964 research outputs found

    Topology Recoverability Prediction for Ad-Hoc Robot Networks: A Data-Driven Fault-Tolerant Approach

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    Faults occurring in ad-hoc robot networks may fatally perturb their topologies leading to disconnection of subsets of those networks. Optimal topology synthesis is generally resource-intensive and time-consuming to be done in real time for large ad-hoc robot networks. One should only perform topology re-computations if the probability of topology recoverability after the occurrence of any fault surpasses that of its irrecoverability. We formulate this problem as a binary classification problem. Then, we develop a two-pathway data-driven model based on Bayesian Gaussian mixture models that predicts the solution to a typical problem by two different pre-fault and post-fault prediction pathways. The results, obtained by the integration of the predictions of those pathways, clearly indicate the success of our model in solving the topology (ir)recoverability prediction problem compared to the best of current strategies found in the literature

    The Research on Performance of Industrial Innovation System

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    The concept of industrial innovation system has been applied for explaining industrial development power. How about is operating ability and performance of an industrial innovation system? How evaluates performance of an industrial innovation system? Those problems raise attention of scholars and governors. The paper puts forward indicators system and method for evaluating performance of industrial innovation system. We evaluate 29 industrial innovation system applying those indicators and method. We conclude: 1st, Different industries have different operating ability and they have different performance. 2nd, If synthesizing ability of an industrial innovation system is stronger, this is not meaning its each part stronger. 3rd, There is not a model that can fit each industrial innovation system. Key words: Industrial innovation system, Principal Component Analysis, Indicators Résumé: Le concept de système d’innovation industriel a été appliqué pour expliquer la capacité de développement industriel. Comment sont la capacité opérationnelle et la performance d’un système d’innovation industriel ? Comment évaluer sa performance ? Ces questions attirent l’attention des savants et des gouverneurs. L’article présent propose un système d’indicateurs et une méthode pour l’évaluation de la performance du système d’innovation industriel. A la suite de l’évaluation de 29 systèmes d’innovation industriels qui appliquent ces indicateurs et méthode, on tire les conclusions suivantes : 1st, De différentes industries ont de différentes capacités opérationnelles. 2nd, Le fait que la capacité synthétique d’un système d’innovation industriel est grande ne signifie pas que chacune de ses parts est forte. 3rd, Il n’y a pas une méthode universelle qui peut s’adapter à touts les systèmes d’innovation industriels. Mots-Clés: système d’innovation industriel, composante principale d’analys

    Quantification of the influence of drugs on zebrafish larvae swimming kinematics and energetics

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    The use of zebrafish larvae has aroused wide interest in the medical field for its potential role in the development of new therapies. The larvae grow extremely quickly and the embryos are nearly transparent which allows easy examination of its internal structures using fluorescent imaging techniques. Medical treatment of zebrafish larvae can directly influence its swimming behaviours. These behaviour changes are related to functional changes of central nervous system and transformations of the zebrafish body such as muscle mechanical power and force variation, which cannot be measured directly by pure experiment observation. To quantify the influence of drugs on zebrafish larvae swimming behaviours and energetics, we have developed a novel methodology to exploit intravital changes based on observed zebrafish locomotion. Specifically, by using an in-house MATLAB code to process the recorded live zebrafish swimming video, the kinematic locomotion equation of a 3D zebrafish larvae was obtained, and a customised Computational Fluid Dynamics tool was used to solve the fluid flow around the fish model which was geometrically the same as experimentally tested zebrafish. The developed methodology was firstly verified against experiment, and further applied to quantify the fish internal body force, torque and power consumption associated with a group of normal zebrafish larvae vs. those immersed in acetic acid and two neuroactive drugs. As indicated by our results, zebrafish larvae immersed in 0.01% acetic acid display approximately 30% higher hydrodynamic power and 10% higher cost of transport than control group. In addition, 500 μM diphenylhydantoin significantly decreases the locomotion activity for approximately 50% lower hydrodynamic power, whereas 100 mg/L yohimbine has not caused any significant influences on 5 dpf zebrafish larvae locomotion. The approach has potential to evaluate the influence of drugs on the aquatic animal’s behaviour changes and thus support the development of new analgesic and neuroactive drugs

    Absence of collapse in quantum Rabi oscillations

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    We show analytically that the collapse and revival in the population dynamics of the atom-cavity coupled system under the rotating wave approximation (RWA), valid only at very weak coupling, is an artifact as the atom-cavity coupling is increased. Even the first-order correction to the RWA is able to bring about the absence of the collapse in the dynamics of atomic population inversion thanks to intrinsic oscillations resulting from the transitions between two levels with the same atomic quantum number. The removal of the collapse is valid for a wide range of coupling strengths which are accessible to current experimental setups. In addition, based on our analytical results that greatly improve upon the conventional RWA, even the strong-coupling power spectrum can now be explained with the help of the numerically exact energy levels.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    A colour preference technique to evaluate acrylamide-induced toxicity in zebrafish

