1,929 research outputs found

    Explanation of the ATLAS Z-peaked excess by squark pair production in the NMSSM

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    The ATLAS collaboration recently reported a 3σ3\sigma excess in the leptonic-Z+jets+ETmissZ+jets+E_{T}^{miss} channel. We intend to interpret this excess by squark pair production in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). The decay chain we employ is q~qχ~20qχ~10Z\tilde{q} \to q \tilde{\chi}_2^0 \to q \tilde{\chi}_1^0 Z, where χ~10\tilde{\chi}_1^0 and χ~20\tilde{\chi}_2^0 denote the lightest and the next-to-lightest neutralinos with singlino and bino as their dominant components respectively. Our simulations indicate that after considering the constraints from the ATLAS searches for jets+ETmissjets + E_{T}^{miss} signal the central value of the excess can be obtained for mq~1.2TeVm_{\tilde{q}} \lesssim 1.2 {\rm TeV}, and if the constraint from the CMS on-ZZ search is further considered, more than 10 signal events are still attainable for mq~750GeVm_{\tilde{q}} \lesssim 750 {\rm GeV}. Compared with the interpretation by gluino pair production, the squark explanation allows for a significantly wider range of mq~m_{\tilde{q}} as well as a less compressed SUSY mass spectrum. We also show that the squark explanation will be readily tested at the initial stage of the 14 TeV LHC.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Explanation of the ATLAS Z-peaked excess in the NMSSM

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    Recently the ATLAS collaboration reported a 3σ3\sigma excess in the leptonic-Z+jets+ETmissZ+jets+E_{T}^{miss} channel. This may be interpreted in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) by gluino pair production with the decay chain g~qqˉχ~20qqˉZχ~10\tilde{g} \to q \bar{q} \tilde{\chi}_2^0 \to q \bar{q} Z \tilde{\chi}_1^0, where χ~10\tilde{\chi}_1^0 and χ~20\tilde{\chi}_2^0 denote the lightest and the next-to-lightest neutralinos with singlino and bino as their dominant components respectively. After exploring the relevant parameter space of the NMSSM by considering the constraints from the ATLAS searches for jets+ETmissjets + E_{T}^{miss} signals, we conclude that the NMSSM is able to explain the excess at 1σ1 \sigma level with the number of the signal events reaching its measured central value in optimal cases, and the best explanation comes from a compressed spectrum such as mg~650GeVm_{\tilde{g}} \simeq 650 {\rm GeV}, mχ~20565GeVm_{\tilde{\chi}_2^0} \simeq 565 {\rm GeV} and mχ~10465GeVm_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0} \simeq 465 {\rm GeV}. We also check the consistency of the ATLAS results with the null result of the CMS on-ZZ search. We find that under the CMS limits at 95%95\% C.L., the event number of the ATLAS on-ZZ signal can still reach 11 in our scenario, which is about 1.2σ1.2 \sigma away from the measured central value.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Interpreting the galactic center gamma-ray excess in the NMSSM

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    In the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), all singlet-dominated particles including one neutralino, one CP-odd Higgs boson and one CP-even Higgs boson can be simultaneously lighter than about 100 GeV. Consequently, dark matter (DM) in the NMSSM can annihilate into multiple final states to explain the galactic center gamma-ray excess (GCE). In this work we take into account the foreground and background uncertainties for the GCE and investigate these explanations. We carry out a sophisticated scan over the NMSSM parameter space by considering various experimental constraints such as the Higgs data, BB-physics observables, DM relic desnity, LUX experiment and the dSphs constraints. Then for each surviving parameter point we perform a fit to the GCE spectrum by using the correlation matrix that incorporates both the statistical and systematic uncertainties of the measured excess. After examining the properties of the obtained GCE solutions, we conclude that the GCE can be well explained by the pure annihilations χ~10χ~10bbˉ\tilde{\chi}_1^0 \tilde{\chi}_1^0 \to b \bar{b} and χ~10χ~10A1Hi\tilde{\chi}_1^0 \tilde{\chi}_1^0 \to A_1 H_i with A1A_1 being the lighter singlet-dominated CP-odd Higgs boson and HiH_i denoting the singlet-dominated CP-even Higgs boson or SM-like Higgs boson, and it can also be explained by the mixed annihilation χ~10χ~10W+W,A1H1\tilde{\chi}_1^0 \tilde{\chi}_1^0 \to W^+ W^-, A_1 H_1. Among these annihilation channels, χ~10χ~10A1Hi\tilde{\chi}_1^0 \tilde{\chi}_1^0 \to A_1 H_i can provide the best interpretation with the corresponding pp-value reaching 0.55. We also discuss to what extent the future DM direct detection experiments can explore the GCE solutions and conclude that the XENON-1T experiment is very promising in testing nearly all the solutions.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Interpreting the 750 GeV diphoton excess by the singlet extension of the Manohar-Wise Model

