12 research outputs found

    Improving the oil coolers of turbine oil delivery systems through the use of various types of profiling tubes

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    Исследованы особенности течения и теплообмена масла в пучках гладких и профилированных трубок. Рассмотрено влияние окружения соседних трубок пучка на теплообмен на рабочей трубке.Oil flow features and heat transfer in bundles of smooth and profile tubes are investigated. The effect of neighbouring tubes on investigated tube heat transfer is studied.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.

    Functioning of steam driven ejectors as a part of steam turbines

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    В статье рассмотрены вопросы функционирования пароструйных эжекторов с точки зрения повышения надежности на основе опыта авторов по разработке и модернизации более чем 80 аппаратов. Проведен анализ статистической информации по отказам эжекторов, времени восстановления. Показано, что отказ эжектора в большинстве случаев приводят к останову турбоагрегата. Представлен перечень выявляемых дефектов.In the paper the problems of functioning of steam driven ejectors are considered in the view of increasing the reliability and basing on the authors experience of design more than 80 devices. The analysis of statistic information about ejectors breakdowns and recovery periods is provided. It is shown, that in the majority of ejector breakdowns, the turbine has to be stopped. A list of revealed defects is presented.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Правительства РФ; Постановление № 211, контракт № 02.А03.21.000

    Digital diagnostic complex for power turbine units equipment

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    The study is devoted to the problem formulation for creation a concept of digital complex for power turbine equipment diagnostics using a reference turbine model formed by a set of computational models of thermal and gas-dynamic processes, by diagnostic expert systems (probabilistic type and decision tree type), by functional standard characteristics and statistical models. As part of the study it is proposed to develop diagnostic methods and algorithms for characteristic malfunctions causes for various subsystems of power equipment, which will allow them to be detected at an early stage and to prevent unplanned (emergency) equipment shutdown. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Design features of new high-efficient steam-driven multistage ejector with external intercoolers

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    A range of design solutions for increasing the efficiency of multistage ejectors, applied in the steam turbine schemes, is developed. Following technical solutions are developed: vertical intercoolers with external U-tube bundles, multistage ejector elements configuration, possibility of the ejector performance optimizing by nozzle exit position changing. Suggested design solutions are successfully implemented in the ejector EPO-3-80, which is installed and is functioning at the Surgutskaya GRES-1 power plant.Для повышения эффективности работы применяемых в схемах паротурбинных установок, многоступенчатых эжекторов разработан ряд конструкторских решений. Разработаны следующие основные технические решения: вертикальные выносные промежуточные охладителей с U-образными трубками, компоновка элементов многоступенчатого эжектора, возможность оптимизации характеристики эжектора с помощью изменения расстояния между соплом и диффузором. Предложенные конструкторские решения применены и успешно апробированы в пароструйном эжекторе ЭПО-3-80, установленном и функционирующем на станции Сургутская ГРЭС-1

    Turbine Diagnostics: Algorithms Adaptation Problems

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    Enterprises of energy equipment and operational utilities set sights on diagnostic systems. This is necessary for state control and maintenance planning of steam turbines. It is useful for digitalization purposes too. So far, some mathematical systems are already used. Algorithms for flow part, heat expansion systems, control systems, vibration-based diagnostics and auxiliary equipment have already been designed. We have designed algorithms just in principle. We met difficulties adapting them for the PT-75/80-90 turbine. Firstly, we should connect them to a single interface. Secondly, adaptation should include features of the equipment, its state (if not new), even operating conditions. Diagnostic signs for each turbine are the most important. We define them based on the operational data. When adapting the algorithms, we reconsider the signs list. We also estimate its coefficients of importance again. This requires experts to study designs, calculations, and modelling. We also analyzed a large amount of operational data at various power plants. To define the state we use tests. Adapting is based on the modes of a specific power station. Following this strategy, we adapt general algorithms for various turbines. © 2020 WIT Press

    Exposome factors in the acne pathogenesis

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    The concept of the exposome, formulated more than fifteen years ago, is increasingly discussed in the modern scientific literature. The term “exposome” is understood as a cumulative measure of the impact of environmental factors on an individual throughout his or her life (from the prenatal period to death) and the biological response associated with it. The sum of these factors has a significant impact on the occurrence, course, and treatment efficacy of multifactorial diseases. The skin is a border organ and is constantly exposed to environmental influences, i.e., it is a target for the exposome. The influence of the latter components has been described in skin aging, atopic dermatitis, and malignant skin neoplasms. Acne is one of the most common chronic inflammatory dermatoses. Over the past decade, the worldwide increase in the incidence of acne, its early onset and a prolonged course, affecting adult men and women, has been noted. The review presents an analysis of the data on the effects of the components of the exposome – diet, medications, stress, and pollutants - on the course of acne. Particular attention is paid to the few data on the nature of interaction between the components of the exposome and the skin microbiome, which, on the one hand, is involved in the pathogenesis of dermatoses, including acne, and, on the other hand, is changed under the influence of exposome factors, acting as an intermediary between the environment and the human body. The search for environmental factors has at least two objectives: the discovery of potential pathogenetic links, the strength of their relationship with the clinical manifestations of the disease to develop new therapies aimed at new targets; and the creation and recommendation of a protective regime for factors with a proven effect on the course of the disease, for patients suffering from acne

    Development of Modern Steam Jet Ejectors for Steam Turbine Installations

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    В материале рассматриваются пути повышения эффективности паровоздушных эжекторов тепловых электростанций. В данный момент в Российской Федерации производство новых типов эжекторов развивается крайне медленно. На многих станциях установлены основные эжекторы производства 60-80 годов прошлого века, которые устарели или в данный момент сняты с производства. Для устранения данной проблемы специалистами кафедры «Турбины и двигатели» был разработан ряд технических решений для восстановления ресурса, повышения эффективности и надежности существующих конструкций эжекторов. Также были разработаны и изготовлены эжектора новой конструкции для конкретных условий эксплуатации. В данной статье представлены инновационные конструктивные решения и сравнительные характеристики этих эжекторов.The article discusses ways to improve the efficiency of steam-air ejectors of thermal power plants. At the moment, the production of new types of ejectors in the Russian Federation is developing extremely slowly. Many stations have installed the main ejectors manufactured in the 60-80 years of the last century, which are outdated or currently discontinued. To eliminate this problem, specialists of the department "Turbines and Engines" have developed a number of technical solutions to restore the resource, improve the efficiency and reliability of existing ejector designs. Ejectors of a new design for specific operating conditions were also developed and manufactured. This article presents innovative design solutions and comparative characteristics of these ejectors