199 research outputs found

    Heavy Flavor Production at STAR

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    e present measurements on D0D^0 meson production via direct reconstruction of its hadronic decay channel D0→KπD^0\to K\pi in minimum bias dd+Au and Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV with pTp_T up to ∌\sim3 GeV/cc. Non-photonic electron spectra from the charm semi-leptonic decays are analyzed from the same data set as well as in pp+pp collision at s\sqrt{s}=200 GeV using the STAR Time-of-Flight (TOF) and Barrel EMC (BEMC) detectors, respectively. Results of the charm-decayed single muon (prompt muon) spectra are also presented at low pTp_T in Au+Au collisions measured by the TOF detector. The charm production total cross-section per nucleon-nucleon collision is measured to be 1.26±\pm0.09(stat.)±\pm0.23(sys.) mb in minimum bias Au+Au collisions, which is consistent with the NbinN_{bin} scaling compared to 1.4±0.2±\pm0.2\pm0.4 mb in minimum bias dd+Au collisions, and supports the idea that charm quarks should be produced mostly via parton fusion at early stage in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. A Blast-Wave model fit to the low pTp_T (<2<2 GeV/c) non-photonic electrons, prompt muons and D0D^0 spectra shows that charm hadrons may kinetically freeze-out earlier than light hadrons with a smaller collective velocity. The nuclear modification factors (RAAR_{AA}) of the non-photonic electrons in central Au+Au collisions are significantly below unity at pT>∌p_T>\sim2 GeV/cc, which indicates a significant amount of energy loss for heavy quarks in Au+Au collisions. The charm transverse momentum distribution must have been modified by the hot and dense matter created in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for the Strange Quark Matter 2006 conferenc

    Open Charm Production at STAR

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    We present the open charm spectra at mid-rapidity from direct reconstruction of D0, D* and D+/- in d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV using the STAR detector at RHIC. The indirect electron/positron measurements via charm semileptonic decays in p+p and d+Au collisions are also reported. The total c\bar(c) cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision is extracted from both direct and indirect measurements and are consistent with each other. By combining the D0 and semileptonic measurements together, the cross section of 1.4+/-0.2+/-0.4 mb is higher than expectations from PYTHIA and other pQCD calculations. The open charm pT distribution from direct measurements covers the pT range up to ~10 GeV/c and follows a power-law distribution.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for Hot Quark 04 Conference. submitted to J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phy

    Multi-strange baryon production in Au+Au collisions at top RHIC energy as a probe of bulk properties

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    We report STAR preliminary results on multi-strange baryon production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV at RHIC. Its implication for the formation of a new state of matter is discussed. The system size dependence on the production of strange baryons is investigated to study the onset of strange quark equilibration in the medium. The nuclear modification factor of Lambda, Xi and Omega is also presented. Its suppression at p_T>3 GeV/c supports the formation of a dense interacting medium at RHIC. The spectra of multi-strange baryons reveal that within a hydro-inspired model, they may decouple prior than lighter particles and that their flow may be mostly developed at a partonic level. This idea is emphasized by the measurement of the v_2 of Xi+AntiXi and Omega+AntiOmega whose behaviour is close to the Lambda+AntiLambda baryon elliptic flow in the intermediate p_T region where a constituent quark scaling of v_2 is observed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Strange Quark Matter 2004 conference proceeding

    Strangeness and the discovery of quark-gluon plasma

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    Strangeness flavor yield s and the entropy yield S are the observables of the deconfined quark-gluon state of matter which can be studied in the entire available experimental energy range at AGS, SPS, RHIC, and, in near future, at the LHC energy range. We present here a comprehensive analysis of strange, soft hadron production as function of energy and reaction volume. We discuss the physical properties of the final state and argue how evidence about the primordial QGP emerges.Comment: 16 pages: Invited talk at 5th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma, February 8 - 12, 2005, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, India, to appear in: Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Observation of modified hadronization in relativistic Au+Au collisions: a promising signature for deconfined quark-gluon matter