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    The evidence of a new scalar particle XX from the 750 GeV diphoton excess, and the absence of any other signal of new physics at the LHC so far suggest the existence of new colored scalars, which may be moderately light and thus can induce sizable XggX g g and XγγX \gamma \gamma couplings without resorting to very strong interactions. Motivated by this speculation, we extend the Manohar-Wise model by adding one gauge singlet scalar field. The resulting theory then predicts one singlet dominated scalar ϕ\phi as well as three kinds of color-octet scalars, which can mediate through loops the ϕgg\phi gg and ϕγγ\phi \gamma \gamma interactions. After fitting the model to the diphoton data at the LHC, we find that in reasonable parameter regions the excess can be explained at 1σ1\sigma level by the process ggϕγγ g g \to \phi \to \gamma \gamma, and the best points predict the central value of the excess rate with χmin2=2.32\chi_{min}^2=2.32, which corresponds to a pp-value of 0.680.68. We also consider the constraints from various LHC Run I signals, and we conclude that, although these constraints are powerful in excluding the parameter space of the model, the best points are still experimentally allowed.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Psychological Stress Alters Ultrastructure and Energy Metabolism of Masticatory Muscle in Rats

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    To investigate the effects of psychological stress on the masticatory muscles of rats, a communication box was applied to induce the psychological stress (PS) in rats. The successful establishment of psychological stimulation was confirmed by elevated serum levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and changed behaviors in the elevated plusmaze apparatus. The energy metabolism of the bilateral masseter muscles was tested via chemocolorimetric analysis, whereas muscle ultrastructure was assessed by electron microscopy. In comparison to the control group, the PS group showed evidence of swollen mitochondria with cristae loss and reduced matrix density in the masticatory muscles after three weeks of stimulation; after five weeks of stimulation, severe vacuolar changes to the mitochondria were observed. Increased vascular permeability of the masticatory muscle capillaries was found in the five-week PS rats. In addition, there was decreased activity of Na+-K+ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase and a simultaneous increase in the activity of lactate dehydrogenase and lactic acid in the masticatory muscles of PS rats. Together, these results indicate that psychological stress induces alterations in the ultrastructure and energy metabolism of masticatory muscles in rats

    Quantum information masking of an arbitrary qudit can be realized in multipartite lower dimensional systems

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    Quantum information masking is a protocol that hides the original quantum information from subsystems and spreads it over quantum correlation, which is available to multipartite except bipartite systems. In this work, we explicitly study the quantum information masking in multipartite scenario and prove that all the k-level quantum states can be masked into a m-qudit systems (m > 4) whose local dimension d < k and the upper bound of k is tighter than the quantum Singleton bound. In order to observe the masking process intuitively, explicitly controlled operations are provided. Our scheme well demonstrates the abundance of quantum correlation between multipartite quantum system and has potential application in the security of quantum information processing

    Deviation analysis of rotational inertia measurement based on torsion bar method

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    The test of moment of inertia has a wide range of applications in aerospace, vehicle engineering, precision machinery, motors and other fields, moment of inertia directly affects the reliability and performance of components or equipment, it is very essential to test the moment of inertia. By analyzing the principle of moment of inertia test, we could come to the conclusion that the theoretical value, the inertia of the disk, the period of the torsion swing of the standard body and the period of the empty disk of the moment of inertia and the moment of inertia of the standard body. By analyzing the measurement error, position error and damping during the test, we could reach the following conclusion that the test accuracy of the moment of inertia can reach 0.1 %

    From Decolonial to the Postcolonial: Trauma of an Unfinished Agenda

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    Expression stability of the candidate reference genes under different conditions. (DOCX 13 kb