32 research outputs found

    Stochastic Lagrangian path for Leray solutions of 3D Navier-Stokes equations

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    In this paper we show the existence of stochastic Lagrangian particle trajectory for Leray's solution of 3D Navier-Stokes equations. More precisely, for any Leray's solution u{\mathbf u} of 3D-NSE and each (s,x)∈R+Γ—R3(s,x)\in\mathbb{R}_+\times\mathbb{R}^3, we show the existence of weak solutions to the following SDE, which has a density ρs,x(t,y)\rho_{s,x}(t,y) belonging to Hq1,p\mathbb{H}^{1,p}_q provided p,q∈[1,2)p,q\in[1,2) with 3p+2q>4\frac{3}{p}+\frac{2}{q}>4: dXs,t=u(s,Xs,t)dt+2Ξ½dWt,Β Β Xs,s=x,Β Β tβ‰₯s, \mathrm{d} X_{s,t}={\mathbf u} (s,X_{s,t})\mathrm{d} t+\sqrt{2\nu}\mathrm{d} W_t,\ \ X_{s,s}=x,\ \ t\geq s, where WW is a three dimensional standard Brownian motion, Ξ½>0\nu>0 is the viscosity constant. Moreover, we also show that for Lebesgue almost all (s,x)(s,x), the solution Xs,β‹…n(x)X^n_{s,\cdot}(x) of the above SDE associated with the mollifying velocity field un{\mathbf u}_n weakly converges to Xs,β‹…(x)X_{s,\cdot}(x) so that XX is a Markov process in almost sure sense.Comment: 25page

    On Distribution depend SDEs with singular drifts

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    We investigate the well-posedness of distribution dependent SDEs with singular coefficients. Existence is proved when the diffusion coefficient satisfies some non-degeneracy and mild regularity assumptions, and the drift coefficient satisfies an integrability condition and a continuity condition with respect to the (generalized) total variation distance. Uniqueness is also obtained under some additional Lipschitz type continuity assumptions.Comment: 26 pages. All comments are welcom

    L\'evy-type operators with low singularity kernels: regularity estimates and martingale problem

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    We consider the linear non-local operator L\mathcal{L} denoted by Lu(x)=∫Rd(u(x+z)βˆ’u(x))a(x,z)J(z) dz. \mathcal{L} u (x) = \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} \left(u(x+z)-u(x)\right) a(x,z)J(z)\,d z. Here a(x,z)a(x,z) is bounded and J(z)J(z) is the jumping kernel of a L\'evy process, which only has a low-order singularity near the origin and does not allow for standard scaling. The aim of this work is twofold. Firstly, we introduce generalized Orlicz-Besov spaces tailored to accommodate the analysis of elliptic equations associated with L\mathcal{L}, and establish regularity results for the solutions of such equations in these spaces. Secondly, we investigate the martingale problem associated with L\mathcal{L}. By utilizing analytic results, we prove the well-posedness of the martingale problem under mild conditions. Additionally, we obtain a new Krylov-type estimate for the martingale solution through the use of a Morrey-type inequality for generalized Orlicz-Besov spaces.Comment: 43 page