58 research outputs found

    Investigation of 3D particle flow in a flighted rotating drum

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    [EN] o validate the particle motion in flighted rotating drum (FRD), a laboratory FRD was built and operated at 15% filling degree and 10 rpm rotation speed using plastic balls as bed material. The particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) and magnetic particle tracking (MPT) techniques were applied to investigate the particle flow behavior. The 3D particle flow was modeled by Discrete Element Method (DEM) with LIGGGHTS. The height of the barycenter of all overall particles and particle instantaneous velocity were calculated from PTV and DEM data. The 3D time-averaged particle velocity distributions obtained from MPT experiment and DEM simulation were compared.Zhang, L.; Weigler, F.; Jiang, Z.; Idakiev, V.; Mörl, L.; Mellmann, J.; Tsotsas, E. (2018). Investigation of 3D particle flow in a flighted rotating drum. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 253-260. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7389OCS25326

    A FEN 1-driven DNA walker-like reaction coupling with magnetic bead-based separation for specific SNP detection

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    Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) plays a key role in the carcinogenesis of the human genome, and understanding the intrinsic relationship between individual genetic variations and carcinogenesis lies heavily in the establishment of a precise and sensitive SNP detection platform. Given this, a powerful and reliable SNP detection platform is proposed by a flap endonuclease 1 (FEN 1)-driven DNA walker-like reaction coupling with a magnetic bead (MB)-based separation. A carboxyfluorescein (FAM)-labeled downstream probe (DP) was decorated on a streptavidin magnetic bead (SMB). The target DNA, as a walker strand, was captured by hybridization with DP and an upstream probe (UP) to form a three-base overlapping structure and execute the walking function on the surface of SMB. FEN 1 was employed to specifically recognize the three-base overlapping structure and cut the 5′flap at the SNP site to report the walking event and signal amplification. Considering the fact that the fluorescence was labeled on the cleavage and uncleavage sequences of DP and the target DNA-triggered walking event was undistinguishable from the mixtures, magnetic separation came in handy for cleavage probe (CP) isolation and discrimination of the amplified signal from the background signal. In comparison with the conventional DNA walker reaction, this strategy was coupling with SMB-based separation, thus promising a powerful and reliable method for SNP detection and signal amplification

    Modulation Mode Recognition Method of Non-Cooperative Underwater Acoustic Communication Signal Based on Spectral Peak Feature Extraction and Random Forest

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    The modulation mode recognition of non-cooperative underwater acoustic (UWA) communication signal faces great challenges due to the influence of the UWA channel and the demand for efficient recognition. This work proposes a recognition method for UWA orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), binary frequency shift keying (2FSK), four-frequency shift keying (4FSK), and eight-frequency shift keying (8FSK) by using spectral peak feature extraction combined with random forest (RF). First, a new spectral peak feature extraction method is proposed. In this method, pre-processing, waveform optimization, and feature extraction are used to ensure that the extracted feature maintains high robustness in the UWA channel. Then, we designed an RF classifier that can meet the demand for high-efficiency recognition and good performance. Finally, simulation and experimental results verified the feasibility of the recognition method

    SIPA1 promotes angiogenesis by regulating VEGF secretion in Müller cells through STAT3 activation

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a prevalent complication of diabetes that can lead to vision loss. The chronic hyperglycemia associated with DR results in damage to the retinal microvasculature. Müller cells, as a kind of macroglia, play a crucial role in regulating the retinal vascular microenvironment. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of signal-induced proliferation-associated protein 1 (SIPA1) in regulating angiogenesis in Müller cells. Through proteomics, database analysis, endothelial cell function tests, and Western blot detection, we observed an up-regulation of SIPA1 expression in Müller cells upon high glucose stimulation. SIPA1 expression contributed to VEGF secretion in Müller cells and regulated the mobility of retinal vascular endothelial cells. Further investigation of the dependence of SIPA1 on VEGF secretion revealed that SIPA1 activated the phosphorylation STAT3, leading to its translocation into the nucleus. Overexpression of SIPA1 combined with the STAT3 inhibitor STATTIC demonstrated the regulation of SIPA1 in VEGF expression, dependent on STAT3 activation. These findings suggest that SIPA1 promotes the secretion of pro-angiogenic factors in Müller cells by activating the STAT3 signaling pathway, thereby highlighting SIPA1 as a potential therapeutic target for DR

    The Study on Numerical Simulation and Experiments of Four Product Hydrocyclone with Double Vortex Finders

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    A hydrocyclone is an instrument that can effectively separate multi-phase mixtures of particles with different densities or sizes based on centrifugal sedimentation principles. However, conventional hydrocyclones lead to two products only, resulting in an over-wide particle size range that does not meet the requirements of subsequent operations. In this article, a two-stage series, a four product hydrocyclone is proposed. The first stage hydrocyclone is designed to be a coaxial double overflow pipe: under the effect of separation, fine particles are discharged from the internal overflow pipe, while medium-size particles are discharged from external overflow pipe before entering the second stage hydrocyclone for fine sedimentation. In other words, one-stage grading leads to four products, including the first stage underflow, the first stage overflow, the second stage underflow, and the second stage overflow. The effects of structural parameters and operational parameters on flow field distribution in hydrocyclone were investigated via a study of flow field distribution in multi-product hydrocyclones using numerical simulations. The application of four product hydrocyclone in iron recovery shows that the grade and recovery of iron concentrate exceed 65.08% and 86.14%, respectively. This study provides references for understanding the flow field distribution in hydrocyclones and development of multi-product grading instrument in terms of both theory and industrial applications

    Modulation Mode Recognition Method of Non-Cooperative Underwater Acoustic Communication Signal Based on Spectral Peak Feature Extraction and Random Forest

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    The modulation mode recognition of non-cooperative underwater acoustic (UWA) communication signal faces great challenges due to the influence of the UWA channel and the demand for efficient recognition. This work proposes a recognition method for UWA orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), binary frequency shift keying (2FSK), four-frequency shift keying (4FSK), and eight-frequency shift keying (8FSK) by using spectral peak feature extraction combined with random forest (RF). First, a new spectral peak feature extraction method is proposed. In this method, pre-processing, waveform optimization, and feature extraction are used to ensure that the extracted feature maintains high robustness in the UWA channel. Then, we designed an RF classifier that can meet the demand for high-efficiency recognition and good performance. Finally, simulation and experimental results verified the feasibility of the recognition method

    Classification Performance of a Novel Hydraulic Classifier Equipped with a W-Shaped Reflector

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    In the present research, we propose the use of a novel hydraulic classifier equipped with a W-shaped reflector to enhance classification performance. The effects of the structural dimensions of a W-shaped reflector on the flow field of a classifier and its classification performance were investigated using numerical simulations and experiments. The results demonstrate that the reflection of the W-shaped reflector results in the return of the feed material back to the classification cavity. After this, the materials are mixed with a rising water flow in order to avoid the settlement of particles. Thus, the particles can stay longer in the classification cavity, facilitating the generation of a suspension bed and effectively improving the classification efficiency and accuracy. Our data indicates that the overall classification efficiency of the classifier embedded with the W-shaped reflector was 11.19% higher than that of a traditional classifier. Our results provide a reference for classifier optimization
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