134 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Structural studies of the nucleus-like assembly of jumbo bacteriophage 201φ2-1.pdf

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    The jumbo phages encode proteins that assemble to form a nucleus-like compartment in infected cells. Here we report the cryo-EM structure and biochemistry characterization of gp105, a protein that is encoded by the jumbo phage 201φ2-1 and is involved in the formation of the nucleus-like compartment in phage 201φ2-1 infected Pseudomonas chlororaphis. We found that, although most gp105 molecules are in the monomeric state in solution, a small portion of gp105 assemble to form large sheet-like assemblies and small cube-like particles. Reconstruction of the cube-like particles showed that the particle consists of six flat head-to-tail tetramers arranged into an octahedral cube. The four molecules at the contact interface of two head-to-tail tetramers are 2-fold symmetry-related and constitute a concave tetramer. Further reconstructions without applying symmetry showed that molecules in the particles around the distal ends of a 3-fold axis are highly dynamic and have the tendency to open up the assembly. Local classifications and refinements of the concave tetramers in the cube-like particle resulted in a map of the concave tetramer at a resolution of 4.09 Å. Structural analysis of the concave tetramer indicates that the N and C terminal fragments of gp105 are important for mediating the intermolecular interactions, which was further confirmed by mutagenesis studies. Biochemistry assays showed that, in solution, the cube-like particles of gp105 are liable to either disassemble to form the monomers or recruit more molecules to form the high molecular weight lattice-like assembly. We also found that monomeric gp105s can self-assemble to form large sheet-like assemblies in vitro, and the assembly of gp105 in vitro is a reversible dynamic process and temperature-dependent. Taken together, our results revealed the dynamic assembly of gp105, which helps to understand the development and function of the nucleus-like compartment assembled by phage-encoded proteins.</p

    The value of each meta attribute trust value under the premise of large fluctuations.

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    The value of each meta attribute trust value under the premise of large fluctuations.</p

    Convenient, Rapid and Accurate Measurement of SVOC Emission Characteristics in Experimental Chambers

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    <div><p>Chamber tests are usually used to determine the source characteristics of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) which are critical to quantify indoor exposure to SVOCs. In contrast to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the sorption effect of SVOCs to chamber surfaces usually needs to be considered due to the much higher surface/air partition coefficients, resulting in a long time to reach steady state, frequently on the order of months, and complicating the mathematical analysis of the resulting data. A chamber test is also complicated if the material-phase concentration is not constant. This study shows how to design a chamber to overcome these limitations. A dimensionless mass transfer analysis is used to specify conditions for (1) neglecting the SVOC sorption effect to chamber surfaces, (2) neglecting the convective mass transfer resistance at sorption surfaces if the sorption effect cannot be neglected, and (3) regarding the material-phase concentration in the source as constant. Several practical and quantifiable ways to improve chamber design are proposed. The approach is illustrated by analyzing available data from three different chambers in terms of the accuracy with which the model parameters can be determined and the time needed to conduct the chamber test. The results should greatly facilitate the design of chambers to characterize SVOC emissions and the resulting exposure.</p></div

    Network architecture.

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    In the field of Internet of Things (IoT), terminal security has always been an extremely important independent research topic. In the terminal security research, in addition to the security enhancement of terminal entities, the security status evaluation of terminal security has also become an independent subset of the security research in the IoT field. However, it should also be noted that the security attributes of IoT terminals can include many aspects, so judging the security of IoT terminals based on the overall security form is not enough for the security of terminal entities. This paper introduces the concept of volatility from the overall situation assessment to the meta attributes that constitute the overall security situation, and preliminarily realizes the construction of a concise model based on historical data to judge the meta attributes that may affect the overall security in the future. At the same time, a concise verification system is built based on the application scenario of the power IoT terminals currently under research to preliminarily realize trend prediction, further expand the trust evaluation of IoT terminals, and clarify the direction of further research.</div

    S1 File -

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    In the field of Internet of Things (IoT), terminal security has always been an extremely important independent research topic. In the terminal security research, in addition to the security enhancement of terminal entities, the security status evaluation of terminal security has also become an independent subset of the security research in the IoT field. However, it should also be noted that the security attributes of IoT terminals can include many aspects, so judging the security of IoT terminals based on the overall security form is not enough for the security of terminal entities. This paper introduces the concept of volatility from the overall situation assessment to the meta attributes that constitute the overall security situation, and preliminarily realizes the construction of a concise model based on historical data to judge the meta attributes that may affect the overall security in the future. At the same time, a concise verification system is built based on the application scenario of the power IoT terminals currently under research to preliminarily realize trend prediction, further expand the trust evaluation of IoT terminals, and clarify the direction of further research.</div

    Topology of simulation evaluation.