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    The zebrafish has become a commonly used vertebrate model for toxicity assessment, of particular relevance to the study of toxic effects on the visual system because of the structural similarities shared by zebrafish and human retinae. In this article we present a colour preference-based technique that, by assessing the functionality of photoreceptors, can be used to evaluate the effects of toxicity on behaviour. A digital camera was used to record the locomotor behaviour of individual zebrafish swimming in a water tank consisting of two compartments separated by an opaque perforated wall through which the fish could pass. The colour of the lighting in each compartment could be altered independently (producing distinct but connected environments of white, red or blue) to allow association of the zebrafish's swimming behaviour with its colour preference. The functionality of the photoreceptors was evaluated based on the ability of the zebrafish to sense the different colours and to swim between the compartments. The zebrafish tracking was carried out using our algorithm developed with MATLAB. We found that zebrafish preferred blue illumination to white, and white illumination to red. Acute treatment with acrylamide (2 mM for 36 h) resulted in a marked reduction in locomotion and a concomitant loss of colour-preferential swimming behaviour. Histopathological examination of acrylamide-treated zebrafish eyes showed that acrylamide exposure had caused retinal damage. The colour preference tracking technique has applications in the assessment of neurodegenerative disorders, as a method for preclinical appraisal of drug efficacy and for behavioural evaluation of toxicity

    Perfect crossed Andreev reflection in the proximitized graphene/superconductor/proximitized graphene junctions

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    We study the crossed Andreev reflection and the nonlocal transport in the proximitized graphene/supercondcutor/proximitized graphene junctions with the pseudospin staggered potential and the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling. The crossed Andreev reflection with the local Andreev reflection and the elastic cotunneling being completely eliminated can be realized for the electrons with the specific spin-valley index when the intrinsic spin-orbit couplings in the left graphene and the right graphene possess the opposite sign. The perfect crossed Andreev reflection with its probability equal to 100%100\% can be obtained in the space consisting of the incident angle and the energy of the electrons. The crossed conductance and its oscillation with the superconductor length are also investigated. The energy ranges for the crossed Andreev reflection without the local Andreev reflection and the elastic cotunneling are clarified for the different magnitudes of the pseudospin potential and the spin-orbit coupling. The spin-valley index of the electrons responsible for the perfect crossed Andreev reflection can be switched by changing the sign of the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling or exchanging the biases applied on the left graphene and the right graphene. Our results are helpful for designing the flexible and high-efficiency Cooper pair splitter based on the spin-valley degree of freedom.Comment: 9 pages,4 figure

    The role of globular heads of the C1q receptor in HPV 16 E2-induced human cervical squamous carcinoma cell apoptosis is associated with p38 MAPK/JNK activation

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    BACKGROUND Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV 16) E2 protein is a multifunctional DNA-binding protein. HPV 16 E2 regulates many biological responses, including DNA replication, gene expression, and apoptosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among the receptor for globular heads of the human C1q (gC1qR) gene expression, HPV 16 E2 transfection and apoptosis regulation in human cervical squamous carcinoma cells (C33a and SiHa). METHODS gC1qR expression was examined in C33a and SiHa cells using real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. Apoptosis of C33a and SiHa cells was assessed by flow cytometry. C33a and SiHa cell viability, migration and proliferation were detected using the water-soluble tetrazolium salt (WST-1) assay, a transwell assay and 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA (3H-TdR), respectively. RESULTS C33a and SiHa cells that were transfected with a vector encoding HPV 16 E2 displayed significantly increased gC1qR gene expression and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK)/c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation as well as up-regulation of cellular apoptosis, which was abrogated by the addition of gC1qR small interfering RNA (siRNA). Furthermore, the changes in C33a and SiHa cell viability, migration and proliferation that were observed upon HPV 16 E2 transfection were abrogated by SB203580 (a p38 MAPK inhibitor) or SP600125 (a JNK inhibitor) treatment. CONCLUSION These data support a mechanism whereby HPV 16 E2 induces apoptosis by silencing the gC1qR gene or inhibiting p38 MAPK/JNK signalling in cervical squamous cell carcinoma.This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81000251) and the Nanjing Medical Science and Technique Development Foundation

    Quantification of computational fluid dynamics simulation assists the evaluation of protection by Gypenosides in a zebrafish pain model

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    In recent years, due to its rapid reproduction rate and the similarity of its genetic structure to that of human, the zebrafish has been widely used as a pain model to study chemical influences on behavior. Swimming behaviors are mediated by motoneurons in the spinal cord that drive muscle contractions, therefore a knowledge of internal muscle mechanics can assist the understanding of the effects of drugs on swimming activity. To demonstrate that the technique used in our study can supplement biological observations by quantifying the contribution of muscle effects to altered swimming behaviours, we have evaluated the pain/damage caused by 0.1% acetic acid to the muscle of 5 dpf zebrafish larvae and the effect of protection from this pain/damage with the saponin Gypenosides (GYP) extracted from Gynostemma pentaphyllum. We have quantified the parameters related to muscle such as muscle power and the resultant hydrodynamic force, proving that GYP could alleviate the detrimental effect of acetic acid on zebrafish larvae, in the form of alleviation from swimming debility, and that the muscle status could be quantified to represent the degree of muscle damage due to the acetic acid and the recovery due to GYP. We have also linked the behavioral changes to alteration of antioxidant and inflammation gene expression. The above results provide novel insights into the reasons for pain-related behavioral changes in fish larvae, especially from an internal muscle perspective, and have quantified these changes to help understand the protection of swimming behaviors and internal muscle by GYP from acetic acid-induced damage
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