavanja riba iz svih grupa, diskrepance nisu uočene. Ekonomska efikasnost grupe koje je dobijala 1% betaina bila je 1.66, što je niže nego kod EG2 (10.34%) i CG (15.66%)

    The Importance of Developing Communication Skills in Students from the Public Health Inspector Specialty

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    Introduction: The problem of developing the communication culture of future public health inspectors (PHIs) is considered to be of practical importance and requires special attention during their basic training.Aim: To identify the need for public health inspector communication skills development during the training process at the Medical College (MC).Materials and Methods: A questionnaire survey of 116 inspectors working in the system of the Regional Health Inspection (RHI) in seven regional cities was conducted, as were interviews with 16 experts in the field of public health, 21 young inspectors (who finished their education over the last 5 years), and 30 students in the specialty of Public Health Inspector at the Medical College of Varna.Results: Over half of the surveyed inspectors (56.9%) consider that they need to have specific communication skills in their work. The majority of students and young professionals interviewed (80%) stated a need for additional training on topics related to professional communication. Conclusion: The fundamentals of all specialized knowledge and competences for the acquisition of communication skills should be laid during the PHIs’ training in the MC. This should be achieved through a specialized training course as part of the mandatory curriculum

    Beneficial effects of medicinal plants in fish diseases

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    Fish are constantly in contact with pathogens inhabiting water. High populationdensity as well as poor hydrodynamic conditions and feeding lead to an increased sensitivitytowards infections. In order to prevent major economic losses due to diseases, variousmedications are used for treatment and prevention of infections. The use of antimicrobialdrugs in aquacultures could lead to emergence of resistance in pathogenic microorganisms.Alternatives are being sought over the last few years to replace antibiotics, and medicinalplants are one of available options for this purpose. These plants are rich in secondarymetabolites and phytochemical compounds, which have an effect against viral, bacterial, andparasitic diseases in fish. Their main advantage is their natural origin and most of these plantsdo not represent threat for human health, the fish, and the environment. The goal of this reviewis to present information on the treatment of viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases in fishthrough medicinal plants, with focus on the mechanisms of action of the identified secondarymetabolites, fractions, or plant extracts

    Impact of marketing communication mix on business results of SMEs

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    Marketing communications show a favorable impact on all aspects of the company’s activities. They play an essential role in shaping the final economic results. The purpose of the research is to study the effects of elements for marketing communication mix on the business results of selected small and medium enterprises in Stara Zagora district, Bulgaria. The collection of primary data has been developed and disseminated to the owners/managers of SME’s survey. The research uses a descriptive and casual research approach to identify the impact of individual communication elements - advertising, sales promotion, and direct marketing on some financial parameters, such as the profit, sales, and profitability of the companies. The result shows statistical significance between advertising, sales promotion, and financial indicators: profit and net sales revenue. Recommendations were made to the SME managers regarding the use of promotional activities, using communication channels to inform and keep up to date customers, the effectiveness of the types of media, and more

    Effect of monosodium glutamate on growth performance and blood biochemical parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.)

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    Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary monosodium glutamate (MSG) on growth performance and blood biochemical parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.). Materials and Methods: A total of 200 trouts were allotted in five experimental groups (n=40) that for 60 days received feed supplemented with MSG at the following levels: 0% (K) or 0.5% (E) or 1% (F) or 3% (G) or 5% (H). Results: The average initial weight of trouts was 116.68±1.51 g (K), 116.58±1.33 g (E), 116.43±1.39 g (F), 117.40±1.47 g (G), and 115.95±1.88 g (H). At the end of the trial, control fish (K) had the lowest live weight (242.90±3.87 g) compared to Groups E (252.70±5.69 g), F (250.93±4.82 g), G (248.25±4.98 g), and H (247.95±4.74 g). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of control group (K) was higher (1.11±0.02) versus FCR values established in Groups E (1.03±0.01), F (1.04±0.02), G (1.07±0.03), and H (1.06±0.02). Albumin, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, magnesium, and triglyceride exhibited statistically significant differences versus controls. Conclusion: The results from the study showed that dietary supplementation of rainbow trouts with MSG increased live weight and reduced FCR. The optimum level of MSG recommended for addition to feed was 0.5%