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    In the field of Internet of Things (IoT), terminal security has always been an extremely important independent research topic. In the terminal security research, in addition to the security enhancement of terminal entities, the security status evaluation of terminal security has also become an independent subset of the security research in the IoT field. However, it should also be noted that the security attributes of IoT terminals can include many aspects, so judging the security of IoT terminals based on the overall security form is not enough for the security of terminal entities. This paper introduces the concept of volatility from the overall situation assessment to the meta attributes that constitute the overall security situation, and preliminarily realizes the construction of a concise model based on historical data to judge the meta attributes that may affect the overall security in the future. At the same time, a concise verification system is built based on the application scenario of the power IoT terminals currently under research to preliminarily realize trend prediction, further expand the trust evaluation of IoT terminals, and clarify the direction of further research.</div

    Screening Graphene Supported Nitrogen-Coordinated Single-Atom Catalysts for Lithium Polysulfide Conversion in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries

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    The shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides (Li/PSs) is considered one of the barriers that limits the practical application of lithium–sulfur batteries. Single-atom catalysts (SACs) with modified coordination environments and colorful central metal atoms could modulate the conversion reactions between Li and S and thus provide a viable way to solve the shuttle problem. In this study, the catalytic potential of various graphene-supported SACs (M= Fe, Ni, Pt, and Rh) with pyridine(pd)-N3/N4 and pyrrole(po)-N3/N4 coordination environments in Li/PS conversion are screened based on the thermodynamic stability, adsorption energy, delithiation barrier, and reaction Gibbs free energy. Eight types of SACs, including M-pd-N4 (M= Fe, Ni, Pt, and Rh), M-po-N3 (M= Fe, Ni, and Rh), and Pt-po-N4, demonstrate suitable thermodynamic stability, and their catalytic properties are studied. The adsorption energy indicates that the po-N3 type SACs have strong affiliation to Li/PSs. The M-d and S-p bonding contributes to the low adsorption energy of M-po-N3 (M = Fe, Ni, Rh) to Li/PSs. Despite their strong d-p bonding, Ni-po-N3 and Rh-po-N3 have a low delithiation barrier for Li2S decomposition. The delithiation distance plays an important role in the delithiation barrier. The overall Li/PSs reactions on SACs are determined by the Gibbs free energy. The potential determining step could be classified into two groups for different SACs: one is Li2S4*→Li2S2*, and another is Li2S2*→Li2S*. Based on the calculated catalytic properties, a design chart is summarized, and Ni-po-N3 is proposed as the current state-of-the-art M-N/G SAC for Li/PS conversion

    Overall trust fluctuation (each minute).

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    In the field of Internet of Things (IoT), terminal security has always been an extremely important independent research topic. In the terminal security research, in addition to the security enhancement of terminal entities, the security status evaluation of terminal security has also become an independent subset of the security research in the IoT field. However, it should also be noted that the security attributes of IoT terminals can include many aspects, so judging the security of IoT terminals based on the overall security form is not enough for the security of terminal entities. This paper introduces the concept of volatility from the overall situation assessment to the meta attributes that constitute the overall security situation, and preliminarily realizes the construction of a concise model based on historical data to judge the meta attributes that may affect the overall security in the future. At the same time, a concise verification system is built based on the application scenario of the power IoT terminals currently under research to preliminarily realize trend prediction, further expand the trust evaluation of IoT terminals, and clarify the direction of further research.</div

    Fluctuation of each meta attribute under the premise of large fluctuation.

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    Fluctuation of each meta attribute under the premise of large fluctuation.</p

    Schematic representation of SVOC source/sink behavior in a chamber.

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    <p>Schematic representation of SVOC source/sink behavior in a chamber.</p
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