6,650 research outputs found

    A Proximal-Gradient Homotopy Method for the Sparse Least-Squares Problem

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    We consider solving the β„“1\ell_1-regularized least-squares (β„“1\ell_1-LS) problem in the context of sparse recovery, for applications such as compressed sensing. The standard proximal gradient method, also known as iterative soft-thresholding when applied to this problem, has low computational cost per iteration but a rather slow convergence rate. Nevertheless, when the solution is sparse, it often exhibits fast linear convergence in the final stage. We exploit the local linear convergence using a homotopy continuation strategy, i.e., we solve the β„“1\ell_1-LS problem for a sequence of decreasing values of the regularization parameter, and use an approximate solution at the end of each stage to warm start the next stage. Although similar strategies have been studied in the literature, there have been no theoretical analysis of their global iteration complexity. This paper shows that under suitable assumptions for sparse recovery, the proposed homotopy strategy ensures that all iterates along the homotopy solution path are sparse. Therefore the objective function is effectively strongly convex along the solution path, and geometric convergence at each stage can be established. As a result, the overall iteration complexity of our method is O(log⁑(1/Ο΅))O(\log(1/\epsilon)) for finding an Ο΅\epsilon-optimal solution, which can be interpreted as global geometric rate of convergence. We also present empirical results to support our theoretical analysis

    A Proximal Stochastic Gradient Method with Progressive Variance Reduction

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    We consider the problem of minimizing the sum of two convex functions: one is the average of a large number of smooth component functions, and the other is a general convex function that admits a simple proximal mapping. We assume the whole objective function is strongly convex. Such problems often arise in machine learning, known as regularized empirical risk minimization. We propose and analyze a new proximal stochastic gradient method, which uses a multi-stage scheme to progressively reduce the variance of the stochastic gradient. While each iteration of this algorithm has similar cost as the classical stochastic gradient method (or incremental gradient method), we show that the expected objective value converges to the optimum at a geometric rate. The overall complexity of this method is much lower than both the proximal full gradient method and the standard proximal stochastic gradient method

    Gradient Hard Thresholding Pursuit for Sparsity-Constrained Optimization

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    Hard Thresholding Pursuit (HTP) is an iterative greedy selection procedure for finding sparse solutions of underdetermined linear systems. This method has been shown to have strong theoretical guarantee and impressive numerical performance. In this paper, we generalize HTP from compressive sensing to a generic problem setup of sparsity-constrained convex optimization. The proposed algorithm iterates between a standard gradient descent step and a hard thresholding step with or without debiasing. We prove that our method enjoys the strong guarantees analogous to HTP in terms of rate of convergence and parameter estimation accuracy. Numerical evidences show that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art greedy selection methods in sparse logistic regression and sparse precision matrix estimation tasks
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