    Innowacyjne metody inżynieryjne w ocenie jakości i bezpieczeństwa żywności

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    The improvement of quality of life and human activity has many directions. One of them is providing high-quality and safe food. Advancements in sensor technologies, data mining and processing algorithms have provided technical capabilities for development of innovative engineering methods that guarantee certainty regarding the quality control of food and public health. The potential of Near Infrared Spectral Analysis and Aquaphotomics as non-destructive and rapid methods for monitoring food quality through observation of water absorbance bands is presented.Wzrost poziomu aktywności i jakości życia człowieka zależy od wielu czynników. Jednym z nich jest bezpieczeństwo i wysoka jakość dostarczanej żywności. Postęp, jaki dokonał się w obszarze technologii, technik pomiarowych i narzędzi przetwarzania danych, umożliwił rozwój innowacyjnych metod inżynieryjnych dających gwarancję wysokiej skuteczności kontroli jakości żywności i zdrowia publicznego. W artykule przedstawiono analizę spektralną bliskiej podczerwieni i akwapotomikę jako nieinwazyjne i szybkie metody oceny jakości żywności przez obserwację pasm absorpcji wody

    The Bulgarian official seafood list: an urgent need of updating

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    Food labeling is the elective tool for products traceability, identity verification and information for the final consumer. Given the complexity of commercial exchanges within the International and European seafood market, the European legislator has imposed a specific seafood traceability and labelling system currently described pursuant to (EU) Reg. No. 1379/2013. For seafood identification at purchase, the Regulation establishes the obligation to provide the consumer with the commercial and scientific name of the product and to this, each Member States shall draw up and publish a list of the commercial designations (CD) and scientific names (SN) accepted in their territory. The current Official Bulgarian list, not yet updated since its first publication in 2006, it has already been confirmed as not responding to the actual variety of fish species sold on the national territory (Tinacci et al., 2018). Thus, a nationwidemarket survey has been conducted as study model to propose a systematic review and update of the officially recognized seafood designations. 15 towns were selected according to their size and to the presence of fishery and/or aquaculture activities. The survey included a total of 71 point of sales consisting of 49 wholesale market, hypermarket and supermarkets belonging to four different great retailer chains, 11 local grocery stores and 11 local fish markets. All fish products presented on sale within each point were checked. The product type, as well as CD and SN were recorded for each product. Overall, 1610 products were recorded. As regards the category, the most part of products was fresh/frozen raw (N=1001; 62,2%) followed by canned (N=473; 29.4%). A total of 110 different CDs were used for all recorded products. 1195 products (74%) reported a CD associated with a SN while in the remaining 415 (26%) only the CD was available. The analysis highlighted the presence of a total of 50 Combination Items (CI) in which both CD and SN recorded on the market were not included in the official list; 12 CI in which a valid or obsolete SN included in the official list was associated to a CD not included in the list; 5 CI in which the officially accepted CDs were edited by adding of an adjective related to the fish origin or specific morphological features (official CDs editing); 6 CI in which the CD already existing in the official list were applied in association with a valid SN not included among the official records (extended use of the official CDs); 22 CDs recorded alone and not listed among the Official commercial designation reported in the Ministerial document. The survey confirmed the ineffectiveness of the official list in describing the products present at retail and the need to provide a substantial revision of the designation to meet the offer of an expanding market and harmonize the terms applied for products identification. In this respect, the designations collected in the survey might represent an objective starting point for the selection of new designations to be included in the Official Bulgarian list for the identification of the basket of fish species not yet officially characterized although already recognized by the final consume