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    Measurements of identified particles from Au+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on nuclear modification, baryon-to-meson ratios, and elliptic flow at intermediate transverse momentum (1.5<pT<51.5 < p_T < 5 GeV/c). Possible connections between (1) these measurements, (2) the running coupling for static quark anti-quark pairs at finite temperature, and (3) the creation of a deconfined quark-gluon phase are presented. Modifications to hadronization in Au+Au collisions are proposed as a likely signature for the creation of deconfined colored matter.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, invited talk at the Strange Quark Matter 2004 conference, Cape Town, South Afric

    Hydrodynamic emission of strange and non-strange particles at RHIC and LHC

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    The hydrodynamic model is used to describe the single-particle spectra and elliptic flow of hadrons at RHIC and to predict the emission angle dependence of HBT correlations at RHIC and LHC energies.Comment: 6 pages LaTeX, 3 postscript figures. Proceedings for the conference "Strange Quark Matter 2003", Atlantic Beach, NC, March 12-17, 2003, to appear in J. Phys.

    Space-time analysis of reaction at RHIC

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    Space-time information about the Au-Au collisions produced at RHIC are key tools to understand the evolution of the system and especially assess the presence of collective behaviors. Using a parameterization of the system's final state relying on collective expansion, we show that pion source radii can be tied together with transverse mass spectra and elliptic flow within the same framework. The consistency between these different measures provide a solid ground to understand the characteristics of collective flow and especially the possible peculiar behavior of particles such as Xi, Omega or phi. The validity of the short time scales that are extracted from fits to the pion source size is also addressed. The wealth of new data that will soon be available from Au-Au collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV, will provide a stringet test of the space-time analysis framework developped in these proceedings.Comment: Invited talk given at the SQM2003 conference (March 2003), to be published in Journal of Physics G. 10 pages, 3 figure

    Bulk properties and flow

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    In this report, I summarize the experimental results on {\bf bulk properties and flow} presented at Quark Matter 2004. It is organized in four sections: 1) Initial condition and stopping; 2) Particle spectra and freeze-outs; 3) Anisotropic flow; 4) Outlook for future measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, "Rapporteur-Conference Highlights", Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, January 11-1

    A study on the anomaly of pp over π\pi ratios in Au+AuAu+Au collisions with jet quenching

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    The ratios of p/πp/\pi at large transverse momentum in central Au+AuAu+Au collisions at RHIC are studied in the framework of jet quenching based on a next-to-leading order pQCD parton model. It is shown that theoretical calculations with a gluon energy loss larger than the quark energy loss will naturally lead to a smaller p/πp/\pi ratios at large transverse momentum in Au+AuAu+Au collisions than those in p+pp+p collisions at the same energy. Scenarios with equal energy losses for gluons and quarks and a strong jet conversion are both explored and it is demonstrated in both scenarios p/πp/\pi ratios at high pTp_T in central Au+AuAu+Au collisions are enhanced and the calculated ratios of protons over pions approach to the experimental measurements. However, pˉ/p{\bar p}/p in the latter scenario is found to fit data better than that in the former scenario.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures; revised version; accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Evidence from Identified Particles for Active Quark and Gluon Degrees of Freedom

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    Measurements of intermediate pT (1.5 < pT < 5.0 GeV/c) identified particle distributions in heavy ion collisions at SPS and RHIC energies display striking dependencies on the number of constituent quarks in the corresponding hadron. One finds that elliptic flow at intermediate pT follows a constituent quark scaling law as predicted by models of hadron formation through coalescence. In addition, baryon production is also found to increase with event multiplicity much faster than meson production. The rate of increase is similar for all baryons, and seemingly independent of mass. This indicates that the number of constituent quarks determines the multiplicity dependence of identified hadron production at intermediate pT. We review these measurements and interpret the experimental findings.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, proceedings for SQM2006 conference in Los Angele
