87 research outputs found

    A Nonaqueous Approach to the Preparation of Iron Phosphide Nanowires

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    Previous preparation of iron phosphide nanowires usually employed toxic and unstable iron carbonyl compounds as precursor. In this study, we demonstrate that iron phosphide nanowires can be synthesized via a facile nonaqueous chemical route that utilizes a commonly available iron precursor, iron (III) acetylacetonate. In the synthesis, trioctylphosphine (TOP) and trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) have been used as surfactants, and oleylamine has been used as solvent. The crystalline structure and morphology of the as-synthesized products were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The obtained iron phosphide nanowires have a typical width of ~16 nm and a length of several hundred nanometers. Structural and compositional characterization reveals a hexagonal Fe2P crystalline phase. The morphology of as-synthesized products is greatly influenced by the ratio of TOP/TOPO. The presence of TOPO has been found to be essential for the growth of high-quality iron phosphide nanowires. Magnetic measurements reveal ferromagnetic characteristics, and hysteresis behaviors below the blocking temperature have been observed

    A Pre-mRNA–Associating Factor Links Endogenous siRNAs to Chromatin Regulation

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    In plants and fungi, small RNAs silence gene expression in the nucleus by establishing repressive chromatin states. The role of endogenous small RNAs in metazoan nuclei is largely unknown. Here we show that endogenous small interfering RNAs (endo-siRNAs) direct Histone H3 Lysine 9 methylation (H3K9me) in Caenorhabditis elegans. In addition, we report the identification and characterization of nuclear RNAi defective (nrde)-1 and nrde-4. Endo-siRNA–driven H3K9me requires the nuclear RNAi pathway including the Argonaute (Ago) NRDE-3, the conserved nuclear RNAi factor NRDE-2, as well as NRDE-1 and NRDE-4. Small RNAs direct NRDE-1 to associate with the pre-mRNA and chromatin of genes, which have been targeted by RNAi. NRDE-3 and NRDE-2 are required for the association of NRDE-1 with pre-mRNA and chromatin. NRDE-4 is required for NRDE-1/chromatin association, but not NRDE-1/pre-mRNA association. These data establish that NRDE-1 is a novel pre-mRNA and chromatin-associating factor that links small RNAs to H3K9 methylation. In addition, these results demonstrate that endo-siRNAs direct chromatin modifications via the Nrde pathway in C. elegans

    Quantifying Social Interventions for Combating COVID-19 via a Symmetry-Based Model

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed new features in terms of substantial changes in rates of infection, cure, and death as a result of social interventions, which significantly challenges traditional SEIR-type models. In this paper we developed a symmetry-based model for quantifying social interventions for combating COVID-19. We found that three key order parameters, separating degree (S) for susceptible populations, healing degree (H) for mild cases, and rescuing degree (R) for severe cases, all display logistic dynamics, establishing a novel dynamic model named SHR. Furthermore, we discovered two evolutionary patterns of healing degree with a universal power law in 23 areas in the first wave. Remarkably, the model yielded a quantitative evaluation of the dynamic back-to-zero policy in the third wave in Beijing using 12 datasets of different sizes. In conclusion, the SHR model constitutes a rational basis by which we can understand this complex epidemic and policymakers can carry out sustainable anti-epidemic measures to minimize its impact

    Community-acquired necrotizing pneumonia caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus producing Panton–Valentine leukocidin in a Chinese teenager: case report and literature review

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    Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has now been established as an important community-acquired pathogen. Although necrotizing pneumonia caused by community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) strains producing Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL) has been reported with increasing frequency in many countries, it has been reported in only a few children younger than 1 year of age in Mainland China. Methods: We describe a case of life-threatening necrotizing pneumonia due to PVL-positive CA-MRSA in a 15-year-old previously healthy female who presented with high fever, shivering, a dry cough, and dyspnea. Details of the clinical outcomes, microbiological data, and therapies for this patient were collected and compared with those of cases reported in the literature on CA-MRSA. Results: Computed tomography (CT) findings showed cavitary consolidations in both lungs and bilateral pleural effusion. MRSA strains isolated from the patient's sputum and pleural fluid were susceptible to most non-β-lactam antimicrobial agents except for clindamycin and erythromycin. Both of these isolates tested positive for the mecA gene as well as PVL genes, and were identified as ST59-MRSA-SCCmec type IV-spa type t437. The patient was treated successfully with linezolid, fosfomycin, and teicoplanin. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first report from Mainland China of necrotizing pneumonia due to PVL-positive CA-MRSA among those aged older than 1 year. CA-MRSA necrotizing pneumonia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of severe community-acquired pneumonia, particularly in previously healthy individuals

    Hydrothermal dolostones in the Shiqi quarry of Wudongde Hydropower Station, Yunnan

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    The Wudongde Hydropower Station in Yunan is the third hydropower station in China with a capacity of over 10 million kilowatts.The artificial aggregate used in its construction is derived from the limestone of the Mesoproterozoic Luoxue Formation of downstream the dam site.However, both limestone and dolostone are found in the aggregate survey and mining yard, meanwhile the lithological boundary between cross cuts the stratum.This paper focuses on the limestone-dolomite transition zone and a dolomite bulge remaining in the aggregate mining yard.Detailed geological survey, petrological work and geochemical analysis have been conducted on the samples of the research area.The results show that: ①Morphological features and spatial relationships of the carbonate minerals suggest that the dolostones are formed by dolomitization of limestone precursors. ②The development of zebra structure, saddle dolomite and associated sulfides and carbonaceous material is consistent with hydrothermal dolomitization. ③Fluid inclusions in the saddle dolomite yield homogenization temperatures between 183 and 215 ℃, which are significantly higher than those of fluid inclusions in the surrounding calcite(102-152 ℃).The dolostones are generally depleted in 18O(δ18O=-13.3‰ to -7.8‰), with the saddle dolomites have the lowest δ18O value(-13.3‰), which is consistent with direct precipitation of dolomite from hydrothermal fluids.The other dolomites, which show lower homogenization temperatures and higher δ18O, are probably related to less influence by the hydrothermal fluids. ④The near-vertical strata and the presence of fractures in the Shiqi area might have provided channels for the migration of hydrothermal fluids, while the overlying dolostones of Sinian Dengying Formation probably have acted as a cap layer, allowing prolonged reactions between the hydrothermal fluids and surrounding limestones.The migration direction of the hydrothermal fluids determines the distribution of the hydrothermal dolostones

    In Situ SAXS Measurement and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Magnetic Alignment of Hexagonal LLC Nanostructures

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    The alignment of nanostructures in materials such as lyotropic liquid crystal (LLC) templated materials has the potential to significantly improve their performances. However, accurately characterising and quantifying the alignment of such fine structures remains very challenging. In situ small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and molecular dynamics were employed for the first time to understand the hexagonal LLC alignment process with magnetic nanoparticles under a magnetic field. The enhanced alignment has been illustrated from the distribution of azimuthal intensity in the samples exposed to magnetic field. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal the relationship between the imposed force of the magnetic nanoparticles under magnetic field and the force transferred to the LLC cylinders which leads to the LLC alignment. The combinational study with experimental measurement and computational simulation will enable the development and control of nanostructures in novel materials for various applications