50 research outputs found

    Crawling and Analyzing Repository in GitHub

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    GitHub has become one of the most popular online software developing website. I have crawled the most popular software repositories (own over 500 star number) in GitHub, along with their contributors and stargazers. In total, we have crawled 10,665 repositories, 176,256 contributors, and 1,170,449 stargazers. One of the most important missions of analyzing is detecting communities from the network. While the heterogeneous Github network includes three objects, user, repository and pro- gramming languages and two kinds of relation between user and repository, i.e., star and contribute. Mining heterogeneous information network is a fresh and promising research field in data mining. A lot of algorithms has been proposed for heteroge- neous network clustering. However, most of these methods directly cluster the het- erogeneous networks. This thesis aims to transform the heterogeneous network to the homogeneous network using different schemes and then cluster the new network. We studied three weighting schemes, including dot product, Jaccard similarity and cosine similarity between the vector representations of objects. Then I cluster the homoge- neous network by using modularity maximization optimization algorithms, in particu- lar, greedy modularity maximization optimization algorithm and spectral modularity maximization optimization algorithm. The performance of clustering is evaluated using F-measure and rand index based on the programming language the software repository used. To compare the interaction between the weighting schemes and clus- tering algorithms, we applied out methods on GitHub dataset. Then we transformed the whole network to repository-repository and furthermore transformed it to the language-repository network. Based on this network, we discovered the relation be- tween languages. Among 94 programming languages used by the top 10,000 projects, we studied their relations using several clustering methods. Overall, we find that lan- guages fall into five communities, i.e., web and scripting languages (JavaScrip, HTML, etc.), system programming languages (C, C++, etc.), OS X and IOS programming languages (Objective-C, Swift, etc.), numerical and statistical languages (Matlab, FORTRAN, Julia and R), and functional programming (Lisp, Scheme, etc.)

    Optimizing the Age of Information in RIS-aided SWIPT Networks

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    In this letter, a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) network is investigated. To quantify the freshness of the data packets at the information receiver, the age of information (AoI) is considered. To minimize the sum AoI of the information users while ensuring that the power transferred to energy harvesting users is greater than the demanded value, we formulate a scheduling scheme, and a joint transmit beamforming and phase shift optimization at the base station (BS) and RIS, respectively. The alternating optimization (AO) algorithm is proposed to handle the coupling between active beamforming and passive RIS phase shifts, and the successive convex approximation (SCA) algorithm is utilized to tackle the non-convexity of the formulated problems. The improvement in terms of AoI provided by the proposed algorithm and the trade-off between the age of information and energy harvesting is quantified by the numerical simulation results

    Enhancing Near-Field Sensing and Communications with Sparse Arrays: Potentials, Challenges, and Emerging Trends

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    As a promising technique, extremely large-scale (XL)-arrays offer potential solutions for overcoming the severe path loss in millimeter-wave (mmWave) and TeraHertz (THz) channels, crucial for enabling 6G. Nevertheless, XL-arrays introduce deviations in electromagnetic propagation compared to traditional arrays, fundamentally challenging the assumption with the planar-wave model. Instead, it ushers in the spherical-wave (SW) model to accurately represent the near-field propagation characteristics, significantly increasing signal processing complexity. Fortunately, the SW model shows remarkable benefits on sensing and communications (S\&C), e.g., improving communication multiplexing capability, spatial resolution, and degrees of freedom. In this context, this article first overviews hardware/algorithm challenges, fundamental potentials, promising applications of near-field S\&C enabled by XL-arrays. To overcome the limitations of existing XL-arrays with dense uniform array layouts and improve S\&C applications, we introduce sparse arrays (SAs). Exploring their potential, we propose XL-SAs for mmWave/THz systems using multi-subarray designs. Finally, several applications, challenges and resarch directions are identified

    Energy-Efficient Cell-Free Network Assisted by Hybrid RISs

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    In this letter, we investigate a cell-free network aided by hybrid reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), which consists of a mixture of passive and active elements that are capable of amplifying and reflecting the incident signal. To maximize the energy efficiency (EE) of the system, we formulate a joint transmit beamforming and RIS coefficients optimization problem. To deal with the fractional objective function, Dinkelbach transform, Lagrangian dual reformulation, and quadratic transform are utilized, with a block coordinate descent (BCD) based algorithm proposed to decouple the variables. In addition, successive convex approximation (SCA) method is applied to iteratively to tackle the non-convexity of the sub-problems. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness and convergence of the proposed algorithm through analyzing the EE and sum rate performance with varying parameter settings. The proposed hybrid RISs schemes can achieve 92% of the sum rate but 188% of EE of active RISs schemes. As compared with passive RISs, 11% gain in sum rate can be achieved with comparable EE

    Mutual Information-Based Integrated Sensing and Communications: A WMMSE Framework

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    In this letter, a weighted minimum mean square error (WMMSE) empowered integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system is investigated. One transmitting base station and one receiving wireless access point are considered to serve multiple users a sensing target. Based on the theory of mutual-information (MI), communication MI and sensing MI rate are utilized as the performance metrics under the presence of clutters. In particular, we propose an novel MI-based WMMSE-ISAC method by developing a unique transceiver design mechanism to maximize the weighted sensing and communication sum-rate of this system. Such a maximization process is achieved by utilizing the classical method -- WMMSE, aiming to better manage the effect of sensing clutters and the interference among users. Numerical results show the effectiveness of our proposed method, and the performance trade-off between sensing and communication is also validated

    CRB Minimization for RIS-aided mmWave Integrated Sensing and Communications

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    In this paper, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is employed in a millimeter wave (mmWave) integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) system. To alleviate the multi-hop attenuation, the semi-self sensing RIS approach is adopted, wherein sensors are configured at the RIS to receive the radar echo signal. Focusing on the estimation accuracy, the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for estimating the direction-of-the-angles is derived as the metric for sensing performance. A joint optimization problem on hybrid beamforming and RIS phaseshifts is proposed to minimize the CRB, while maintaining satisfactory communication performance evaluated by the achievable data rate. The CRB minimization problem is first transformed as a more tractable form based on Fisher information matrix (FIM). To solve the complex non-convex problem, a double layer loop algorithm is proposed based on penalty concave-convex procedure (penalty-CCCP) and block coordinate descent (BCD) method with two sub-problems. Successive convex approximation (SCA) algorithm and second order cone (SOC) constraints are employed to tackle the non-convexity in the hybrid beamforming optimization. To optimize the unit modulus constrained analog beamforming and phase shifts, manifold optimization (MO) is adopted. Finally, the numerical results verify the effectiveness of the proposed CRB minimization algorithm, and show the performance improvement compared with other baselines. Additionally, the proposed hybrid beamforming algorithm can achieve approximately 96% of the sensing performance exhibited by the full digital approach within only a limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains