375 research outputs found

    Leveraging Instance Features for Label Aggregation in Programmatic Weak Supervision

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    Programmatic Weak Supervision (PWS) has emerged as a widespread paradigm to synthesize training labels efficiently. The core component of PWS is the label model, which infers true labels by aggregating the outputs of multiple noisy supervision sources abstracted as labeling functions (LFs). Existing statistical label models typically rely only on the outputs of LF, ignoring the instance features when modeling the underlying generative process. In this paper, we attempt to incorporate the instance features into a statistical label model via the proposed FABLE. In particular, it is built on a mixture of Bayesian label models, each corresponding to a global pattern of correlation, and the coefficients of the mixture components are predicted by a Gaussian Process classifier based on instance features. We adopt an auxiliary variable-based variational inference algorithm to tackle the non-conjugate issue between the Gaussian Process and Bayesian label models. Extensive empirical comparison on eleven benchmark datasets sees FABLE achieving the highest averaged performance across nine baselines.Comment: 16 page

    AcTune: Uncertainty-aware Active Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Active Learning with Pretrained Language Models

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    While pre-trained language model (PLM) fine-tuning has achieved strong performance in many NLP tasks, the fine-tuning stage can be still demanding in labeled data. Recent works have resorted to active fine-tuning to improve the label efficiency of PLM fine-tuning, but none of them investigate the potential of unlabeled data. We propose {\ours}, a new framework that leverages unlabeled data to improve the label efficiency of active PLM fine-tuning. AcTune switches between data annotation and model self-training based on uncertainty: it selects high-uncertainty unlabeled samples for active annotation and low-uncertainty ones for model self-training. Under this framework, we design (1) a region-aware sampling strategy that reduces redundancy when actively querying for annotations and (2) a momentum-based memory bank that dynamically aggregates the model's pseudo labels to suppress label noise in self-training. Experiments on 6 text classification datasets show that AcTune outperforms the strongest active learning and self-training baselines and improves the label efficiency of PLM fine-tuning by 56.2\% on average. Our implementation will be available at \url{https://github.com/yueyu1030/actune}.Comment: NAACL 2022 Main Conference (Code: https://github.com/yueyu1030/actune

    Adaptive Ranking-based Sample Selection for Weakly Supervised Class-imbalanced Text Classification

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    To obtain a large amount of training labels inexpensively, researchers have recently adopted the weak supervision (WS) paradigm, which leverages labeling rules to synthesize training labels rather than using individual annotations to achieve competitive results for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, data imbalance is often overlooked in applying the WS paradigm, despite being a common issue in a variety of NLP tasks. To address this challenge, we propose Adaptive Ranking-based Sample Selection (ARS2), a model-agnostic framework to alleviate the data imbalance issue in the WS paradigm. Specifically, it calculates a probabilistic margin score based on the output of the current model to measure and rank the cleanliness of each data point. Then, the ranked data are sampled based on both class-wise and rule-aware ranking. In particular, the two sample strategies corresponds to our motivations: (1) to train the model with balanced data batches to reduce the data imbalance issue and (2) to exploit the expertise of each labeling rule for collecting clean samples. Experiments on four text classification datasets with four different imbalance ratios show that ARS2 outperformed the state-of-the-art imbalanced learning and WS methods, leading to a 2%-57.8% improvement on their F1-score