29,274 research outputs found

    Oblique Long Waves on Beach and Induced Longshore Current

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    This study considers the 3D runup of long waves on a uniform beach of constant or variable downward slope that is connected to an open ocean of uniform depth. An inviscid linear long-wave theory is applied to obtain the fundamental solution for a uniform train of sinusoidal waves obliquely incident upon a uniform beach of variable downward slope without wave breaking. For waves at nearly grazing incidence, runup is significant only for the waves in a set of eigenmodes being trapped within the beach at resonance with the exterior ocean waves. Fourier synthesis is employed to analyze a solitary wave and a train of cnoidal waves obliquely incident upon a sloping beach, with the nonlinear and dispersive effects neglected at this stage. Comparison is made between the present theory and the ray theory to ascertain a criterion of validity. The wave-induced longshore current is evaluated by finding the Stokes drift of the fluid particles carried by the momentum of the waves obliquely incident upon a sloping beach. Currents of significant velocities are produced by waves at incidence angles about 45 [degrees] and by grazing waves trapped on the beach. Also explored are the effects of the variable downward slope and curvature of a uniform beach on 3D runup and reflection of long waves

    Estimating China’s Energy and Environmental Productivity Efficiency: A Parametric Hyperbolic Distance Function Approach

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    Since the beginning of this century, China’s annual GDP growth is over 9%. This growth is fueled by large increases in energy consumption, led by a coal-dominated energy structure, and associated with higher sulfur dioxide emissions and industry dust. In 2008, China accounted for over 17% of the world’s total primary energy consumption and accounts for nearly three-quarters of global energy growth. At an average annual energy growth rate over 12% since 2000, China’s future share of primary energy consumption will continue to increase. A consequence of this growth is China becoming the global leader in sulfur and carbon dioxide emissions. To deal with these energy and environmental challenges, the government set energy saving and pollution reduction target objectives in the 11th Five Year Plan (2006-2010): relative to 2005 by 2010, saving national energy use per unit of GDP by 20% and reducing the country’s primary pollution emissions by 10%. These targets were then disaggregated into energy saving targets for each province. With this disaggregated scheme, similar to country’s target, 20 provinces were assigned a 20% energy saving target, seven provinces were assigned targets below 20%, varying from 12% to 17%, and four provinces were given targets above 20%. These allocation were generally not guided by technical or economic efficiency, and thus may not be optimal from the perspectives of equity and efficiency. Historically less energy efficiency provinces may have more potential to reduce their energy consumption and pollution emissions, while higher efficiency provinces may have less potential. The major objective is to determine the optimal targets for each province required to comply with the national Five Year Plan target. A comparison of the estimated optimal with the current government targets will then reveal the value of incorporating economic theory into the decision calculation of setting disaggregate targets. Determining optimal targets requires consideration of both desirable and undesirable comes from alternative feasible targets. An objective is then to delineate these comes as criterion for selection. The procedure employed is a parametric hyperbolic distance function approach with a translog specification. This procedure provides the flexibility of using energy, labor, and capital stock as inputs to produce the desirable output (GDP) and the undesirable output (sulfur dioxide emissions). The procedure will address the objectives by simultaneously estimating both the desirable and undesirable comes. Specifically, the production frontier and environmental productivity efficiency are estimated for each province. The hyperbolic distance function enables the estimation of efficiency scores by incorporating all types of inputs and outputs, and only requires information on input and outputs quantities but not on prices, making it possible to model the emissions in the production process, given nonmarket characteristics of emissions. Based on these parametric estimations, the optimal targets are determined. The trajectory of obtaining these optimal targets for each province is determined by estimating how each province can improve its productive performance through increasing its desirable output and reducing its undesirable output, while simultaneously saving energy inputs. The results provide an empirical measurement of energy efficiency with maximum potential of energy saving for each province at a given technology considering the diverse economic, industry, and energy consumption patterns in the provinces. With a panel data of 29 provinces in China from 2000-2007, the hyperbolic distance function allows us to measure environmental productivity change over time, and then decompose this environmental productivity change into efficiency change, which is the movement toward the frontier, and technical change, which is the shift of the frontier. These further analyses help us identify potential different contributions of productivity growth for each province in China, and examine how the energy saving program will affect the environmental productivity growth for each province.environmental productivity efficiency, hyperbolic distance function, China's energy policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Productivity Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Probing the topcolor-assisted technicolor model via the single t-quark production at Hadron colliders

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    In this paper, we systematically study the contribution of the TC2 model to the single t-quark production at the Hadron colliders, specially at the LHC. The TC2 model can contribute to the cross section of the single t-quark production in two different ways. First, the existence of the top-pions and top-higgs can modify the WtbWtb coupling via their loop contributions, and such modification can cause the correction to the cross sections of all three production modes. Our study shows that this kind of correction is negative and very small in all cases. Thus it is difficult to observe such correction even at the LHC. On the other hand, there exist the tree-level FC couplings in the TC2 model which can also contribute to the cross sections of the tqtq and tbˉt\bar{b} production processes. The resonant effect can greatly enhance the cross sections of the tqtq and tbˉt\bar{b} productions. The first evidence of the single t-quark production has been reported by the D0D0 collaboration and the measured cross section for the single t-quark production of σ(ppˉtb+X,tqb+X)\sigma(p\bar{p}\to tb+X,tqb+X) is compatible at the 10% level with the standard model prediction. Because the light top-pion can make great contribution to the tbˉt\bar{b} production, the top-pion mass should be very large in order to make the predicted cross section in the TC2 model be consistent with the Tevatron experiments. More detailed information about the top-pion mass and the FC couplings in the TC2 model should be obtained with the running of the LHC.Comment: 30 pages, 3 tables, 10 figure

    Reversibility and Improved Hydrogen Release of Magnesium Borohydride

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    Desorption and subsequent rehydrogenation of Mg(BH_4)_2 with and without 5 mol % TiF_3 and ScCl_3 have been investigated. Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) experiments revealed a significant increase in the rate of desorption as well as the weight percentage of hydrogen released with additives upon heating to 300 °C. Stable Mg(B_xH_y)_n intermediates were formed at 300 °C, whereas MgB_2 was the major product when heated to 600 °C. These samples were then rehydrogenated and subsequently characterized with powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD), Raman, and NMR spectroscopy. We confirmed significant conversion of MgB_2 to fully hydrogenated Mg(BH_4)_2 for the sample with and without additives. TPD and NMR studies revealed that the additives have a significant effect on the reaction pathway during both dehydrogenation and rehydrogenation reactions. This work suggests that the use of additives may provide a valid pathway for improving intrinsic hydrogen storage properties of magnesium borohydride

    Zero mode effect in the 1+1^{-+} four quark states

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    We calculate the masses of the 1+1^{-+} four quark states which decay dominantly into ρπ\rho\pi and ηπ\eta\pi respectively by QCD sum rules approach. We include the zero mode contribution and find it plays an important role in the sum rules. We predict that the masses of the states ηπ\eta\pi and ρπ\rho\pi both are 1.4-1.5 GeV. This is close to the experimental candidates π1(1370)\pi_1(1370) and π1(1440)\pi_1(1440).Comment: 5 pages, 4 Postscript figure