32 research outputs found

    Pair supersolid of the extended Bose-Hubbard model with atom-pair hopping on the triangular Lattice

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    We systematically study an extended Bose-Hubbard model with atom hopping and atom-pair hopping in the presence of a three-body constraint on the triangular lattice. By means of large-scale Quantum Monte Carlo simulations, the ground-state phase diagram are studied. We find a continuous transition between the atomic superfluid phase and the pair superfluid when the ratio of the atomic hopping and the atom-pair hopping is adapted. We then focus on the interplay among the atom-pair hopping, the on-site repulsion and the nearest-neighbor repulsion. With on-site repulsion present, we observe first order transitions between the Mott Insulators and pair superfluid driven by the pair hopping. With the nearest-neighbor repulsion turning on, three typical solid phases with 2/3, 1 and 4/3-filling emerge at small atom-pair hopping region. A stable pair supersolid phase is found at small on-site repulsion. This is due to the three-body constraint and the pair hopping, which essentially make the model a quasi hardcore boson system. Thus the pair supersolid state emerges basing on the order-by-disorder mechanism, by which hardcore bosons avoid classical frustration on the triangular lattice. The transition between the pair supersolid and the pair superfluid is first order, except for the particle-hole symmetric point. We compare the results with those obtained by means of mean-field analysis.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Supersolid and pair correlations of the extended Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model on triangular lattices

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    We study the extended Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model on triangular cavity lattices and zigzag ladders. By using density-matrix renormalization group methods, we observe various types of solids with different density patterns and find evidence for light supersolids, which exist in extended regions of the phase diagram of the zigzag ladder. Furthermore, we observe strong pair correlations in the supersolid phase due to the interplay between the atoms in the cavities and atom-photon interaction. By means of cluster mean-field simulations and a scaling of the cluster size extending our analysis to two-dimensional triangular lattices, we present evidence for the emergence of a light supersolid in this case also.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Hardcore bosons on the dual of the bowtie lattice

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    We study the zero temperature phase diagram of hardcore bosons on the dual of the bowtie lattice. Two types of striped diagonal long-range order (striped order I and striped order II) are discussed. A state with type-II striped order and superfluidity is found, even without nearest-neighbor repulsion. The emergence of such a state is due to the inhomogeneity and the anisotropy of the lattice structure. However, neither the translational symmetry nor the symmetry between sublattices of the original lattice is broken. In this paper, we restrict a 'solid state' of lattice bosons as a diagonal long-range ordered state breaking either the translational symmetry of the original lattice or the symmetry of different sublattices. We thus name such a phase a striped superfluid phase (SSF). In the presence of a nearest-neighbor repulsion, we find two striped charge density wave phases(SCDW I and II) with boson density ρ=1/2\rho=1/2 (with striped order I) and ρ=2/3\rho=2/3 (with striped order II) respectively, when the hopping amplitude is small compared with the repulsion. The SCDW I state is a solid, in which the translational symmetry of the original lattice is broken. We observe a rather special first-order phase transition showing an interesting multi-loop hysteresis phenomenon between the two SCDW phases when the hopping term is small enough. This can be accounted for by the special degeneracy of the ground states near the classical limit. The SSF re-appears outside the two SCDW phases. The transition between the SCDW I and SSF phases is first order, while the transition between SCDW II and SSF phases is continuous. We find that the superfluid stiffness is anisotropic in the SSF states with and without repulsion. In the SSF with repulsion, the superfluid stiffness is subject to different types of anisotropy in the region near half filling and above 2/3-filling.Comment: 10 figure

    Sublattice extraordinary-log phase and new special point of the antiferromagnetic Potts model

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    We study the surface criticality of a three-dimensional classical antiferromagnetic Potts model, whose bulk critical behaviors belongs to the XY model because of emergent O(2) symmetry. We find that the surface antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighboring interactions can drive the extraordinary-log phase to the ordinary phase, the transition between the two phases belongs to the universality class of the well-known special transition of the XY model. Further strengthening the surface next-nearest neighboring interactions, the extraordinary-log phase reappears, but the main critical behaviors are dominated on the sublattices of the model; the special point between the ordinary phase and the sublattice extraordinary-log phase belongs to a new universality class.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Unsupervised machine learning for identifying phase transition using two-times clustering

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    In recent years, developing unsupervised machine learning for identifying phase transition is a research direction. In this paper, we introduce a two-times clustering method that can help select perfect configurations from a set of degenerate samples and assign the configuration with labels in a manner of unsupervised machine learning. These perfect configurations can then be used to train a neural network to classify phases. The derivatives of the predicted classification in the phase diagram, show peaks at the phase transition points. The effectiveness of our method is tested for the Ising, Potts, and Blume-Capel models. By using the ordered configuration from two-times clustering, our method can provide a useful way to obtain phase diagrams.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Effects of edge disorder in nano-scale antiferromagnetic clusters

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    We study the distribution of local magnetic susceptibilities in the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic S=1/2 Heisenberg model on various random clusters, in order to determine whether effects of edge disorder could be detected in NMR experiments (through the line shape, as given by the distribution of local Knight shifts). Although the effects depend strongly on the nature of the edge and the cluster size, our results indicate that line widths broader than the average shift should be expected even in clusters as large as 1000\approx 1000 lattice spacing in diameter. Experimental investigations of the NMR line width should give insights into the magnetic structure of the edges.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure